书面表达。     上个月, 来自英国的交换生萨莉(Sally) 去你家做客, 你做了水果沙拉给她吃, 她觉得很好吃, 想知道水果沙拉怎么做.请你根据图片和提示

书面表达。     上个月, 来自英国的交换生萨莉(Sally) 去你家做客, 你做了水果沙拉给她吃, 她觉得很好吃, 想知道水果沙拉怎么做.请你根据图片和提示

书面表达。     上个月, 来自英国的交换生萨莉(Sally) 去你家做客, 你做了水果沙拉给她吃, 她觉得
很好吃, 想知道水果沙拉怎么做.请你根据图片和提示词, 以"How to Make Fruit Salad"
为题, 写一篇60 词左右的短文介绍一下水果沙拉的制作过程.
     Ingredients:1 apple, 2 oranges, 1 watermelon, 3 teaspoons of honey, 1 cup of yogurt
                                                      How to Make Fruit Salad

                                                              How to Make Fruit Salad    
     To make fruit salad, we need one apple, two oranges, one watermelon, three teaspoons of
honey and one cup of yogurt. First, peel the apple and oranges and cut them up. Also cut the
watermelon up. Next, put them in a big bowl. Then pour the honey and yogurt into it. Finally
mix them all up and you can enjoy it.
书面表达。    假如你是李平,你的英国网友彼得(Peter) 想了解你们学校的一些基本校规,请写一封电子邮件告诉他。主要内容包括:1. 校规内容;2. 对校规的感受。
    Dear Peter,
     I would be glad to tell you about some of the basic school rules in my school. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
                                                                                                                                  Li Ping
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
书面表达。     假设你是大卫(David),你收到了汤姆 (Tom)的求助信。请你根据所给出的来信内容,
Dear David,
     I"ve been feeling very bad these days because I failed another English test. I tried my best, but I still
couldn"t get good grades. It"s hard for me to memorize English words and I have a lot of difficulties with
the grammar. Since I am a little shy, I am afraid of speaking English in class. I know studying English well
is very important, so I don"t want to stop studying it. How do you study English? Can you give me some
Dear Tom,
     I"m glad to help you. As for how to study English, here is my advice.
     I hope my advice will be of some help.
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
书面表达。     假如你班的外教对孔令辉很感兴趣, 请你根据下面的材料写一篇60 词左右的短文向他介绍一下孔令辉的情况。
Name Kong Linghui
Date of birth October 18, 1975
Birthplace Heilongjiang, China
Hobbies Watching action movies and reading books
Experiences( 经历)
1. Began playing ping-pong at the age of six
2. Won a gold medal in the 2000 Olympic Games
3. Works as a well-known coach ( 教练) of the China national ping-pong team now
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
     假设你是李珊 ,你的网友贝蒂给你发来电子邮件,向你诉说她在学习汉语的过程中遇到的一些困难,并希望你能给她一些建议。请你根据下面的提示内容,给贝蒂回一封邮件,教她一些学汉语的方法,并鼓励她不要放弃。
     提示:1. 学习语言的过程中遇到问题是正常的;
                 2. 多看或多听汉语节目,多读汉语故事,多学汉语歌曲;
                 3. 多交一些中国朋友,尽量和中国人住在一起;
                 4. 不要害怕出错,坚持不要放弃。
     要求:1. 句子通顺,语意连贯,尽量用上本单元所学句型;
                 2. 包括所有提示内容,但不要逐字逐句翻译;
                 3. 邮件的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数;
                 4. 不少于80词。
Dear Betty,
     I"m glad to receive your e-mail.                                                                                                             
     Best wishes!
                                                                                                                                  Li Shan
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
     提示:1. 介绍甜甜的年龄,外貌,性格及爱好;
              2. 甜甜将去英国的Woodland School学习一年,并将乘飞机于8月1日下午4点到达伦敦希斯罗机场 (Heathrow Airport)。
     注意:字数在80左右,信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Millie,
     How is everything going? I"d like to introduce my best friend, Tian Tian, to you.                                    
                                                                                                                                         Li Hua
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案


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