I’m glad it’s Sunday again. I can stay in bed   36 I like, drinking tea and   37

I’m glad it’s Sunday again. I can stay in bed   36 I like, drinking tea and   37

I’m glad it’s Sunday again. I can stay in bed   36 I like, drinking tea and   37   those thick newspapers that are brought  38  the newsboy through the letterbox at 8:30. In this way, I can catch up with all the   39  I haven’t got time to read during my work time.
When I   40  the papers, I then prepare my bath. The Sunday morning bath is   41  of the week. There’s no need to hurry because there’s no bus to   42  and my friends are told not to call me up before noon on Sundays, so there is no danger of   43    by the telephone.
  44 spend the afternoon after lunch is always a bit of problem. In summer I can go to the park and sit in a chair   45  boys playing football, while in winter I sit in front of the fire and   46   when reading a book, sometimes I turn on the television and sleep through an old film.  
Then there’s the   47 ahead of me. Perhaps I’ll call on some friends or go to the cinema   48   a new film I want to see or to town for a concert. Oh, there are   49   pleasant ways of passing Sunday evenings. The only sad thing is that Monday morning is getting    50 .
A.as long asB.as soon asC.as well asD.as much as
A.readB.readingC.to readD.am reading
A.am readingB.have readC.had readD.read
A.the much pleasantB.the more pleasant
C.the most pleasantD.the very pleasant
A.sitB.catchC.get inD.take
A.troubleB.being troubledC.troublingD.to be troubled
A.What toB.How toC.When toD.Where to
A.lookingB.seeingC.looking atD.watching
A.fall asleepB.go to sleepC.go to bedD.get to sleep
A.whether there’sB.if there is
C.when there hasD.if there will be
A.so manyB.such manyC.a lotD.quite few



小题1:根据上文内容I’m glad it’s Sunday again.可知答案为A,表示我可以呆在床上,尽可能长时间,故选A
小题2:根据上文的内容drinking tea,表示伴随状语,即在床上,同时做的事,并且与前文的内容drinking tea,为并列成分,故选B
小题5:根据后文的内容I then prepare my bath.,可知答案为B,表示已经读过书了。
小题6:根据文章内容of the week,可知要用最高级,故选C
小题8:因为of 为介词,后接动词ing形式,又根据本题所使用的语态,故选B
小题10:watch表示观察的意思,watch sb doing sth,表示观察····人正在做某事,故选D
小题13:本题考查的是if 引导的条件状语,表示如果有的意思。故选B
小题14:so many 后接可数名词复数形式,故选A,符合题意。
An Englishman was showing a foreign visitor around London. "What"s that strange building?" asked the visitor. "That"s the Tower of London." "I see. How long did it take to build it?” “About 500 years." "In my country we can build it in five months." said the visitor. A short time after that, they come to St. Paul"s Cathedral (大教堂)."Very interesting, "said the visitor, "How long did it take to build it?  Nearly forty years." said the Englishman. "In my country we can finish it in forty days." said the visitor. This went on all day. They visited most of the best known buildings in the city. Every time they saw a new one, the visitor asked what it was and how long it took to build it. Then he said that they could do the same things much faster in his country. At last the Englishman got angry with the visitor though he tried not to show it. A few days later they came to the House of Parliament(议会大厦) and the visitor asked his usual question. "What"s that?” The Englishman answered, "I"ve no idea. It wasn"t there last night."
小题1:The Englishman showed the foreign visitor around____________.
A.the Tower of London
B.St. Paul"s Cathedral
C.some famous buildings in London
D.the whole city of London
小题2:The visitor said that in his country it would take them ____________to build St. Paul"s Cathedral.
A.less than half a year
B.more than a month
C.five hundred years
D.forty years
小题3:The Englishman was very angry by the end of the day, but he______________
A.tried not to let the visitor know it
B.tried not to show the visitor around the city
C.had no time to tell the visitor
D.didn"t want to say anything
小题4:The Englishman"s last answer showed he______________.
A.was sorry that he hadn"t seen the building before
B.could say nothing because he didn"t know anything about it
C.was not happy and decided to give him a surprising answer
D.didn"t know how to tell the visitor the name of the building
小题5:The best title (标题) for this passage is_______________.
A.English history
B.Around London
C.What"s that strange building?
D.How long did it take to build it?

