While a boy at Wylam,George led the ordinary life of working-people's children.He played about the doors ; went bird-nesting when he could ; and ran errands to the village.In course of time he was promoted to the office of carrying his father's dinner to him while at work ; and he helped to nurse his younger brothers and sisters at home,for in the poor man's dwelling every hand must early be turned to useful account.None of the children ever went to school ; the family was too poor,and food too dear,to admit of that.One of the duties of the elder children was to see that the younger ones were kept out of the way of the chaldron waggons,which were then dragged by horses along the wooden tramroad immediately in front of the cottage door.Wooden railways were early used in Northumberland; and this at Wylam was destined to be the first on which a locomotive engine travelled regularly between the coal-pit and the loading-quay.At the time,however,of which we speak,locomotives had scarcely been dreamt of; horses were still the only tractive power ; and one of the daily sights of young Stephenson was the coal-waggons dragged by their means along this wooden railway at Wylam.
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