A: What a fine day today! 小题1:____________________ ?B: That sounds like a good

A: What a fine day today! 小题1:____________________ ?B: That sounds like a good


A: What a fine day today! 小题1:____________________ ?
B: That sounds like a good idea. 小题2:___________________________?
A: Let"s go to the little Hill.
B: Shall we take the bus there?
A: 小题3:_______________.It"s not very far.
B: That will be OK. I"ll ride my new bike my father bought me for my birthday last month.
A: 小题4:__________________?
B: Let"s ask Mary and Jack to go with us. They planned to go last Sunday but it rained.
A: Good! I"m sure they will be happy.
B: Have you got any idea what we are doing there?
A: 小题5:__________________________-.
B: That will be fun.

小题1:How about going on a trip
小题2:Where to gowhere do you plan to go
小题3:We can go there by bike
小题4:Who else would you like to go withWhy not ask someone else to join us
小题5:We can just lie on the grass having a good rest we can have a picnic there we can do anything we like...

小题1:联系原文:--今天的天气多么好啊!去旅行怎么样?--好主意。联系下文,去这个小山还有骑自行车去,因此一定是提到去旅行。故填:How about going on a trip
小题2:结合答语:让我们去这个小山吧。对方一定是在问:打算去哪?故填:Where to gowhere do you plan to go
小题3:联系下文:它离这不远,我将要骑我的新自行车。因此推断是:我们能骑自行车去那。故填:We can go there by bike
小题4:联系下文:让我们叫上玛丽和杰克和我们一起去。上个星期天,他们计划去,但是下雨了。联系语境,上文是问:还有谁和我们一起去?故填:Who else would you like to go withWhy not ask someone else to join us
小题5:联系句意:我们在哪做什么,你已经想好了吗?分析:对于本句回答只要符合语境与实际就可。故填:We can just lie on the grass having a good rest we can have a picnic there we can do anything we like...
—Hello, is that Jack speaking?
Hold on, please. He’s coming right now.
A.I’m sorryB.Wait a moment
C.Don’t waitD.Take a message

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
—Would you mind moving your desk, Jack?
—_________  I’ll do it right away.
A.Yes, thank you.B.No, not at all.
C.Sure, thanks a lot.D.Of course.

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
一I’m very nervous now.I’m afraid 1 will fail the test.
        , Lisa .You can do it.
A.I think soB.Don’t worry
C.Never mindD.Congratulations

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
( Han Mei is our monitor. She’s talking to Li Ming.)
Han Mei = H   Li Ming = L
L: Hi, Han Mei, you look unhappy. 小题1:____________?
H: I am going to the hospital. Our English teacher Mrs. Gao is ill and now in hospital.
L: 小题2:________   . What’s the matter?
H: She has a terrible stomachache.
L: 小题3:_______?
H:  Three days ago. She is always around us before exams. She is too busy to see the doctor. We’d better go and see her tomorrow. 小题4:_______ ?
L: What about fruits and flowers? You know, some presents are never too small. She treats us all as her own children.
H: I agree with you. 小题5:________  ?
L: Outside the hospital gate at 8:30 a.m.
H: 8∶30? It’s too early. Let’s make it 10∶00 a.m. Some classmates live far from the hospital.
L: OK. By the way, remember to tell the others about it by using QQ.
H: Yes, I will.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
--Can you come to the welcome party for our new friend next Saturday night?
A.Sorry, I won’t.
B.Sure, I’d love to.
C.Yes, I’ll go to your party.
D.Yes, I’ll have a great time at your party.

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案


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