A visit to shanghai 要符合要求,When did you visit there? How did you get there?
A visit to shanghai 要符合要求,When did you visit there? How did you get there?
Who did you get there with? Where did you visit? What did you see? What did you do? How did you feel? 写得好的加分!
This summer,i flew to Shanghai with my friend Kofi.When we arrived at our hotle,we found the environment was very clean and beautiful.The next morning we went the Huangpu River.It is a busy river,so it is not so clean.But on the other hand,we can see the prosperity of big Shanghai.In the evening,we returned to the hotel and made other plans about our travelling.After 7days of our trip,we two felt,East or west,home is the best.So,no matter how developed Shanghai is,my hometown is the best.
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