根据对话内容及方框中所给的句子补全对话.其中有一项是多余的.A. Have you cleaned the windows yet?B. Have you cl

根据对话内容及方框中所给的句子补全对话.其中有一项是多余的.A. Have you cleaned the windows yet?B. Have you cl

A. Have you cleaned the windows yet?
B. Have you cleaned the blackboard yet?
C. Who is on duty today?
D. Have you carried some water yet?
E. Have you watered the flowers?
F. When did you do it?
1—5: CBEAD

A: Hello, Max.  How are you?
B: Fine, thanks.
A:   1  .You look pale (苍白 ) and tired.  Is anything wrong?
B: Well, yes, perhaps you can give me some advice.
A: Of course,  if I can.
B: Well, I can"t sleep at night.  2  .
A: Oh, dear! That"s terrible! No wonder you look so sleepy and tired. If I were you,  3  .
B: Yes.  Every night I go to the playground and run.  But still I can"t fall asleep.
A: I think you can drink a cup of milk before you go to bed.  4  .
B: I"ll try it tonight.
A: And you should relax a while and   5   Maybe you can go out for a holiday.
B: That sounds nice. Thank you.
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题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
A. don"t always work so hard.
B. It is said milk can help you sleep better.
C. I"d do some exercise before going to bed.
D. Are you sure you"re all right?
E. Every night I turn from side to side in bed until three o"clock next morning.
F. I"d watch TV or listen to some music.
A: We often say in Britain,  "When in Rome,  do as the Romans do. "
B:  _ 1     ?
A: It means that people from different countries do things differently.  Shall I tell you about my worst 
    mistake in China?
B: Go on, please.
A: It was on my first trip to China.  Some Chinese people at my school were very kind to me. They
    often asked me to stay in their house and     2       me... At the end of my stay I took them some
    flowers.  But they didn"t look very __3__ 
B: What color were they?
A: White! 1 made a really terrible   _4     .
B: Oh dear! I also have a story about flowers.  I went to my teacher"s house for a party  when I was in
    France __5__.  When 1 arrived at the house I gave them to my teacher"s wife.  She laughed and her
    face turned red.  But my teacher didn"t laugh.
A: Why?
B:  Because I gave red roses to her,  which mean "I love you. "
A: So, it"s necessary for us to learn some culture about different countries.
交际运用。根据对话内容,在空白处填写适当的话语(话语可能是一个句子,也可能是一个短 语或一个词),使对话完整。
A: It"s spring now.  The wind is blowing strongly.  We can see plastic bags everywhere.  1   bad the
environment is!
B: Yes, as a citizen, it"s important to take care of the environment.  2  ?
A: We"d better not use plastic bags. We should   3   to school if necessary. Riding a bicycle can keep us
healthy, too.
B: At the same time, we shouldn"t   4  . It"s our duty to keep our environment clean.  And turn off the lights if possible.
A:   5  .  If we try our best to protect our environment, it will get better and better.
B: Yes.  Let"s work together to protect our environment.
A: Have you read today"s newspaper?
B: No, Ihaven"t. 1. _____   
A: Yes. There"s a report about the population of our country. It says we had got another 16, 000, 000
people in 1990.
B: 2.  _____  
A: If the population goes on growing like this,  3.    _____
B: 4.   ____ _ China has the largest population in the world.  The babies born in one year are almost as
many as the population of Australia.
A: 5_   ___   
B: But if every family has only one baby, things will turn for the better.
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A.  I"m afraid there will be standing room only in our country one day.
B.  Of course it will.
C.  Oh, the population goes on growing more and more.
D.  Is there any important news?
E.  It will be the biggest problem in our country.
F.  What else can I do7
   Dora: Do Chinese keep animals for pets?
Li Dan: Not as __1__ as people in the USA.
  Dora: What animals do they usually keep?
Li Dan: They usually keep dogs, cats, birds, fish and so on.
  Dora: __2__ do you keep?
Li Dan: I don"t keep any animals as a pet.
  Dora: __3__?
Li Dan: To keep a pet takes time and costs money.
  Dora: Yes, that"s true. If you keep a pet, you need to spend some time __4__ it, like
            walking it, feeding it and cleaning it. When it gets sick,  you need to send it to hospital.
Li Dan: I don"t keep pets because I think pets often make our rooms dirty and smelly.  If I keep a
            pet,  I prefer to keep fish because they are clean.
 Dora: __5__.