Do you know the word "satellite" got the meaning "armed guard"?Here is 1 about it.The 2 was first us
Do you know the word "satellite" got the meaning "armed guard"?Here is 1 about it.The 2 was first used in ancient Rome.Rome,3 you know,was the capital of the Roman Empire and the center of 4 civilization for about a thousand years.But economic problems came one 5 another,government changed very 6 ,and many people did not 7 laws.The power of the Empire became 8 .At last it got so bad that safety 9 not be guaranteed (保证).Many VIPs 10 not walk in the streets of the city 11 bodyguards.These armed 12 were called "satellites".Hundreds of years passed.In 1611 Galileo 13 that there were some strange bodies 14 around Jupiter,15 the guards surrounding (围在……周围 ) a VIP,or a prince,or a 16 .But Galileo did not know how to call the bodies.Then Kepler (凯普,德国天文学家) 17 them.He 18 the satellites in the Roman Empire 19 gave them that name.Since then the word 20 all over the world.( )
1.A.expression B.a word C.a story D.a saying( )
2.A.story B.word C.satellite D.meaning( )
3.A.where B.that C
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