补全对话。A. I"m glad to go with you. B. Last night. And you?C. How about you? D. Abo

补全对话。A. I"m glad to go with you. B. Last night. And you?C. How about you? D. Abo

A. I"m glad to go with you.
B. Last night. And you?
C. How about you?
D. About two days.
E. Did you have a good journey?
1-5      CBEDA
根据下面的对话内容,从方框内的选项 (A、B、C、D、E、或F) 中选出最佳选项。
Girl: Do you want to go to a movie, Edward?
Boy: 1_______
Girl: What kind of movies do you like?
Boy: Well, I like comedies because they"re funny. And I think thrillers are great.
Girl: 2_______
Boy: No, documentaries are boring. 3_______
Girl: I don"t like documentaries, either. And I don"t like thrillers-they"re scary.
Boy: 4_______
Girl: Well, I like action movies.
Boy: 5_______
Girl: Uh-huh. They"re exciting. And I like Beijing Opera, too. It"s very interesting.
       My father and I like it a lot.
题型:四川省中考真题难度:| 查看答案
A. No. Movies are always boring.
B. So what kind of movies do you like?
C. How about you?
D. Yes, that sounds good.
E. You do?
F. How about documentaries?
题型:新疆自治区中考真题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1. I don"t know bow to use this new mobile phone.
(     )2. What is your teacher like?                   
(     )3. How much is it?                              
(     )4. You Speak English very well.                 
(     )5. I missed Happy Camp last night.              
A. He is kind and helpful.     
B. What a pity!                
C. Don"t worry. I will help you.
D. Thank you.                  
E.  Five dollars.                                              
A: Hello, is that Wu Bin speaking?
B: Yes. Who"s that?
A: This is Tian Hong. Are you free this Saturday evening?
B: 1_______.
A: I"ve got two tickets to Jay Chou"s concert. 2_______.
B: Certainly, I"d love to. He"s my favorite singer. Thanks for your invitation. 3_______.
A: Let"s meet at the gate of the park at four o"clock.
B: 4_______ I want to buy him a gift.
A: OK. I"ll get there at three. Shall we go to the shopping center to buy the gift?
B: 5_______ See you then.
A: See you.
题型:重庆市中考真题难度:| 查看答案
A. When will the concert begin?
B. Sounds good!
C. When and where shall we meet?
D. I"ll see a movie.
E. Could you please get there earlier?
F. Yes. What"s up?
G. Would you like to go with me?
题型:福建省中考真题难度:| 查看答案
题型:福建省中考真题难度:| 查看答案


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A. How often should I take the medicine? B. Yes, I do.
C. I have a bad cold.
D. Good afternoon, young man.
E. About two days.
A: Excuse me, sir? Could you tell me the way to the nearest bookstore?
B: 1_______ You can ask the lady over there.
A: Thank you all the same.
(A moment later)
A: Excuse me. 2_______ 
C: No, there isn"t a bookstore near here, but there is one near No.1 Middle School.
A: 3_______
C: It"s about ten minutes by bus.
A: 4_______
C: The No. 6 bus.
A: By the way, where"s the bus stop?
C: It"s over there, across from the hotel.
A: Thanks a lot.
C: You"re welcome.