Taiyuan --'Metropolis of Cathy' Taiyuan is the capital of Shanxi Province.Ideally situated in the Taiyuan Basin in the central part of the province,it is bordered by the Taihang Mountains in the east and the Luliang Mountains in the west.The Fenhe River flows through the city.Taiyuan has grown into a booming industrial city in the past few decades.Its network of railway lines provides a link to all parts of the country,and its coal and steel industries occupy an important position in China's industries system.The turbulent history of Taiyuan can be traced back to the Spring and Autumn Period more that two thousand years ago.But it was not until the Tang Dynasty,about one thousand years ago,that Taiyuan really became Known as a "metropolis of Cathay." The first empress in Chinese history,Wu Zetian (624-705),was born here.When she came to power,she appointed Minister Cui Shenqing as governor of Bingzhou (Taiyuan).He was instructed to have a bridge built over the Fenhe River to connect the towns of Xicheng (West City) and Dongcheng (East city),making Taiyuan a true metropolis.With its mountains and its river,Taiyuan was an important military town for which war strategists of various dynasties contested.For more than a thousand years,many battles were fought here.In A.D.975 Zhao Guanyi of the Song Dynasty dispatched 400,000 troops to conquer Taiyuan.In view of the fact that local forces of various dynasties often set up separatist regimes by force of arms,he had the town burned down completely because of what he believed were "unduly great ambitions to rule here." Seven years later (A.D.982),general Li Mei of the Song Dynasty began the reconstruction of the town,establishing the city of Taiyuan as we know it today.Memorial T
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