An artist went to a beautiful part of the country for a holiday and stayed with

An artist went to a beautiful part of the country for a holiday and stayed with


An artist went to a beautiful part of the country for a holiday and stayed with a farmer. Every day he went out with his painting brushes and painted till evening. When it got dark, he went back to the farm and had a good dinner before he went to bed.
At the end of his holiday he wanted to pay the farmer, but the farmer said, “No, I don’t want money. But give me one of your pictures. What’s money? In a week it will all be finished, but your picture will still be here.”
The artist was very pleased and thanked the farmer for saying such kind words about his pictures. The farmer smiled and answered, “It’s not that. I have a son in London. He wants to become an artist. When he comes home next month, I’ll show him your picture, and he will not want to be an artist any more, I think.”
小题1: Every day, the artist ___________.
A.helped the farmer to do some farmingB.went out to visit his friends
C.painted pictures outsideD.enjoyed the beautiful scenery
小题2: The artist wanted to pay the farmer, but the farmer ___________.
A.wanted nothing
B.wanted much more money
C.didn’t want any things at all
D.wanted one of his pictures instead of money.
小题3: After hearing the farmer’s words, perhaps the artist would be ___________.



小题1:C细节理解题。Every day he went out with his painting brushes and painted till evening文中第二排可找到此句,拿着画笔和颜料出去当然是画画,故选C。
小题2:D细节理解题。从第二段可找到but the farmer said, “No, I don’t want money.可以知道他不想要钱,故选D。


Reporter: How long have you been a firefighter?
Wilson:  For eight years.
Reporter: How did you get started?
Wilson:  First, I had to take a lot of tests in two weeks. Then, I went to the firefighter school for four months. 1 learned how to put out fires and how to use equipment. I also had a full-time training every day!
Reporter: How do you stay safe on the job?
Wilson:  I wear special clothing. It helps keep me protected from fire. I also carry an oxygen tank (氧气瓶) and a
mask (面具). They help me to breathe in a smoke-filled building.
Reporter: Are there any new tools that firefighters use?
Wilson:  We have a special camera that can see in the dark. It can find heat. That way, we can exactly tell the place of a fire.
Reporter: Do you save pets?
Wilson:  Just three days ago, I helped save some cats. They were hiding under the beds. Pets usually hide during
a fire because they are afraid of danger.
Reporter: Do you ever get afraid?
Wilson:  No. There is no time to be afraid. I just think about what to do to put out the fire safely.
Reporter: What do you like best about being a firefighter?
Wilson:  Helping people!
小题1:Kate Wilson has done her job for____________.
A.2 weeksB.3 daysC.4 monthsD.8 years
小题2: To become a firefighter, Kate Wilson ____________at first.
A.took a lot of testsB.learned to stay safe
C.saved some animalsD.used fire equipment
小题3:58. Kate Wilson says she does not get afraid because_____________.
A.she has an oxygen tank
B.she knows how to fight fires
C.she enjoys finding heat
D.she is too busy putting out fires
小题4:59. As a firefighter, Kate Wilson likes____________ most.
A.wearing a maskB.asking questions
C.helping peopleD.hiding in smoke
小题5:60. What did the reporter make this interview for?
A.To tell people what a firefighter does.
B.To teach people how to prevent fires.
C.To make people want to be firefighters.
D.To show people how a firefighter is trained.

