I can see your face everywhere I look
But everywhere is nowhere without you
What seemed to be like days was just a moment in time
But it meant the world to me
Cos' I knew
What I'd been searching for all of my life
I had it right here in front of my eyes
What I had wished for was
Nothing compared to what I would be
If you're here with me
And if you never come back
And the day was all that we had
And if I wouldn't see tomorrow with you
In my eyes it won't matter
Because now I know what it's like to be loved
You are so far away but I feel you’re so near
It's like you’d never left me,never said goodbye
I can hear your voice in the crowd
I can feel your touch me right now
I can see your smile when I close my eyes
And I hold on to that every night
To help me understand when I ask myself
Why of all the people who are there
Just to be with me,to share all the sorrow
And if you never come back
And the day was all that we had
And if I wouldn't see tomorrow with you
In my eyes it won't matter
Because now I know what it's like to be loved
What a beautiful thing,to feel your love within
Like a child outside in the sunshine on the first day of spring
Just to know this is true
There is someone like you
Who can make me believe
There is nothing I can't do
And if you never come back
And the day was all that we had
And if I wouldn't see tomorrow with you
In my eyes it won't matter
Because now I know what it's like to be loved
楼下的一看就知道不是自己翻译的 是那个网站直接翻译出来的
似乎是的但是它对我意谓世界Cos' 根本不通
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