First Frenchman: I once heard someone shout, “Look out,” I put my head out of a

First Frenchman: I once heard someone shout, “Look out,” I put my head out of a

First Frenchman: I once heard someone shout, “Look out,” I put my head out of a window and a basin (盆) of water fell on me. It seems that “Look out” may mean “don’t look out.”
  Second Frenchman: Once I was on a ship and heard the captain (船长) shout, “All hands on deck,” I put my hands on the deck and someone walked on them.
  Third Frenchman: I once visited an English friend early in the morning and the maid who came to the door and said, “He’s not up yet. Come back in half an hour,” When I went again for him, she said, “He’s not down yet.”
  “If he’s not up and he’s not down, where is he?” I asked.
She said, “He’s still in bed. When I say ‘He’s not up ’  I mean ‘he has not yet got up’. When I say‘He’s not down ’I mean ‘he has not yet come downstairs.”
小题1:“Look out”here means “ _______”.
A.put your head out of the window and look
B.Take care
C.I’m going to pour the water
D.Help me
小题2:“All hands on deck”means “ _______ ”.
A.All the sailors gather ( 集合 )on deck
B.Give your hands to me
C.Put your right hand and left hand on deck
D.Shake your hands with me
小题3:When the third Frenchman went back, the English friend _______ .
A.was washing his face
B.was having his breakfast
C.was still in an upstairs room
D.was reading a newspaper


小题1:根据第一段It seems that “Look out” may mean “don’t look out.”
小题1:根据整体意思及“…and someone walked on them.”可知这是集合的口令。故选A
小题1:根据.“…I mean ‘he has not yet come downstairs,’”我的意思是他还没有下楼,故选C.
On a hot summer day, Holmes and Dr. Watson went on a camping trip. After a good meal and a bottle of wine, they lay down in a tent for the night and went to sleep.
Some hours later, Holmes woke up and pushed his friend. “Watson, look! What can you see in the sky?"
Watson replied, “I see millions and millions of stars.”
“What does that tell you?” asked Holmes.
Watson thought for a while. “First, it tells me that we will have a beautiful clear day tomorrow. Second, it tells me that the time is about twelve o’clock. And…”
“What else?” Holmes asked.
“Well, it also reminds me that the world is so big and we are so small. What does that tell you?” Holmes said with a grin on his face, “You silly guy! It only tells me that someone has stolen our tent!”
小题1:Holmes woke up _____. the middle of the night B.early in the morning
C.soon after he fell asleep D.after Watson pushed him
小题2:Watson thought of at least _____ things after he saw the stars.
A.two B.three C.four D.five
小题3:Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?
A.The story happened in the afternoon.
B.They had some wine before they went to sleep.
C.Holmes asked Watson questions because Holmes didn’t know what happened.
D.Holmes and Watson were in their tent while they were talking about the question.

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Mrs. Thompson came to the 5th grade class and noticed that Teddy was always alone. Also, he did badly in his studies. When she reviewed Teddy’s past records,she find he was a good child at first,but he began to change when his mother got ill. Finally he lost interest in school after his mother’s death.
Mrs.Thompson realized the problem and felt sorry for him. She felt even worse when her students brought her beautifully-covered Christmas presents. His presents were covered with some old paper. Some children laughed when she found a bracelet(手镯)with some of the stones missing, and a bottle with a little perfume(香水). But she said how pretty the bracelet was, putting it on, and dabbing some perfume on her hand. Teddy stayed after school for a long time just to say,“Mrs.Thompson,today you smelled just like my mom used to.” After the child left,she cried for quite a long time.
On that very day,she taught not only knowledge but also children. As she worked with Teddy,his mind seemed to come alive. By the end of the year,Teddy had become one of the smartest children in the class.
A year later,Teddy left school. She found a note under her door,from Teddy,saying that she was the best teacher he ever had in his life. After that, these words were repeated in each of his letters to her.
Then after he finished college, Teddy wrote telling her that he had met a pretty girl and was going to get married. He explained that his father was dead,and that he wondered if Mrs.Thompson might sit at the wedding in the place for the mother of the groom(新郎).
Of course,Mrs.Thompson did. She wore the bracelet and the perfume that Teddy remembered his mother wearing on their last Christmas together.
They hugged(拥抱)each other,and Teddy whispered in Mrs.Thompson’s ear,“Thank you,Mrs.Thompson,for making me feel important,and showing me that I could make a difference. ”
Mrs.Thompson,with tears in her eyes,whispered back,“Teddy,it’s not like that. You were the one who taught me that I could make a difference. I didn’t know how to teach until I met you.”
小题1:What made Teddy change before Mrs. Thompson came?
A.His mother’s illness and death.B.His classmates’ laughing at him.
C.His past records by his teachers. D.His interest in some other things.
小题2:Teddy left a note for Mrs. Thompson when he left school mainly to say _______.
小题3:What kind of person was Mrs. Thompson?
A.Wise and humorous.B.Kind and helpful.
C.Selfish and impatient.D.Strict and stubborn.
小题4:We can learn from the passage that _______.
A.Mrs. Thompson became Teddy’s mother at last.
B.Mrs. Thompson didn’t know how to teach all her life.
C.Teddy didn’t finish college before he got married.
D.Mrs. Thompson and Teddy each made a difference.

