

Perhaps,the rebellious is only an excuse made by the youth to refuse the world,refuse their friends,refuse their families,and be isolated,they are loney in the dark,only to find themselves.A simple one song will be led to lost its taste by the spectrum-led and the mix-tune made by us ,leaving bitterness linger in the mindbehind.
Younger days is very short,or why in our younger days those elders are always gerrulous to tell us to cherish our youth every day.It should be proceed from the yonth which the 10-year-old Chinese children spent in school,
they have seldom truly enjoyed their youth ,and their elders have said:"Sweet is pleasure after pain" ,which is only the surface perfunctory of the matter.Because when they are ready to enjoy the "sweet",they also have to face many problems of survive,they are just to find an excuse to abandon the forthcoming "youth" which has been passing away,they have to struggle in the grey areas of the complex society.They try to picked up their "yongth" abandoned by themselves after they have prepared good condition for their remaining lives.However,all the things are too late,their face will full of the vicissitudes ,they are worried about the disease and the earthly troubles,they want to get away from them,but they can't.What they can do is just sigh out of frustration ,and then die with sadness ,Their sorrow even beyong the leaves'.
Youth is like leaves,maybe they are in full bloom,few,prosperous,or lonely.When the spring coming,the green leaves are the intertwined net of the seasons.And who can think about that,there are also some deciduous leaves in this season,it should be the leaving of the young lives one by one.But the forest will not lack of color because of the leaving of a few less-green leaves ,the spreaded green,a soft breeze,they are like our youth,we lost ourselves in their enchantment,what makes us impressed is the spreaded green and the spirit and soul.there are people the United States and ecstasy,just remember that one green and one soul.The leaves have become more exuberant by summer,they have endless vitality,and we are like them,however,then we also face to a crossroads,if we take the wrong step,then we will fall into the autumn which is uncultivated.But there is one day,you have to meet the autumn,because the God is fair,he would not nostalgic any one person.At this time,the leaves are not able to suffer from the training of the years,they fall in rotation,and it will never return to the tree it once belongs to,because there are many young lives are given birth to .
What can it do is just crying on the ground ,till it is combined with the dust and integration,and being without a trace in the world .
People's life,perhaps it is very slim,but its existence is not just for leaving traces,the most moving part is the process of the life.In the process,what you feel,is also add a spectrum to your life,you can compose a complete song only by depending on it.If isolated,it will not be complete melodies,lacking of the notes of life.
This is a very long song,I only compose half of it,it will always be with joy and trouble,and in this process,
I have harvested the character,dignity,morality…… which I can't learn about from the secondary school to university.The rainbow of paradise in the dream ia not far from us ,it is the distance between the eyes and hearts.Only we knows how to be a man can we reach the other side,touch the well-being.
I want to dedicated the melodie which is not complete to my friends and I,I wish we all live a happy life in the world.


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