阅读理解。     Sam likes eating fish very much. He often buys fish in the shop and ta

阅读理解。     Sam likes eating fish very much. He often buys fish in the shop and ta

阅读理解。     Sam likes eating fish very much. He often buys fish in the shop and takes them home. One day his wife
  sees the fish and thinks, "Good! Now, I can ask my friends to have lunch and we can eat the fish. They
  like fish very much."
     When Sam comes home from work in the evening, the fish is not there and his wife says, "Oh,your cat
 eats it." And then she gives him some bread for his supper. Sam is angry (生气). He thinks his wife tells a
. He takes the cat and his wife to a shop near his house and weighs (称) the cat. Then he turns to his
 wife and says, "My fish weighs one kilo. The cat weighs one kilo, too. My cat is here, you see, then,
 where is my fish?" 1. Which is right according to (根据) the passage?    A. Sam doesn"t like eating fish at all.
    B. Sam often buys some fish for his cat.
    C. Sam"s cat always eats the fish before he comes back.
    D. The friends of Sam"s wife eat the fish.2. What does the underlined (下划线) part "tells a lie" mean in Chinese?    A. 狡辩.  
    B. 讲真话.
    C. 撒谎.    
    D. 开玩笑.3. How much does the cat weigh?    A. One kilo  
    B. Two kilos.  
    C. One and a half kilo.
    D. Half a kilo.4. Who gets very angry?    A. Sam"s wife.  
    B. Sam"s friends.  
    C. His wife"s friends  
    D. Sam.  
1—4: DCAD

