I am an adult. I’m not a kid. I’m a grown-up. I need some money. I have no food.

I am an adult. I’m not a kid. I’m a grown-up. I need some money. I have no food.


I am an adult. I’m not a kid. I’m a grown-up. I need some money. I have no food. I am hungry. I am not thirsty, because water is everywhere. But water has no taste. I want to drink a soda. I want to drink milk. I want to drink coffee. I want to work. Nobody will hire(雇佣 )me. Nobody is hiring anybody. Companies are firing(解雇) people. Everyone is looking for a job. I cannot pay my rent(付房租). I will have to live in my car. I don’t want to live in my car. My car has no bed. Everyone should live in a house or a flat. Many people don’t have a car. They live on the street. A street has no bed. Nobody should live on the street. I don’t know what to do. I don’t know where to go. Maybe I will go to church(教堂). Maybe I will find help there.
小题1:I need some money because I  _______.
A.need water to drinkB.need food to eat
C.don’t need water to drinkD.don’t need food to eat
小题2:I don’t want to buy  _______to drink.
小题3:I want to live __________.
A.in a house B.in my carC.on the streetD.in the church
小题4:I am looking for ________
A.waterB.a jobC.a houseD.the church
小题5:Which is wrong?
A.Companies are firing people.B.I can pay my rent .
C.I will go to church for help.D.Nobody should live on the street.



小题1:细节理解题,根据文中语句“I am an adult. I’m not a kid. I’m a grown-up. I need some money.”可知。
小题2:细节理解题,根据文中语句“because water is everywhere. But water has no taste.”可知。
小题3:句意理解题,根据文中语句“I cannot pay my rent(付房租). I will have to live in my car. I don’t want to live in my car. My car has no bed.”可知。
小题4:细节理解题,根据文中语句“Everyone is looking for a job.”可知。
小题5:细节理解题,根据文中语句“I cannot pay my rent(付房租).”可知。

“Hi! John.” Mary ran towards me with a bright smile, saying, “I’m going to have a dance performance tonight. I hope you’ll come. Here is the ticket. Don’t forget!” Then she    41  in a hurry.
“What? Dance? Is that    42  ?” I asked myself. Mary was not such kind of girl. She was quite common one. I had never seen her wearing colorful clothes. In fact, she really did not know    43   to dress up. What a terrible thing!
“I should go to, I must go to.” I thought.
I arrived at the hall with the ticket, found my seat and sat down. Her performance was the seventh one. I knew I would have a    44   time before her turn, for I had no sense of art,    45   her performance was worth(值得)watching, no matter how long I would wait.
Time went    46  , I tried my best not to fall asleep.
Just then, came the words, “Let’s welcome the next exciting dance – Latin!”
Hearing this, I opened my eyes as large as possible,    47   to lose anything. Wearing a golden and shiny skirt, Mary appeared. She danced with a sweet smile, looking like a pretty butterfly flying … I could    48   believe my eyes.
After all the performance ended, I    49   her at the gate.
“Hi!” She stood in front of me with her crystal(水晶) shoes. “How do you feel?”
“Fantastic!” I answered.
“Ha, ha. I knew it would be.” She could not hide her excitement, laughing    50  a child.
At that time, I realized that every girl has a pair of special shoes which are like the crystal shoes of Cinderella.
A.why B.whereC.whenD.how
A.waited forB.looked forC.paid forD.cared for

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

A good reader is very much like a driver. He must change his reading speed to fit(适应)what he is reading and what he is reading for, just as a driver does to fit the road situation.
A good reader may read at 1,000 WPM(每分钟…词 )when he looks for something for a report in the library. But once he finds what he needs, he may slow down to 100 WPM. A good reader may read newspapers and story books at 600 WPM. But he may read his science or maths books at 150 WPM. Just as a driver has a wide change of driving speed, so a good reader has a wide change of reading speed.
小题1:The writer thinks that a good reader can____.
A.read at 1,000 WPMB.read as fast as he can
C.change the reading speeds as he needsD.spend more time reading
小题2:A good reader may read fastest____.
A.when he reads newspapers and story books
B.when he reads something most useful to him
C.when he is trying to work out a maths problem
D.when he is trying to find something for his report
小题3:Which is the best title for this passage?
A.The Importance of Having Fast Reading Speed
B.A Good Reader and His Reading Speed.
C.The Best Way of Fast Reading
D.The Difference Between Driving and Reading

