试用所给短语 写一篇100词左右的短文
(1)keep on asking my parents for money
(2)learn the value of money
(3)get along with others
(4)find it's good preparation for/get prepared for
(5)get a little bit working and social experience
This summer, I got a job at + ...(company/ Mcdonald / KFC) and served as a (+title).Firstly, I found it wonderful to live on my own: I don't need to ask my parents for money! I depend on myself, not on them any more. I have already become an grown-up person and have to be independent.
Secondly, through the part-time job, I learned the value of the money and became more economical. Just not to buy something expensive but not useful enough,like the marvelous souvenirs at some scenic spot which often cost people an arm and a leg .
The last point that is worth mentioning is , by working with other people with different backgrounds and values, I got a little bit working and social experience, especially learning how to get along with others well. Therefore, this experience can be a preparation for my first job.
In sum, I benifit a lot from the job!
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