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
On the first day of school our teacher let us know someone. Looking out, we found an old woman 16 at the door. She said, “Hi, my name is Susan, I’m seventy years old.” While we were  17 what made her take this challenge (挑战) at her age, she said with a smile, “I"m here to meet a rich husband, get  18 , have two children and travel together.” Hearing this, all of us laughed. “In fact,” she went on, “I always    19 of having a college education, and now I’m getting  20 !”
After class we had chocolate and milk together. We became good  21 . I often listened to this “time machine” as she shared her study with me.
At the end of the term we invited Susan to give us a  22 . When she was stepped up to the front, suddenly she found she took the wrong paper. She felt a little frustrated(沮丧的) and said, “I"m sorry. I’m so nervous that I can’t get my ready talk    23 , so I have to tell you  24 I know .”
In her speech she told us, “We don’t stop playing as we are old, we grow old because we stop playing. The secret of staying  25 , being happy and getting success is that we should laugh and find something  26 every day. I think there is a great  27 between growing old and growing up. I am seventy now. If I  28 in bed for one full year and never do anything. I’ll become seventy – one. Since anybody can grow older, my idea is to grow up by always finding the chance in change. Growing older can’t be avoided(避免的), growing up can be  29 . It’s never too late to be all you can be possible.”
During the four years’ study, it was so easy for Susan to make friends  30 she went. In the end, the wonderful woman got a college degree.
A.finding B.gettingC.wantingD.wondering

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
When I was a kid, my dad worked in a shop in the center of our town. Sometimes, I went to the shop with him and I made a little pocket money by buying things for his workmates. But I never paid attention to all the things and people around me.
One day, as my dad and I were driving to the shop, I looked out of the window of the car and I saw an old man standing at the street corner. There was a rose in his hand, he was smelling the rose. For some reason, our eyes met and we looked at each other for about twenty seconds. There was nothing unusual about this man but the meet was unusual to me. Up to that moment in my life, I had given no thought to anyone on the street, in shops or anywhere else. I had no interest out of my family.
But I was interested in that old man. For the first time I had interest in a stranger. What kind of life had he lived? Where had he been in his time?
Once a great man encouraged us to “stop and smell the rose”. Now I want to tell these words to you. Stop what you are busy with and try to fully understand things and people in your eyesight. If you don’t care about others on your road of life, then you are missing your life itself.
小题1:How did the writer make a little pocket money?
A.By asking his father to give him.
B.By stealing other’s money.
C.By buying things for his father’s workmates.
D.By asking in the street.
小题2:What was the old man doing when I saw him?
A.He was selling roses.
B.He was walking in the street.
C.He was talking to the writer.
D.He was smelling a rose.
小题3:When did the writer have interest out of his family?
A.When he was a kid.
B.When he met the old man with rose.
C.When he went to school.
D.When he went to work.
小题4:What is the main idea of this passage?
A.If you care about others on your road of life, then you are having your life itself.
B.If you care about others on your road of life, then you are missing your life itself.
C.If you meet an old man with a rose in the street, then you’ll have interest in your life.
D.If you have interest in others, then you are having your life itself.

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Once a small boy lived on a farm which seemed so far away from everywhere.
He needed to get up before sunrise every morning to help his father on the farm. During sunrise he would .a break and climb up on the fence(篱笆)along the side of the farm. He could see a house with golden windows. “If they could afford golden windows, then there must be other nice things inside the house.” He imagined how great it would be to live there. Then he promised himself, “Some day 1 will go there and see this wonderful place.”
One morning, his father would go to the town and told him to stay at home for a rest. Knowing that this was his chance, he took a sandwich and headed across the field towards the house with the golden windows.
As the afternoon went on, he began to know how wrong he was. The house was much farther than he had expected. As he went near the house, he saw no golden windows but instead a place in bad need of a painting. A small girl very close to his age came out of the poor house and stood by the broken fence. He asked her if she had seen the house with the golden windows. The girl said, “Sure, I know.” and invited him to sit on the porch (门廊).As he sat there, he looked back from where he just came. There he saw the sunset turned the windows of his house to gold! Now he understood that everyone had his own house with golden windows.
小题1:During his break every morning, the small boy would _________.
A.fix the fence
B.eat sandwiches
C.climb up on the fence
D.walk around the farm
小题2:One morning, when knowing he would stay alone, the boy thought it was a chance for him to_________.
A.go to the town
B.play on the field
C.go to see the house
D.make the golden windows
小题3:What did the boy find when he got there?
A.Nobody lived in the poor house.
B.No golden windows were in the house.
C.The house was so old as he expected.
D.The house was nearer than he thought.
小题4:The story tells us that people sometimes may have the thought________ .
A.Like father, like son
B.Love me, love my dog
C.Every dog has its day
D.The grass is greener somewhere else

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

Born in the city, we regard the country life as something far away. We are used to e___66_______in the city. We are even getting used to the noisesand pollution in the city. It has become a p___67___ of our life. I have never been to the country. Nature is a word strange to us. This summer I had the chance to go with my parents on a v___68____ to countryside.
For the first time in my life I have the experience with the country life. Here I r___ 69_____ what a life of nature is. This is a small village far from cities. It is at the foot of a mountain. The life there is s___70____. It is different from the city life.
There are few cars or other t___71_____ on the way. The air is fresh. The sky is high. The people are friendly. They are not as busy as t___72____ in the big city. Everywhere you can find people bathing i___73___ the sun. They drink clean water. The water comes from the mountain. They e___74____the quiet life very much. What’s more, there you can hear the sound of nature. You can find the children p___75___ with water in the river and the dogs running after the people. All these make a wonderfulpicture of countryside. How I love the country life!
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