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

You may know the English letters A, B and C. But do you know there are people called ABC? You may like eating bananas. But do you know there is such a thing a “banana person”? How strange! Are these people from “another earth”? No, they are just Chinese people like you and me.
ABC means American-born Chinese. An ABC is a Chinese, but was born in the United States. Sometimes, people call an ABC a “banana person”. A banana is yellow outside and white inside. So, when a person is a banana, he or she is white inside-thinking like a Westerner and yellow outside-looking like a Chinese.
Do you know why? Usually, ABCs know little about China or the Chinese language. Some of them don’t speak Chinese. Also, they are not interested in Chinese politics.
But if ABCs can not speak Chinese, can we still call them Chinese people? Yes, of course. They are Chinese. They are overseas Chinese. These people may be citizens (公民) of another country like the US, Canada or Singapore. But they have Chinese blood. Their parents, grandparents or even great-grandparents were from China. They all have black eyes and black hair. But they are not Chinese citizens. They are not people of the People’s Republic of China. For example, we all know the famous scientist, C.N.Yang(杨振宁). He got the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1957. Chinese people love him. But he is an American citizen.
小题1:“ABC” in this passage means “     ”.
A.three English lettersB.a kind of banana
C.Chinese born in AmericaD.Americans born in China
小题2:Chinese in Western countries are called “banana persons” because       .
A.their bodies are white inside but yellow outside
B.they think like Westerners but look like Chinese
C.they were born in China but got to study in America
D.they like to eat bananas
小题3:The underlined word “blood” may probably mean       .
小题4:This passage mainly talks about ______.
A. different kind of bananas                B. the life story of C.N.Yang
C. the Noble Prize                      D. overseas Chinese
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

It was the end-of-year party. I had asked my mother to make us cookies. Mom’s chocolate chips were the best.
But two o’clock passed, and there was no sign of her. Most of the other mothers had come and gone, dropping off their cakes and chips. The party went on, but I wouldn’t leave the window. The three o’clock bell soon took me away from my thoughts(思绪). I took my bag and walked out for home.
The house was empty when I arrived. My heart was filled with anger(气愤). For the first time in my life, my mother had let me down. I was lying on my bed when I heard her coming. “Robbie,” she called out. “Where are you?” She was looking for me from room to room, but I kept silent.
When she came into my room, I didn’t move, “I’m so sorry,” she said. “I got busy and forgot.” She began to laugh. I couldn’t believe it. I turned over and found that she wasn’t laughing but crying. “I’m so sorry. I let my boy down.” she cried like a little girl. I had never seen my mother cry.
“It’s OK, Mom,” I said, “We didn’t need those cookies. There was plenty of food to eat. Don’t cry. It’s all right.” We held each other in a long hug(拥抱).
小题1:The story happened __________.
A.on my birthdayB.during Christmas
C.before ChristmasD.before the New Year’s Day
小题2:I didn’t leave the window because I want __________.
A.to see my mother coming
B.to enjoy the party
C.to get some cookies
D.to go to the party
小题3:What does the underlined phrase “let me down ” mean in Chinese?
小题4:I lay down on my bed and kept silent because I was __________.
小题5:Why did my mother cry and say that she was sorry?
A.Because she was too busy.
B.Because she couldn’t find me.
C.Because she didn’t support me.
D.Because she needed those cookies.

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

One day, many years ago, when I was working as a psychologist(心理学家) in England, David was brought into my office. His face was pale(苍白的)and he looked at his own feet.
David lost his father when he was two years old and lived with his mother and grandfather ever since. But the year before he turned 13, his grandfather died and his mother was killed in a car accident. His teacher told me that he refused to talk to others from then on.
How could I help him?
David didn"t say a word. As he was leaving, I put my hand on his shoulder."Come back next week if you like. "I said.
He came and I suggested we play a game of chess. He agreed. After that we played chess every Wednesday afternoon--in complete silence. Usually, he arrived earlier than agreed.   It seemed  that he liked to be with me. But why didn"t he ever look at me?
"Perhaps he simply needs someone to share his pain (痛苦)with," I thought.
Months later, when I was looking at his head, he suddenly looked up at me. "It"s your turn," he said. After that day, David started talking. He finally got friends in school and he even joined a bicycle club. He wrote to me a few times. Now he had re ally started to live his life.
Maybe I gave David something. But I learned a lot from him. I learned how time makes it possible to get over what seems to be painful. David showed me how to help people like him. All they need is a shoulder to cry on, a friendly touch and an ear that listens.
小题1:When David was brought into the writer"s office, ___________.
A.he said hello to the writer
B.he seemed happy
C.he looked at his own feet
D.he smiled at the writer
小题2:David"s father died when he was  ________ years old.
小题3:To help David, the writer __________every Wednesday afternoon.
A.played chess with himB.told stories to him
C.wrote letters to himD.played soccer with him
小题4:What club did David join?
A.A chess club. B.An art club.C.An English club.D.A bicycle club.
小题5:Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A.David finally got friends in school.
B.After his father died, David refused to talk to others.
C.David didn"t say anything to the Writer at first.
D.At last the writer learned a lot from David.

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