阅读理解。                                       CHARLIE CHAPLIN1889---Born in London

阅读理解。                                       CHARLIE CHAPLIN1889---Born in London

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                                       CHARLIE CHAPLIN
1889---Born in London.
Father----Actor. Hadn"t much money.
1894---Started dancing and singing for money.
1904---Joined a travelling theatre company and went to America.
1910---Someone offered him a part (角色) in a film.Went to Hollywood.
1914---Became a film director (导演) 1914-1966----Made many funny films.
1977----Died in Switzerland. People were very sad.
1-4 ABCB
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A. ever   B. watching   C. What   D. be   E. more   F. confidence
G. All   H. shown   I. Both   J. During   K. are   L. well
     Love football? You must (1)w            the English Premier League (英超联赛). It is perhaps the most
(2)i            football league in the world. Who is the Premier League"s top striker(射手) this year? It"s Didier
Drogba. He"s scored twenty goals in all.
     Didier Drogba was (3)b            in the African country in 1978. When Didier was five, he went to live
with his uncle in France.
     At the age of 15, Didier (4)b            a professional footballer. He soon made a name for himself. In 2004,
he (5)j            the English club Chelsea.
     On the football field, Didier plays very (6)h           . "I feel lucky to play in the same (7)t             with
Didier. I"m glad I don"t have to play (8)a             him." Said Peter Cech, Chelsea"s goalkeeper (守门员).
     But Didier plays down his talent s(天赋), "I"m not (9)S           . I try my best to score. That"s
(10)w             my team needs me to do," Didier said.
     Ronald Reagan was the only actor to become president of the United States, but other movie stars have
also been successful in public office. One of them was Shirley Temple, who is remembered throughout the
world as a little girl. She danced and sang in many movies.
     Shirley began to make movies at the age of five, and she was only nine years old when she played the
role of Heidi. In almost every part of the world where movies are seen on television, children and their
parents still enjoy Heidi and the other movies of Shirley Temple. Although she has not appeared in a film for
over thirty years, her name is still familiar to old and young alike.
     When Shirley Temple was twenty-one years old, she was already retired from her career as an actress.
Twenty years later, many people still thought her as a little girl that Americans had always loved in the
movies, but others knew her as an intelligent woman with knowledge of world problems. One of the people
who recognized these important abilities was President Richard M. Nixon. In 1969, he appointed (委派) her
as a representative (代表) to the United Nations, and this marked the beginning of a new career for the
former child star of the movies. 
     One of Shirley"s most popular dancing and singing partners was George Murphy, who was twenty-six
years older than Shirley. He stopped making movies at about the same time as his young partner. In 1969,
he was elected United States senator (参议员) from California, and he served in this office for six years.
1. Some of the American actors or actresses like Ronald Reagan, Shirley Temple and George 
    Murphy           .
[     ]
A. were later elected senators
B. later became more successful in the movie circle (电影界)
C. were later active in politics
D. later became presidents of the United States
2. Shirley Temple spent ______ years on her career as an actress.
     Mark Twain was a famous American writer. His real name was Samuel Langhorne Clemens. He grew
up in a small town beside the Mississippi River around the middle of the nineteenth century. He liked to
watch the steamboats (轮船) traveling along the river. When he was seventeen, he went east to New York,
but he never forgot the boats on the river in his hometown. At the age of twenty-one he returned home and
became a steamboat pilot (领航员). He was very happy on the river.
     Later, when he began to write stories, he used the name Mark Twain. Mark Twain was a term used by
riverboat men. Most people have forgotten that his name was really Samuel Langhorne Clemens.
     Mark Twain wrote many famous books, but he is remembered most for his stories about young boys.
One of his best stories tells about Tom Sawyer.
(     )1. Mark Twain was born in the USA.
(     )2. Mark Twain loved the Mississippi River and his hometown.
(     )3. When Mark Twain was seventeen, he left for New York.
(     )4. Mark Twain"s real name was Tom Sawyer.
(     )5. Mark Twain began to write when he was 20.
     Who will follow Yao Ming and become the next Chinese person to play in the NBA? Time Magazine
says Yi Jianlian, a 2.1-metre tall teenager from Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, might be the one. 
      Fifteen-year-old Yi is a good player and has the right size. He moves quickly. He plays for Guangdong
Tigers Club team. He played in the Chinese Basketball Association-the CBA (中国篮球协会) last season
and was the group"s new player of the year. Yi could be a key player at the 2008 Beijing Olympics.
     "It"s my dream to play in the Olympics," Yi said. "It would be a great honor to play in the Olympics for
my country, and I hope I will get a chance."
     Yi was 12 when he first picked up a basketball. At first his parents were against (反对) his playing
basketball in a sports school, but they were changed by the fact that Yi has everything for a good player
such as speed and size. Yi"s basketball life almost ended before it began. When he first went to training, he
almost gave up halfway. 
     "I wanted to give up," Yi said. "I had never lived away from home before." But later he decided to make
the best of the difficult situation (处境).
      His goal is to join Yao in the NBA. "We all look up to him, and I hope I can one day play in the NBA, too,"
said Yi. "I need to learn and practice, and I should stay cool before fame (名声)."
1. Why does Time Magazine say Yi Jianlian will become the next Chinese person to play in the NBA?
[     ]
A. Because he is taller than any other player in China.
B. Because he is younger than any other player in China.
C. Because he is a good player with right size and quick movement.
D. Because he is a CBA"s key player at present.
2. Yi Jlanlian has played in the CBA in _______ up to now (直到现在).
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