根据对话内容,在空白处填写适当的话语(话语可能是一个句子,也可能是一个短语或一个词),使对话完整。A: The spring has already

     根据对话内容,在空白处填写适当的话语(话语可能是一个句子,也可能是一个短语或一个词),使对话完整。A: The spring has already

     根据对话内容,在空白处填写适当的话语(话语可能是一个句子,也可能是一个短语或一个词),使对话完整。A: The spring has already come. The weather is getting warmer and warmer. More and more
    people like to go to the park to have a picnic.
B: So they do. But after they leave, (1)_______________.
A: We should do something to keep it clean.
B: That sounds good. First we need to (2)_______________ some ideas.
A: While we talk, I"ll write down all our ideas.
B: We must put up some signs to tell people (3)_______________.
A: But many people don"t care about what the signs say and always throw about the litter.
B: (4)_______________?
A: It"s a good idea, but only you and me?
B: OK, we each call up ten people and ask them to help pick.
A: Wonderful. I"m sure our parents will take (5)_______________ in us.
B: I think so. But let"s have lunch first.  I"m too hungry.
1. they leave a lot of litter/ the park becomes very dirty
2. think up/ come up with
3. not to throw about the litter
4. How about picking up the litter/ Why not pick up the litter
5. pride
根据对话内容,在空白处填写一个适当的话语(话语可能是一个句子,也可能是一个短语或一个词),使对话完整。A: Hello! May I speak to Tom?
B: Yes, speaking.  1  
A: This is Li Ping.  I"m calling you up to ask for some help.
B: What"s up?
A: My American friend. Ann, invited me to dinner this evening.  I don"t know what to  do.  2  
B: Sure! In the USA, people go to dinner neither too late nor too early. You are supposed to arrive
there   3  .
A: I see.  What do you Think I should bring with me?
B: You don"t need to take anything.  If you like, you can take some flowers.
A: Is it proper to take some roses?
B: Of course.  That"s pretty good.
A: I"m not    4   using a knife and fork.  I"m afraid to be laughed at.
B:   5   .  They can understand you because you"re foreigners.  By the way, it"s impolite to make
noise when you"re eating.  Especially you talk with food in yourmonth.
A: Thank you.  I"ve learned a lot from you.
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
A.I am so sorry to hear that.
B.Speaking of my mobile phone, it makes me annoyed.
C.How long have you had it?
D.Is the line clear?
E.The quality of the product is rather bad.
F.I an afraid so.
G.How often do you use it?
Girl: Wow! Look at this ad for Easy Care Shampoo.  For the shiniest hair ever.
Boy:  1.________ They make me really mad.
Girl: Why?
Boy: They make you think that you can look like the person in the ad.  But I bought that shampoo and
Girl: I agree. Look at this one.  Lookout Sunglasses.  For that mysterious look.  I"ll bet 3.________.
Boy: And what about this one? Beauty Cream-the silky skin soap.
Girl: Wait a minute! I tried Beauty Cream and it works really well.  4.________Have you ever tried Starshine Toothpaste?
Girl: Oh, you mean "whiter than white"? Yeah, I tried it and 5.________I"d never use it.
Boy: I guess you shouldn"t believe everything.
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
A..It make your skin really soft.      
B. I can"t stand ads like that!
C. it didn"t work                  
D. it tastes terrible.
E. it worked well.                  
F. they don"t even keep out the sun.
A: Excuse me, sir.        1       
B: Sponsor you? What do you nean?
A: Well, our class is running a race next weekend. We are asking people to donate
     money to us after we"ve done it.
B: I see.       2      _ Are you going to spend it on something for your school?
A: No.         3        
B: What kind of charity?
A: The Missionaries of Charity.
B:        4       
A: They look after people who are poor and sick in different parts of the world.
B:         5        I"ll donate 200 yuan.
A: Great  Thank you very much.
B: My pleasure.
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题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案


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A. What do they do?
B. Sounds good.
C. But what are you going to do with the money you get?
D. What can I do for you?
E. Would you like to sponsor (赞助) us?
F. We"re going to give the money to charity.
Boy:  Hello, Mrs Tan.  I"d like to be a volunteer.   _ 1     ?
Woman: Sure. What kind of volunteer work?
Boy:  Well, I like working with kids.    
Woman: Do you know _   2   _? We need someone to help teach kids to play basketball.
Boy:  No, I don"t really like basketball.  Is there anything else?
Woman: Sure.  There"s a job cleaning up the parks.  It"s every Sunday.
Boy: That"s no good.  I have to      3      my grandmother on Sundays.
Woman:  I see.  Here"s another job.  Car you fix up bicycles ?
Boy:     4      . I can"t even fix up my own bicycle.
Woman: Ummm.  We need someone to read to people at the hospital.  You can do it any day you like.
Boy:      5     .  When do I start ?
Woman: How about today "
Boy: OK.