给句子排序,组成对话。(     ) What kind of noodles would you like?    (     ) No.3 Zhongsha

给句子排序,组成对话。(     ) What kind of noodles would you like?    (     ) No.3 Zhongsha

给句子排序,组成对话。(     ) What kind of noodles would you like?    
(     ) No.3 Zhongshan Road.    
(     ) A small one, please.
(     ) Can I help you?
(     ) May I have your phone number?
(     ) OK, one bowl of mutton and potato noodles. What size would you like?
(     ) What"s your address?
(     ) I"d like mutton and potato noodles, please.
(     ) 65432103.
(     ) Yes, I"d like a bowl of noodles please.
1-10     3 8 6 1 9 5 7 4  10 2
题型:江苏期末题难度:| 查看答案
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
A. Me, too.
B. Excuse me.
C. And it is too difficult to find a bus or a taxi.
D. Will you please take my car?
E. That"s all right
A: Which would you like, tea or milk?
B: __1__, thanks. I"ll have a glass of beer, please.
A: OK. __2__ else?
B: No, thanks. What about you?
A: I"d like a cup of tea __3__ sugar and milk. By the way, __4__ you ever __5__ Beijing duck?
B: Yes, I __6__ some the year __7__ last.
A: __8__ do you like it?
B: I like it a __9__. It"s delicious.
A: So __10_ I.
A: What did you do after you got up yesterday morning?
B:  I 1._____ myface and quickly  2._____ breakfast.
A: Were you busy yesterday?
B: Yes, I was. I 3._____ my homework and then I 4._____ to see my friends.
     We went to the zoo 5._____ bus. In the zoo we 6._____ many animals.
A : 7._____ did you have lunch?
B: We had lunch in the park. We had milk and bread 8._____ lunch. When I got home, I was very
     tired  9._____ happy.
A: Did you go to bed early 10_____  late?
B: I went to bed early. I didn"t watch TV last night.
题型:河南省期中题难度:| 查看答案
A. Take this medicine three times a day.
B. Can I take your temperature?
C. You only got a cold.
D. Open your mouth and say "Ahh".
E. I have a lot of headaches, and I feel tired.
F. You should see the doctor.
G. Must I stay in bed?
Liu Jun: Nice to see you, Aunt Li.  
Aunt Li: Me, too, Liu Jun.   1   You look so worried.
Liu Jun:   2   I really need your help.
Aunt Li: What do you mean?
Liu Jun: Well.   3   But my parents want me not to play football because I"m in Grade
Eight now.
Aunt Li: Maybe your parents are right.   4  
Liu Jun: I know. But I do well in all my lessons and I want to do the things I am interested in.
Aunt Li: OK.   5  
Liu Jun: Thank you, Aunt Li. It"s very kind of you.
题型:期中题难度:| 查看答案


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A. Work must come first.
B. I"ll talk with your parents about the problem.
C. My parents like me to play football.
D. What"s wrong with you?
E. The problem is that I love football.
F. I have a problem.
G. You may ask your parents to buy you football.