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An old farmer lived with his grandson. Each morning, the   16  got up early and read his Bhagavad Gita(薄迦梵歌).
One day the grandson asked, “Grandpa! I try to read the book like you   17  I can’t understand it, and I forget it easily. What’s the   18  of reading it?”
The grandfather said, “Take this coal(煤炭) basket down to the   19  and bring me back a basket of water.”
The boy did as his grandfather   20  ,but all the water ran   21  he got home. The grandfather laughed, “You’ll have to move faster next time.”
This time the boy   22  faster, but again the basket was empty. He told his grandfather that is was   23  to carry water in a basket. He wanted to use a bottle instead, but the old man said, “I just want a basket of water. You’re not   24  hard enough.”
The boy wanted to show his grandfather that the water would surely run. He again put the   25  into the river and ran hard. But there wasn’t anything in it again. He said   26  ,“Look, grandpa, it’s useless!”
“Watch the basket.” said the grandfather.
For the first time the boy   27  the basket was different. It had changed from a dirty old coal basket into a   28  one, inside and out.
“Boy, you might not understand or remember   29  when you read the book, but when you read it, you will be   30  ,inside and out. That’s what you got from it.”
A.hitting B.tryingC.holdingD.studying
A.differentB.relaxed C.curiousD.worried

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Chen Guangbiao was born in Jiangsu in July,1968. He is the chairperson of a company in Jiangsu. Now he is one of China’s richest men and he has donated a great amount of money to charity projects. He says he will donate everything he has to charity after he dies.
When people are in need of help, he will appear at once. He helped people during the Wenchuan earthquake, the Yunnan earthquake and the Taiwan earthquake. He also gave a helping hand in Japan’s earthquake. He has built many Hope Primary Schools to support the education in poor areas.
He doesn’t do charity for honour. He wants to encourage more people to make contributions to charity. After announcing he would donate everything to charity after his death, many businesses, overseas(海外)Chinese people and common people encouraged by him have also promised to do something for charity.
As a philanthropist(慈善家),he is asked for help every day. Sometimes he gets very tired, but he has never stopped caring.
So far, he has received a lot of awards, including Pioneer of the Year, and National May Day Labour Medal(全国五一劳动奖章).He is considered as one of china’s top philanthropists.
小题1:The article is probably taken from _______.
A.a newspaperB.a novelC.a detective storyD.a science book
小题2:He says he will donate _____ to charity after he dies.
A.nothingB.some schools
C.everything he hasD.his whole company
小题3: What does he do charity for?
A.He wants to do charity for money.
B.He wants to do charity for pleasure.
C.He wants to ask people to help him.
D.He wants to encourage more people to contribute to charity.
小题4:Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?
A.He is from Jiangsu.
B.He has visited many countries.
C.He has helped people in need.
D.He has got a lot of awards.
小题5:Which do you think is the best title for the passage?
A.Earthquakes.B.Hope Primary Schools.
C.Pioneer of the Year.D.Philanthropist Chen Guangbiao

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BASEBALL. It’s just a word, but for millions of Americans it brings much more than a word.
Hot dogs. Cold beers. Sunny afternoons. Baseball is the game of fathers and sons. Fathers and sons catch with each other on lawns (草坪) in the US. A father’s favorite team becomes his son’s. Grandfathers talk to their grandsons about games played long ago.
Many American kids collect baseball cards. The cards have pictures of their favorite players on them. In school, friends trade (交换) baseball cards just like they trade their lunches.
Players are known as “the boys of summer” because people often play the sport mostly in warm months. You don’t need to be of a certain size or shape to play baseball. You don’t have to be tall like a basketball player or strong like an American footballer. You just need to want to have fun.
Baseball is not as fast-paced (快节奏的) a game as basketball. But when you go to see a game, there’s time to relax, talk and get to know other people.
Baseball may not be the most popular sport in the US, but it is the most traditional. It’s not just a game any more, but an important part of American culture, like apple pie and grandma’s house.
小题1:Many American kids like to collect _______________. pies
小题2:People like to play baseball in _____________.
A.wet monthsC.warm monthsD.cold months
小题3:Most of the Americans play baseball just want to _______________.
A.enjoy themselvesB.make money
C.keep warm D.make friends
小题4:Which one is WRONG in the article?
A.We can find many children’s favorite baseball players on their cards.
B.If you are not strong enough, you can’t play baseball.
C.When you go to watch a baseball play, you’ll relax and have time to talk to other people.
D.Baseball is the most traditional sport in the US.

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