根据上下文的意思补全对话。在横线上写出所缺少的内容。A:Hello. May I speak to Larry? B:1. __________________

根据上下文的意思补全对话。在横线上写出所缺少的内容。A:Hello. May I speak to Larry? B:1. __________________

根据上下文的意思补全对话。在横线上写出所缺少的内容。A:Hello. May I speak to Larry?
B:1. _______________________________________________. Can I take a message?
A:Yes. This is his friend Bob calling. Would you please ask Larry to bring a videotape of popular songs to the
      evening party tonight?
B:2. _______________________________________________. Hold on, please. I"ll get a pen to write this
     down. "Bob called. You should ask Larry to bring a videotape of popular songs to the evening party tonight.
     "Is that it?
A:Yes, 3. ___________________________________________. You may also tell him to call me back if he 
      has a chance.
B:All right. 4. ___________________________________________________?
A:My number is 89756326.
B:OK. I think he"ll see the message when he comes back.
A:5. ____________________________________________. Good-bye.
1. I"m sorry he is not in / here / at home
2. Certainly / Sure / Of course / OK / All right
3. That"s right / You"re right / Right
4. What"s your(tele)phone number, please
5. Thank you (very much)/ Many thanks / Thanks a lot
根据上下文的意思补全对话。在横线上写出所缺少的内容。A: Excuse me. I"m looking for a shop to buy a newly-typed mp4.
    1. ______________________________________________________?
B: Certainly. You can get one in Wal-mart. It"s near here.
A: 2. ______________________________________________________?
B: You can take a free regular bus (班车).
A: 3. ______________________________________________________?
B: Only ten minutes.
A: 4. ______________________________________________________?
B: Go across the street. The bus stop is just over there in front of the white building.
    5. _____________________________________________________.
A: Thanks a lot.
B: You"re welcome.
题型:北京市期末题难度:| 查看答案
根据下面所提供的情景,在每个空白处填入一个适当的句子,使其意义连贯、完整。Philip: Good morning, Dad. 1.                                           
Grandpa: Oh, I"m cleaning my fishing rod. Have you remembered our fish trips?
Philip: 2.                                         
Grandpa: Have you remembered catching your first fish?
Philip: How can I forget! I fell out of the boat! But 3.                                          
Grandpa: Yes, we did. Maybe we should do it again.
Philip: What about tomorrow?
Grandpa: 4.                                           
Philip: Don"t worry. My paper work will wait. I want to spend more time with Robbie.
Grandpa: Oh, Robbie will be happy. I"m too, son.
Philip: Well, 5.                                           
Grandpa: Radio says sunny.
Philip: Well, I"ll tell Robbie. And thanks, Dad.
Grandpa: Don"t thank me. I"m just being a grandfather.
题型:期末题难度:| 查看答案
Choose the best response from A-F in the box according to the sentence given.
题型:黑龙江省期末题难度:| 查看答案
Complete the dialogue with proper words or sentences according to the dialogue.A: Hi, Wang Ying. Would you like to help save the environment?
B: Of course. 1.                                    ?
A: Well, first, you can start by turning off the lights.
B: OK, that"s easy. I often turn on the lights without thinking. What"s next?
A: Second, you can ride a bicycle. 2.                                  or a taxi if you don"t have to.
B: That will save money, too. 3.                                   ?
A: Third, try to recycle paper.
B: Mm, newspapers, magazines, mall… We get lost of paper at home. Good idea.
A: The fourth idea is turning off the shower when 4.                                   .
B: You mean, when I have shampoo in my hair?
A: Yes, get wet, turning off the shower. Put the shampoo in your hair and then turn on the shower
     and wash it out.
B: Will that help the environment?
A: Yes. We have to save water. And last, 5.                                     when you go shopping. Don"t
     use plastic bags.
B: OK. I"ll do as what you said.
题型:黑龙江省期末题难度:| 查看答案
从A-E五个选项中,选出能与下列各句正确匹配的答语。A. Sure! You"re welcome.
B. See you later.
C. With pleasure.
D. Thank you.
E. OK!
(     )1. Happy birthday to you!
(     )2. Shall we have supper at six?
(     )3. Can I go with you , too?
(     )4. Could you look after her for me?
(     )5. Goodbye!
题型:江苏省期末题难度:| 查看答案


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