一篇英语文章:Money is the root of all evils.句子简单点.
一篇英语文章:Money is the root of all evils.句子简单点.
If you look at the two most widely report news stories of recent times,the recession,and the MP expenses scandal,the root cause in both instances was money and the greed that it created.Money and wealth is the most dividing issue in history,with all revolutions generally being because the ruling classes have hidden money from the poor.If money did not cause this all encompassing selfishness,then the recession wouldnt have happened,foregin countries wouldnt be invaded for thier oil reserves,and people would be able to live in a much more harmonised peaceful world than they do currently.We also see that the economy is suffering behind greed.Many people think they can get money out of people and do whatever they can.For example,Steve Poizner while I was looking at T.V i heard he spend over 1.4 million dollars on buying cars showing that he was greedy and didn't care for the economy and he even increased his spendings by 14%.That's total greed and that's where people like us suffer behind it.
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