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My name is James Brown. I have an 8-year-old daughter. Her name is Ann. Her favorite activity is watching movies. She watches movies once a week . Movie World is in my neighborhood . And it is the biggest movie theater in the city . It has the most comfortable seats and the best sound . She likes watching movies there.
Last Sunday, I took her to Movie World to watch the movie Epic(森林战士). Epic is a movie about a father Bomba and his 17-year-old daughter Mary. Bomba was interested in looking for Leaf Men. He said they lived in a forest, but no one believed(相信)him. One day , Mary was swept into (调入) the world of the Leaf Men, and she found her father was right.
At this early-afternoon showing, the theater was almost full. 60% of the audiences were kids aged three to ten and their fathers. I didn’t think it was because of the movie itself. In fact, a study showed that dads were 50% more likely than moms to take young kids to the movies in the United States.
小题1:Who went to see the movie Epic ?
A.Mary and her dad.B.Mary and her sister.
C.Ann and her dad.D.Ann and her mom.
小题2:Movie World has          .
①the best sound                ②the shortest waiting time
③the biggest screens            ④the most comfortable seats
小题3:Mary is         years older than Ann.
小题4:What does the underlined word “audience” mean in Chinese?
小题5:What can we learn form the passage?
A.Ann watches movies every day.
B.Movie World is far from James’ home.
C.In the movie Epic , Mary was interested in looking for Leaf Men.
D.In the United States, dads take their kids to watch movies more often than moms do.

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Mr.Smith is 70 years old.Every morning he goes to the park to exercise.He has good eating habits.He eats fruit and vegetables every day.He hardly drinks and never eats junk food.Sometimes he goes to the tea house or play chess with his friends.9.He always takes a walk in the graden in the afternoon.. 10.He goes to the library twice a month.Every night he watches TV for half an hour and he never goes to bed late.So he still looks young and is pretty healthy.
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At the beginning of the world, it was Bear who owned Fire. Bear and his people carried Fire with them ________ they went.
One day, Bear and his people came to a great forest, where they found many acorns(橡子) ________ on the forest floor. Bear set Fire at the edge(边缘) of the forest, and he and his ________ began eating acorns. They went further and further away from Fire, eating the delicious acorns and looking for________.
Fire blazed (发出火焰) up happily for a while  ________ it had burned almost all of its wood. It started to smoke. "_______ me! Feed me!" Fire shouted to Bear. But Bear and his people did not hear Fire"s ________.
At that moment, Man came walking through the forest and saw the small Fire.
"What should I feed you?" Man asked, He had________ seen Fire before.
"I eat sticks and wood of all kinds," Fire said.
Man ________ a stick and put it on Fire. Man got a second stick and then a third one... By this time, Fire"s hunger was satisfied.   
Man warmed himself by the Fire, enjoying the changed colors. Man and Fire were very happy together, and Man fed Fire sticks whenever it got hungry. And now Fire ________ to Man.
A.picked upB.took upC.looked upD.put up

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Teaching English as a foreign language is very popular for many travellers. In March I started teaching English in Thailand.
I really love teaching. I knew it could be a lot of fun, especially with my students who are 3-5 years old. But I had no idea just how much I would actually enjoy it. The only reason I started was simple - it was an easy way to make money.
I had no idea Thai children could speak English so well at such a young age. My children could describe colours, shapes, body parts, days of the week and classroom objects!
Two things changed after working. The first one was in the first weeks of teaching, I liked to have my lessons planned out, but things didn"t go as expected. Now I am happy to walk into a classroom with whatever I need for the subject.
I guess the other thing would be how much the children trust me. 18 weeks ago these children were unconfident and pretty shy, but now they can"t wait to get involved.
In 6 months I have no idea where I will be, but right now I love teaching and enjoy working with the kids every day. Will I teach again - I"d like to think so!
小题1:Where is the writer most probably from?
小题2:Which of the following is NOT the writer"s student?   
A.May, 4 and a half, who can tell different shapes.
B.Wilton, 3, who can tell different colors.
C.Nick, 5, who can count from one to one hundred.
D.Leonie, 6, who is good at English grammar.
小题3:Which of the following is TRUE?
A.The writer might be short of money when he traveled in Thailand.
B.All the children in the writer"s class are very naughty.
C.The writer will never be a teacher again.
D.The writer never has classes in the classroom.
小题4: What is the meaning of the underlined word "unconfident" in Chinese?
小题5:What is best title for the passage?
A.Teaching is a good job.
B.How clever the Thailand children are!
C.My travel experience in Thailand.
D.First time as an English teacher in Thailand.

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