Jim is developing software for automating the slot booking process for a video game parlor.Customers
Jim is developing software for automating the slot booking process for a video game parlor.Customers fill the Booking Request form with the details of the game ,such as the name,number of players,and complexity level .They hand over the form to the booking officer at the parlor.Depending on the availability; the booking officer reserves the time slots and the play station for customers.
Identify the involved classes and objects ,and their attributes.Wrtie methods in the class to accept the game details and store the values in a variable.
public class GameInfo{
public string Name;
public int numberOfPlayers;
public int complexityLevel;
public class GameInfoProvider{
GameInfo _gi;
DateTime _timeSlots;
public void Reserve(GameInfo gi,DateTime timeSlots){
_gi = gi;
_timeSlots = timeSlots;
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