初三英语完型填空 请越快越好,
初三英语完型填空 请越快越好,
In America some people say they have an answer to the problems of car crowding and pollution.In many cities,hundreds of people ride bikes to work every day.In New York,some bike riders have even made a group “Bike for a Better City”.They say if more people ride bikes to work,there will be fewer cars and less dirty air.For several years this group has tried to get help for bikes riders.They want to have special roads for bikes only,because when bike riders use the same roads as car drivers,there may be accidents.Bike for a Better City feels if there are bike roads,more people will use bikes.
But no bike roads have been ready yet.Not everyone thinks it is a good idea.
Drivers don’t like it,and some shop owners don’t,either.And most people live too far from the city to work by bike.Still something has been done about it.On Saturdays and Sundays,the largest open park in New York is closed to cars,and the roads may be used by bikes only,but the group still says t
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