阅读理解。     We drink tea every day. But more than three hundred years ago, most of the people in Europe (欧洲)
did not know anything about tea. Some people heard about it, but very few of them know what to do
with it.
     There is a story about an English sailor (水手) who went to countries in the east, the west and the
south. He went to India and China. One day he came home and brought some tea as a present for his
mother. She told her friends about the present and asked them to a "tea party". When her friends came
to the tea party, the old man offered (提供) the brown tealeaves (茶叶). The old woman"s friends began
to eat them. Of course, nobody liked the tealeaves.
     At that time the sailor came in. He looked at the table and said, "What have you done with the tea?"
"I boiled (煮) it, as you said. " "And what did you do with tea?" "I threw it away, of course." answered
the old man.
     "Now you may throw away the leaves, too." said her son. 1.Most of the people in Europe _________. A. drank tea every day 300 years ago
B. drink tea every day
C. know nothing about tea
D. like to eat tea leaves2.One day the sailor brought his mother some tea from _________. A. countries in the west
B. countries in the south
C. India or China
D. a tea shop in England3.The sailor"s mother asked her friends to her house, because ________. A. the sailor told her to
B. she wanted to ask her friends what to do with the tea
C. she liked to show off (炫耀)
D. she wanted to sample the tea together with her friends4.At the tea party, _________. A. all the woman"s friends spoke highly of the tea
B. nobody knew what to do with the tea
C. the woman offered her friends some dried (干的) tea
D. the woman gave her friends each a glass of tea water5.What mistake did the woman make?A. She boiled the tea.
B. She did as the sailor said.
C. She poured away the water.
D. She didn"t throw away the tea leaves.
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     Mr. Brad wants to see a film. After lunch, he goes to a cinema(电影院), buys a ticket(票) and goes
in. But after two or three minutes he comes out again and buys a second ticket and then walks in again.
     After a few minutes he comes out again and buys a third ticket. Two or three minutes after that, he
comes out a third time and asks for another ticket. But the girl says to him, "Why are you buying all these
tickets? Are you meeting your friends in the cinema all the time?" "No, I"m not doing that." Mr. Brad says, "But a big woman always stops me at the gate of cinema and she tears(撕) all my tickets." The girl has a
good laugh and says, "One ticket is enough. She is on duty."1. After lunch, Mr. Brad __________.A. goes to a cinema
B. goes fishing
C. goes to the Supermarket
D. goes shopping2. Mr. Brad _____ goes to the cinema after lunch.   A. himself  
B. and his wife  
C. and his friends
D. a girl3. Mr. Brad comes out of the cinema ______.A. once      
B. twice    
C. three times    
D. four times4. Mr. Brad buys _____ tickets altogether (一共).A. two  
B. three    
C. four  
D. five5. The woman tears his tickets because she _____.A. likes to do that      
B. doesn"t like Mr. Brad  
C. thinks they"re false(假的) tickets  
D. is checking up(检查) all the tickets
题型:江苏期末题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     One day, Susan goes shopping with her mother. When they get to (到达) the supermarket (超市),
 Susan is very happy. There are many things and many people in it.
     Susan"s mother tells her to follow (跟随) her. They walk (步行) here and there, and they buy some
     When they come to a shelf (货架), Susan sees some boxes of chocolates. Her mother wants to buy her
  a box of brown chocolates. Susan shakes (摇) her head and says,"I want a box of white chocolates."
     "Why?"asks her mother.
     "I can"t bite my fingers (咬着手指) when I eat them at night (在晚上),"answers Susan quickly (快地,
1. Where does Susan go one day?
2. Do they buy any things?
3. What does Susan want?
4. Why does Susan want white chocolates?
5. Does Susan eat chocolates at night?
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     Once upon a time there was a writer living by the sea. He had a habit of walking along the
beach before he began his work.
     One day he was walking along the beach, and he saw someone moving like a dancer. He
smiled and began to walk faster toward the men. As he got closer, he saw that it was a young
man and the young man wasn"t dancing. He was bending down to the send, picking something
up and very gently throwing it into the.sea.
     As he got closer, the writer called out: "Good morning! What are you doing?"
     The young man stopped, looked up, and said: "Throwing starfish( 海星) into the sea. "
     "Why are you doing that?"
     "The sun is up, and the tide( 潮汐)is going out. And if I don"t throw them into the sea, they
will die."
     "But, young man, don"t you think that there are so long a beach here, and starfish all on the
beach? You can"t make difference. "
     The young man listened politely then bent down, picked up another starfish, threw it into the
sea and said: "It made a difference for that one."
     Each of us can make a difference in this world. Everybody is useful. Every small thing you do
will help. 1. At first the writer thought the young man _____.  A. was walking with a dancer
B. was dancing along the beach
C. was swimming in the sea  2. What was the young man actually doing?   A. He was watching the sun going up.
B. He was waiting for the tide to go out.
C. He was throwing the starfish into the sea.    3. What did the young man do after the writer said: "You can"t make a difference"?   A. He was angry.
B. He listened politely without saying anything.
C. He went on doing what he thought was right.   4. The starfish won"t _____ if the young man didn"t throw them into the sea.   A. die
B. live on
C. jumps   5. What does the story tell us?   A. Walking along the beach is good for health.
B. Don"t stop doing good even if it is a small thing.
C. Give up when others ask you to stop.
题型:期中题难度:| 查看答案
完形填空。     Paul is a worker. One of his feet is bigger than    1_  . He can"t    2_   the right shoes    3   his feet. His
friend, Dick, says to him, "   4     don"t you go to a shoemaker(鞋匠) ? A shoemaker can    5     you the
right shoes."   6   Paul goes to the shoemaker near Dick"s home. Very soon the shoemaker makes him a
pair of shoes. Paul    7   the shoes but he is not happy. He    8   the shoemaker, "You aren"t    9   good
shoemaker!I want you to make me one shoe bigger than the other.    10   you make me one shoe smaller
than the other. "
题型:江苏期中题难度:| 查看答案


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(     )1. A. other
(     )2. A. see  
(     )3. A. for  
(     )4. A. How  
(     )5. A. take  
(     )6. A. So    
(     )7. A. looks
(     )8. A. speaks
(     )9. A. an    
(     )10. A. Then
B. the other
B. look for
B. on      
B. What    
B. give    
B. After  
B. looks at
B. says    
B. that    
B. Or      
C. another  
C. find      
C. with      
C. Where    
C. make      
C. But      
C. sees into
C. speaks to
C. this      
C. And      
D. that one  
D. look at  
D. about    
D. Why      
D. mend      
D. Or        
D. sees at  
D. says to  
D. a        
D. But