根据对话内容,选择所给单词并用其适当形式补全对话。Outgoing, much, foot, TV, watch, quite, on, teach, tall

根据对话内容,选择所给单词并用其适当形式补全对话。Outgoing, much, foot, TV, watch, quite, on, teach, tall

根据对话内容,选择所给单词并用其适当形式补全对话。Outgoing, much, foot, TV, watch, quite, on, teach, tall, many
Ma Bao: Hello, Lin Hu. What"s your mother?
Lin Hu: She"s a l. _____.
Ma Bao: How,does she go to work?
Lin Hu: She often goes to work 2. _____ 3. _____ .
Ma Bao: Does she like 4. _____  5. _____ ?
I.in Hu: Yes, she teaches Chinese, so she likes it very much.
Ma Bao: What are the differences between you and your mother?
Lin Hu: Yes.  My mother is 6. _____than me.  And I"m 7. _____ 8. _____than my mother.
Ma Bao: Are you taller than your mother?
Lin Hu: Yes.  I"m 9. _____10.  _____than she is.
Ma Bao: Oh, I see.  Thank you.  See you!
Lin Hu: See you!
1. teacher 2. on 3. foot 4. watching 5. TV
6. quieter 7. more 8. outgoing 9. much 10. taller  
从方框中选出适当的句子完成对话,有两个选项是多余的。W: Hello!  I"m Jenny.
M:      1      I"m Jim.
W: How are you, Jim?
M:      2  __
W:     3___
M: It"s a pen.
W:      4___
M: It"s black.
W:      5___
M: It"s 228-566.
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题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
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A. What"s your name?
B. What"s your telephone number?
C. What color is it?
D.  Hi,  Jenny !
E. Good !
F. I"m fine, thanks.
G. What"s this?
Gina: Hello!
Linda:      1___
Gina: I"m Gina.      2_ _
Linda: My name is Linda. Linda is my first name.
Gina:      3 __
Linda: My last name is Brown.
Gina: Nice to meet you, Linda.
Linda:      4___
Gina:     5___
Linda: My telephone number is 745-7894.
Andy and Lily are students of No.27 Middle School. Nick is new.
(Andy=A  Lily=L Nick=N)
A: Hello!  Lily!
1:     1    ! Andy.
A: How are you?
L: Fine, thank you.     2     ?
A: I"m fine,     3     .
L: Look at the boy over there with (带着)a box, who     4     he?
A: Let"s go and say     5     to him.
1:       6     , I"m Lily. This is Andy. What"s your name?
N: My name is     7   _Nice to meet you.
A:      8     to meet you,too.
A: Let me help you carry(搬) the_  9     .
N:    10   !
(     )1. A. Goodbye    
(     )2. A. And you    
(     )3. A. two        
(     )4. A. am        
(     )5. A. good night
(     )6. A. Yes        
(     )7. A. Nick      
(     )8. A. Good      
(     )9. A. books      
(     )10. A. Goodbye  
B. See you  
B. Are you  
B. to      
B. is      
B. hello    
B. Hi      
B. Andy    
B. Nice    
B. tree    
B. Thank you
C. Hello  
C. Am l    
C. too    
C. are    
C. goodbye
C. No                                                
C. Lucy    
C. Happy  
C. box    
C. Thank  

A: What can I do for you, Madam?
B: 1. ________
A: OK. Wc have apples, grapes and bananas on sale.
B: 2. ________
A: F"ive yuan a kilo.
B: I"ll take nine apples.  3. ________
A: Three kilos. 4. ________
B: I"d like to buy some grapes for my grandparents. How much are the grapes?
A: Well, the green ones are three yuan a kilo and the red ones are four yuan a kilo.  
B: Two kilos of the red ones, please.
A: All right.
B: 5. ________
A: Thank you.
A: Hello, Tom!
B: Hello, Sandy!      1     
A: It"s an orange.
B:      2      
A: O-R-A-N-G-E.
B:       3     
A: No, I don"t. But my brother likes it very much.
B: Does he like hamburgers?
A: Yes, he does.      4      
B:  I like them, too. They"re delicious.
A: But we should eat lots of healthy food.
B:       5       ,you are right.     .