根据提示完成句子,一空一词。1. It"s e_________ (八). 2. They are __________ _________ (女教师)3. T

根据提示完成句子,一空一词。1. It"s e_________ (八). 2. They are __________ _________ (女教师)3. T

根据提示完成句子,一空一词。1. It"s e_________ (八).
2. They are __________ _________ (女教师)
3. There __________ (be) a set of keys and two bananas on the table.
4. There__________ (be) some milk in the bottle.
5. There__________ (be) some cakes on the table.
6. Here __________ (be) a pen and two books.
7. Here__________ (be) some chicken.
8. _________ (带) me to your heart (心).
1. eight   2. women teachers   3. is   4. is   5. is   6. is  7. is   8. Take
根据首字母提示,完成下列句子。1. Your father and mother are your p_______.
2. There are (有) some green p_______ in the garden.
3. —What do you have for b_______? 
    —Eggs and milk.
4. We should (应该) eat some h_______ food.
5. Do you like w_______ TV?
题型:0117 同步题难度:| 查看答案
用am, is, are填空。1. How old ________ you? I ________ eleven.
2. What ________ your phone number? It ________ 261 9854.
3. Here ________ the dictionaries.
4. -Tom and I ________ in the same class.
    -That ________ right.
5. Excuse me! ________ this your eraser?
6. What ________ those? ________ they birds?
7. He ________ my friend. ________ your friend a boy or a girl?
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案


1. Jean sends me a p__________.
2. Do you know the a__________ to this question?
3. What"s your telephone n__________?
4. Here"s my ID c__________.
5. This is a c__________ game. I like it.
6. His p_________ are workers. They work in a factory.
7. My uncle"s children are my c__________.
8. This is my f __________ photo. These are my parents and this is me.
9. T_________ for your help!
10. She is Mr Green"s d__________. Her name is Mona.
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
按括号中的要求完成题目。1. tomato       (复数) _________
2. photo         (复数) _________
3. strawberry (复数) _________
4. key            (复数) _________
5. healthy       (名词) _________
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
用括号中的词填空。(do  does  can  don"t)
1. On Sunday, I ________ watch TV. I must do my homework.
2. ________ her daughter have a nice English name?
3. ________ you spell the word?
4. ________ his grandparents like him?
5. —What ________ your uncle love?
    —He loves sports.
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案


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