Dear Yang Sir,
Thank you for your response.We appreciate your cooperation,and our client shares your desire to resolve this matter amicably.However,we must request that you clarify the basis for your use and registration of the domain name www.jboss.biz.Our understanding,based on your email and our own translation,is that the name of your company is pronounced "ja-boo" or "jay-boo." Therefore,it is difficult to understand why it would be necessary for your company to register a domain name that incorporates the letters "ss" and is identical to our client's JBOSS trademark.It would appear to be more appropriate for your company to register and use a domain name that utilizes the proper spelling and/pronunciation of your company's name.Again,as explained previously,we are concerned that your use of the "jboss.biz" domain name will cause consumer confusion with respect to our client's famous JBOSS mark.
Accordingly,we would appreciate it if you would clarify the basis for your use and registration of the domain name www.jboss.biz.We are hopeful that we may reach an amicable resolution in this matter by which your company would agree to utilize a different domain to promote its goods and services,thereby avoiding the likelihood of consumer confusion.We also reiterate our request that your company transfer the domain "jboss.biz" to our client.We look forward to receiving your response.
Kindest Regards,
Emily Mechem
Emily S.Mechem*
Arent Fox LLP | 1050 Connecticut Avenue,NW
Washington,DC 20036-5339
202.857.6311 Direct | 202.857.6395 Fax
mechem.emily@arentfox.com | www.arentfox.com
*Admitted only in Massachusetts.Supervised by Principals of the Firm.
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Sent:Friday,December 08,2006 9:00 AM
Subject:Re:Unauthorized Use of JBoss Trademarks
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