A grown-up person has ten or eleven pints(品脱) of blood inside his or her body.We can lose a pint of blood without feeling anything,but if we lose a great deal of blood,we feel weak and cold.Our faces become pale.We may die.This is what often happen when somebody is hurt in an accident(事故) or a soldier is hurt in a battle.Many people used to die in this way.But nowadays(当今) they can be taken to the hospital.If they are given more blood at once,they will feel better.Their faces are no longer pale.They do not die.Where does this blood come from?People who are healthy give some blood so that it can be used in this way.Every three months they go to a place where blood is collected.A special kind of needle(注射针) is put into the arm.It does not hurt.The blood runs through the needle and through a rubber tube(胶管) into a bottle.A pint of blood is taken in this way.Then the person who has given the blood drinks a cup of tea or coffee.He sits down for a few minutes.Then he feels quite well and goes off.Three months later he comes back and gives another pint.A person who gives blood in this way feels happy.He knows that his blood will be used to save someone's life.Perhaps one day he himself will need blood.When you are older,you may decide to give blood in this way.But you cannot do this until you are eighteen.91.There are ______ pints of blood in a grown-up body.A.eighteen B.no more than tenC.eleven D.about ten92.When people who have lost a lot of blood are given more blood they ______ .A.slowly feel better B.feel weak and illC.become pale D.feel better very quickly93.When people give blood,the blood is collected in a ______ .A.needle B.bottle C.rubber tube D.cup94.A person who has given blood can give blood again after ______ .A.ten weeks B.drinking a cup of tea or coffeeC.three months D.eighteen months95.A person cannot give blood if he is ______ .A.unhappy B.over eleven C.under eighteen D.too old
91.D依据:A grown-up person has ten or eleven pints(品脱) of blood inside his or her body.92.A依据:If they are given more blood at once,they will feel better.93.B依据:The blood runs through the need...
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