题目是:who am i
I’m a student, a normal student.
I’m not gold in other’s eyes, but I’d like to be myself truly.
I once sought to be a top student, but I failed in an exam.
I once made myself learn history carefully, but I kept sleeping in the next class.
I once wandered to see a beautiful rainbow, but the stream came first.
I once dreamed my colorful happy future, but I had to face the boring classes the next morning
Maybe, now, the life for me is just like sailing in the roaring waves, climbing up a high snow mountain, and walking across a large desert. I have to struggle for my own future, and I always believe that the peace ocean after the stream is the most fascinating, the view I see on the top of the mountain is the most beautiful, and the first oases I find in the desert is the most verdant
第二句是GOOD 不是GOLD把大致对了I once promise to be a student which every teacher likes,but it is too difficult for me.I once eager to earn money to help the parents ,but no one wants the children-not...
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