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The Witches Of Pendle
During this holiday,I have read a book named The Witches Of Pendle.
At first,I like this book very much,because this story happened in England which is my favorite country.
This book is talk about a story of witches:
In 1700,there were many people believed witches in England.The witch may be an old woman or a young girl—Sometimes a man or a little boy!People were all afraid of them,because they can kill people by cursing!
Jennet Device was a girl who lives in England.She was nine years old.She had no shoes and was very hungry because her family was very poor.And the people in her family were all witches:her grandmother Old Demdike,her mother Zlizebeth ,her sister Alizon and her brother James!Oh,an unlucky girl!
One day,Jennet’s sister Alizon cursed an old man.So,her sister,her mother,her brother and her grandmother were caught to The Trial of the witches of Pendle .And then,Jennet lost her family—because they all killed people.
After I have read the book,I got very surprised:the witches can kill people!Why?Why dose England have these people?Why?They can have a good life but they’re not—because they are witches!Why do they curse the people?They want to the world?Oh!They are not begin again!
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