能帮我改下作文?要求给句子润润色,爱问知识的人 Dear j
能帮我改下作文?要求给句子润润色,爱问知识的人 Dear j
能帮我改下作文?要求给句子润润色,爱问知识的人 Dear jane
Thank you for your lettet and the photo of your family.Recently i sent you a photo of my family and you asked why i didn't have any siblings.The reasons are as follows.First .As you know.the population of china is growing very fast.Second .in order to control the repaid increasing of population.the govement of china begun to carry out the family programmewhich only child for each couple in 1980s.as a result most family have only one child.
Dear Jane,Thank you for your letter and the family photo of yours.You asked me why I didn't have any siblings in recent letter regarding the family photo I sent you.It's basically the result of China'...
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