帮忙写几个作文!⒈怎么计划一下过自己的暑假,60的词左右 ⒉写一下中国的传统节日,中秋节,介绍一个中国人的习俗 ⒊昨天晚上(星期天)你们举办了一个欢迎晚会,欢迎来学校任教的两名美国人,你们在一起唱歌跳
帮忙写几个作文!⒈怎么计划一下过自己的暑假,60的词左右 ⒉写一下中国的传统节日,中秋节,介绍一个中国人的习俗 ⒊昨天晚上(星期天)你们举办了一个欢迎晚会,欢迎来学校任教的两名美国人,你们在一起唱歌跳舞.每个作文20分.3个全部回答 +100分
1.I want to have my summer holiday not that busy as I am at school. In that time, taking a good rest may be the better for me. Because I feel the courses I am taking are not very easy, so I have to work hard. Now, I am tired, and the only thing for me is relaxing! 2.Mid-autumn Day is a traditonal festival for all the Chinese people. During this festival, people will miss their family so much and they usually go back home to have a family reunion. Like Thanksgiving in American, Mid-autumn Day means a lot for the Chinese, family become more important in people's mind in that special day. We often have mooncakes in that day as a traditon. Do you know why? The answer is mooncake is round as the moon. When having mooncakes, people like to sit under the moonlight and appreciate the beautiful sight view. 3. Yesterday, we hold a party for our new foreign teachers from America. They would teach English in our school, and this was their first time to China. They could speak few Chinese, so we communicated with each other in English. We sang some simple English songs and we danced. We felt so happy.
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