.Accidents at home can be prevented.2.One of the most common and most dangerous cause is wrong a...
.Accidents at home can be prevented.2.One of the most common and most dangerous cause is wrong a...
.Accidents at home can be prevented.2.One of the most common and most dangerous cause is wrong and careless use of eletrical equipment.3.In spite of warning,one may carry an electric heater intothe bathroom when he is going in have a bath.4.Sometimes one may forget to turn off the power whem mending alamp or something else.5.All of these can cause a variety of accidents.6.So the rule about anything that works by electricity is:if necessary,switch electrical equipment off beforeyou touch it and don't pretend you know when you actually don't.的下一节是什么快点
But what should we do when accidents at home happened!one by one
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