Nature of the Work [About this section] Back to Top
Engineers apply the principles of science and mathematics to develop economical solutions to technical problems.Their work is the link between perceived social needs and commercial applications.
Engineers consider many factors when developing a new product.For example,in developing an industrial robot,engineers precisely specify the functional requirements; design and test the robot抯 components; integrate the components to produce the final design; and evaluate the design抯 overall effectiveness,cost,reliability,and safety.This process applies to the development of many different products,such as chemicals,computers,gas turbines,helicopters,and toys.
In addition to design and development,many engineers work in testing,production,or maintenance.These engineers supervise production in factories,determine the causes of component failure,and test manufactured products to maintain quality.They also estimate the time and cost to complete projects.Some move into engineering management or into sales.In sales,an engineering background enables them to discuss technical aspects and assist in product planning,installation,and use.Supervisory engineers are responsible for major components or entire projects.(See the statements on sales engineers and engineering and natural sciences managers elsewhere in the Handbook.)
Engineers use computers extensively to produce and analyze designs; to simulate and test how a machine,structure,or system operates; and to generate specifications for parts.Many engineers also use computers to monitor product quality and control process efficiency.The field of nanotechnology,which involves the creation of high-performance materials and components by integrating atoms and molecules,also is introducing entirely new principles to the design process.
Most engineers specialize.This section provides details on the 17 engineering specialties covered in the Federal Government抯 Standard Occupational Classification system and on engineering in general.Numerous specialties are recognized by professional societies,and the major branches of engineering have numerous subdivisions.Some examples include structural and transportation engineering,which are subdivisions of civil engineering; and ceramic,metallurgical,and polymer engineering,which are subdivisions of materials engineering.Engineers also may specialize in one industry,such as motor vehicles,or in one type of technology,such as turbines or semiconductor materials.
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