I approve of the opinion presented giving assistances to those relatwely derived countries tends to escape them from temporary plight to some extent but in the long run,a wealth of detrimental consequences would like to emerge-which will ultimately outweigh the accompanying advantages .
As anyone who knows anything about that independence is proved to be the most indispensable charactertistic in terms of a country.Hence,receiving any forms of help from international community indicates a state has already submitted to its destiny and it also represents a loss of national self-esteem.Moreover,international assistances may provoke and sustain unclue dependence among impoverished nations-as they are able to get adequate necessarities without any arduous efforts-it is stark and obvious do more damage rather than relief,which tend to stifle their enthusiasm to develop.Besides which giving aids to poorer countries will danpen their citizens' confidence and incentive simnltaneously.One may be seriously deplessed and even hold a grudge towards his or her motherland due to the unsatisfaction accompanied with a sense of subordinate.
Conversely,notwithstanding the large number of adverse results associated with international assistance.It sometimes does affect needy countries positively.First and foremost,this kind of behavior tends to be so humane and benevoleut that every international citizen may experience a sense of humanism-which would like to angment internation harmony.Moreover,as too hostile the social as will as economic conditions a once the social as ueu as economic conditions of a needy country are too hostile itself to undertake,poor nation undertaking to address by itself,international aids will be highlighted under such circustances.However,all of the upsides of international help are not strong enough to outstrip the overall downsides.
To recapitulate,under no circumstances do derived states should depend on the international assistance if they are capable of combating the problem by themselves.otherwise numerous banes will be exerted unexpectedly.
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