阅读下面的短文,用括号内所给词的适当形式填空,必要时可加助动词。请将答案填写在文后相应的横线上。During the Second World War.John

阅读下面的短文,用括号内所给词的适当形式填空,必要时可加助动词。请将答案填写在文后相应的横线上。During the Second World War.John

During the Second World War.John’s family didn’t have a washing machine.Therefore,1  (keep)clothes clean became a problem for them.
Before long,a family friend decided  2  (join)the army and his wife was going with  him.John’s family told them that they could take care of their furniture while they were away. To the  3  (family)surprise,the friend suggested they should use his Bendix washing machine.“It would be better for it to  4 (use),rather than sitting 5 (quiet),”he said.
Young John helped with the washing,and he developed a deep love of the old,green Bendix. 6 (Late),the war ended and the family’s friend returned.When he came to take the machine away.John became very sad.His mother saw this and said to  7 (he).“Son, you must remember that machine didn’t belong to us in the 8  (one)place. It was a gift for us to be able to use it for such a long time.So,instead of  9 (be)sad about the loss.Let’s be grateful that we  10 (be)able to use it at that time.”
We have all experienced loss:loss of people and things.However,if we see the thing we 11 (lose)as a gift that we were given for a time,maybe the sad  12 (memory)will change into  13 (thank)ones.

1.keeping/to keep     2.to join     3.family’s      4.be used
5.quickly    6.Later     7.him       8.first       9.being
10.were    11.have lost    12.memories    13.Thankful
1.此处缺少主语,故应用动词的非谓语形式,keeping或to keep 皆可。句意:因此,保持服装的清洁对他们来说是一个重要的问题。
2.decide to do sth 为固定搭配。意为“决定做某事”。句意:不久之后,一个家族的朋友决定去参军,他的妻子也随行。
3.to one’s surprise为固定搭配,意为:让某人感到奇怪的是。此处应填名词所有格形式。句意:让家人感到震惊的是,这位朋友建议使用他的洗衣机。
7.此处to 为介词,故其后的代词应用宾格形式。
8.in the first place 为固定搭配,意为“从一开始”。句意:儿子,你必须要记得那台洗衣机从一开始就不属于我们。
11.此处指已经丢了的东西。故应填完成式。句意:如果我们把我们已经丢了的东西看成是一件礼物 ,也许悲伤的记忆也会变成感激的记忆。
13.和前文的sad memories 对应,此处也应用形容词形式。故应填thankful.
Since 1850.the temperature of Earth’s surface has increased about 0.6°C.Scientists predict it may warm much more by the end of this century.Who’s turning up the heat? Well, it seems that we are! Some of this global warming may be natural.However,nearly all scientists now agree that most of it is due to peoples actions.Over the past 150 years, we"ve added huge amounts of certain gases, especially carbon dioxide(CO2)to the air.These gases can keep heat near Earth"s surface,so more carbon dioxide means more heat is kept near Earth"s surface.Global warming may change the weather in ways that lead to more severe storms,floods and droughts.
We add carbon dioxide to the air when we burn things, especially fossil fuels.Fossil fuels are energy sources formed from the remains of plants and animals that lived millions of years ago.Coal,oil,and natural gas are all fossil fuels.People in the United States and other countries started bunting large amounts of fossil fuels more than a century ago.The amount d fossil fuels being burned each year has been increasing worldwide.The more we burn,_____________________.
What can we do to help? Nowadays to live a low-carbon life is quite popular in the world. Low-carbon means to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide.Saving energy and reusing are the key words. In fact, even the simplest everyday activities can make our lives low-carbon.
1.What problem can global warming cause?(根据短文内容回答问题)
2.What are fossil fuels?(同上)
The more we bum,_____________________________________________.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
阅读下面短文,将短文下面方框里A—E五个句子填入文中空缺处,使内容完整正确   Mr Johnson worked in a restaurant. He worked there for ten years. 76   .And at last he was sent away. He hated hard work and stayed in the city.
Once something was wrong with his ear. He had to see a doctor. 77    .And five minutes later he had to pay the doctor twenty dollars. He thought it was easy to get much money. So he came to the small town and opened a hospital. 78    .But soon they found he couldn’t treat them at all and his medicine wasn’t useful. People hardly came and he had nothing to do.
One evening he heard a knock at the door. 79    .He thought he had a bad cold and he asked him to take some medicine . After that the man left. 80    .
On the third day a young man came in and said, “ Thank you very much, doctor!”
It surprised Mr Johnson. He said, “I haven’t seen you before. What do you thank me for?”
“My uncle died from your wrong treatment the day before yesterday and he left much money to me.”
A.He got up quickly and saw a traveler lying in front of his hospital.
B.But he wasn’t a good cook.
C.The doctor looked him over and gave him some medicine.
D.The following morning he was told the traveler died in a hotel.
E.At first the people there knew nothing about him and they came to see him.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Co-operation (合作)is always needed when you make a project that the teacher gives you.
First, discuss all you would like to do with your classmates. Choose one of the members to write down what you’re talking about. Then, with the ideas you get, list all you want. Everyone shares the duty for the project. You can collect information not only from books but also on the Internet. Making a survey and doing a research are also good ways. After that, all the members put what has been found together. Try to make the project more well-organized. In the end, you can give a report in front of your class to show the results of your hard work.
You need 小题1:_______________when you make a project.
How to do it?
★First, 小题2:______________with your classmates and choose one member to 小题3:__________what you’re talking about.
★Second, collect and list all you want. 小题4:_________and 小题5:_________are also good ways.
★After that, put what has been found together and make the project more well-organized.
★In the end , show the results of your hard work by 小题6:__________.

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
My name is Jack. I am twelve years old. I have many friends. Lots of them are my age. My best friend is Ben. He is one year older than me. He lives near me. We go to the same(相同的) school. Ben and I are in Class One. The others are in Class Two. Ben helps me with my maths homework because he is clever at it. I help him with his English because I am good at it.
Ben is 1.65 metres tall and I am 1.60 metres tall. Ben is fat because he doesn’t like sports. We have black hair and brown eyes, but Ben’s hair is longer than mine. Every day, I, and, like sports, exercise. Every evening we play computer games. Ben usually wins.
1. How old are lots of Jack’s friends? (回答问题)
2.Which class is Jack in? (回答问题)
Jack and Ben often help   ___     __ with their lessons.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
You should praise your son. ________, he works harder than before.
A.After allB.Above allC.As a resultD.First of all

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