User exit for changing sales order during delivery
User exit for changing sales order during delivery
Hi All,Does anyone know if there is a user exit I can use to update a sales order when a delivery is created?When a delivery is created for a sales order,I need to check the delivery status of the order,and if it is 'partially delivered' to place a delivery block on the order header.The reasoning behind this is...We have certain 'No Back Order' customers who will only accept 1 delivery against each sales order (whether the order is completed or not).As the various items on an order could be split across serveral storage locations and shipping points,I need to block the sales order header for delivery after the first delivery is created so that no additional deliveries can be created at a second shipping point.Any help or ideas would be much appreciated ("complete delivery" is not an option as the complete order does not have to be despatched).Thanks,Tim
NavneetPartial delivery indicator B only affects the item and not the whole order.Consider a 2 line order with both lines with partial delivery indicator B.If avaliability check gives material availab...
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