Duchamp on art is sure is also negative, he destroyed everything at the same time he art opens a new path, now like pop, performance art, conceptual art and other art from the Duchamp spirit embodied. After modern art has become various, traditional art, and the people to the authority worship begins to dissolve. Art began to move to a new period, Duchamp has played a very important role, if not him, it's hard to imagine today's art would be a kind of situation.. Duchamp 's artistic thought very important feature is that negation, suspect everything. We know from many of his works are able to see his thought is often varied, he had no particular style, even in the same period the style of his works is also completely different. Postmodernism is also inherited Duchamp's this denial attitude, which makes his works has a strong creative, as postmodern art style is complex and changeful. This is the postmodernism characteristics. Of course, Duchamp's readymades is we have to mention, because it is the Duchamp thought a resolution and performance, it is in this art under the stimulation of modern art to the development, that is, the postmodernism art rapid development, and gradually towards a pluralistic, covers and the evolution of a variety of art, like ( performance art, pop, art, land art, happenings ) etc.. Of course, there are many outstanding artists, contemporary art added new vitality and development space. See now the development of art, art and life, art and the perfect combination of science, we should appreciate the great artist.
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