阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项.  On 26th January, the biggest earthquake (地震)

阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项.  On 26th January, the biggest earthquake (地震)

阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项.  On 26th January, the biggest earthquake (地震) in India took the lives of 25, 000 people. In the morning, when everybody was enjoying holiday, earthquake began. It was about 7. 5 on the Ritcher scale. "There  is nothing left between the sky and the earth any more. Everything has been pulled down, " said  one
 of  the villagers alive. "There is no water, no food and no one has come to help. "
    Nobody died in Pakistan, a country next to India. The City of Lahore was lucky. In Lahore American
School, where I was studying, all of the students were safe. They were on the field, so most  children
didn"t  feel anything. The earthquake was felt by the teachers that were on the  second floor.  However, 
though Mrs Young was also on the  second floor, she didn"t  feel  anything. She didn"t know   what  
happened  until  a teacher told her about it. Those teachers who were on the other floors had different 
feelings.  MrEmond, the maths teacher from Australia, said that when the  earthquake started he thought 
there  was  something  wrong with him, but then another teacher said that it was  an  earthquake. After  
those  words Mr  Emond felt better. Mrs Davis and Mr Frost didn"t feel anything either.
    My mother didn"t feel anything. She didn"t even know that it was an earthquake till she saw a  shaking
(moving from side to side) light. My  dad  saw the  computer  shaking and  then he looked  out  of  the
window  and saw many people going out.1. People use "Ritcher scale" to tell      .A. where the earthquake takes place    
B. when the earthquake takes place
C. how serious the earthquake is        
D. how long the earthquake lasts2. From the sentence " There is nothing left between the sky and the earth any more. " We learn
that           A. India is a large country      
B. the Indian people had nothing after the earthquake
C. there is no tall building in India    
D. the earthquake in India was not serious3. The City of Lahore is      .A. in India          
B. in America
C. in Pakistan      
D. in Australia4. Which of the following is true?   A. I was with my parents when the earthquake happened.
B. The earthquake in the city of Lahore wasn"t serious.
C. People in the City of Lahore were frightened when they knew it was an earthquake.
D. The teachers in Lahore American School were afraid of the earthquake.
1-4 C B C B
完形填空。     I think I"ve always been interested in food. My grandparents lived on a farm in Lincolnshire and had
a _  1    . She made fantastic English food; her roast beef was out of this world. I used to love going
down to the     2      and watching her work, and I learned a lot from her.  I realized that I wanted to be
a cook when I was about 12. When other boys      3     to do sports after school, I helped with cooking
at home. By the time I was 15, I had     4   _ to be a cook. However, I knew my parents wouldn"t allow
me to be a cook.  I had to tell them about it     5     . I told them that I wanted to do a cookery course for
fun, and I stayed for a month in a hotel in Torguay.  I enjoyed it so much that I couldn"t put off telling my
parents any longer,     6      I brought the subject up one night over dinner.     7      there was silence, and
then my father asked me why. I explained that cooking was     8      painting a picture or writing a book.  
Every meal was a work of creation.  I could see that my father disagreed, but he was not     9     . He just
looked at me and smiled. My mother kissed me.  And now I have my own restaurant, and it goes well. I
can see they are _ 10     me. However, my grandfather thinks I"m mad to give up farming.
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(     )l.  A. farmer    
(     )2. A. restaurant
(     )3. A. chose    
(     )4. A. decided  
(     )5. A. easily    
(     )6. A. but      
(     )7. A. At first  
(     )8, A. with      
(     )9. A. patient  
(     )10. A. proud of
B. painter  
B. hotel    
B. refused  
B. agreed  
B. softly  
B. so      
B. At last  
B. like    
B. satisfied
B. sorry for
C. cook          
C. farm          
C. hated          
C. managed        
C. slowly        
C. or            
C. At least      
C. about          
C. quiet          
C. friendly to    
D. nurse      
D. kitchen    
D. failed      
D. turned      
D. quietly    
D. for        
D. At times    
D. above      
D. angry      
D. strict with
     Happiness, Sadness,  Knowledge, Love and all of the other feelings used to live on an island. One
day it was announced that the island would sink, so all built boats and left except Love. Love wanted to
hold out (坚持) until the last possible moment.
     When the island had almost sunk, Love decided to ask for help.
Richness was passing by Love in a grand boat. Love said," Richness, can you take me with you?"
Richness answered, "No, I can"t. There is a lot of gold in my boat. There is no place for you here. "
Sadness was close by so Love asked, "Sadness, let me go with you. "  "Oh. . . Love,  I am so sad that I
need to be by myself! "
     Happiness passed by Love too, but she was so happy that she did not even hear when Love called
     Suddenly, there was a voice, "Come, Love, I will take you. " It was an elder.  So overjoyed
(非常高兴), Love even forgot to ask the elder where they were going. When they arrived at a dry land,
the elder went her own way.
     Love asked Knowledge, another elder, "Who helped me?"
     "It was Time," Knowledge answered.
     "Time?" asked Love. "But why did Time help me?"
     Knowledge smiled with deep wisdom and answered, "Because only Time is able to understand how
valuable Love is. "
1. Who was the last one to leave the island?
A. Happiness.          
B. Sadness.
C. Knowledge.          
D. Love.
2. How many times did Love ask for help all together?
A. Three times.                
B. Four times.
C. Five times.                
D. Six times.
3. Why didn"t Richness take Love with him?
A. Because Richness was too rich.
B.  Because his boat was full of gold and there was no place for Love.
C. Because he needed to be by himself.
D. Because Richness didn"t hear Love"s words.
4. Love arrived at ________ with an elder at last.
A.  another island           
B.  a boat
C. a dry land                  
D. another country
5. What was the best title for this passage?
A. Everyone needs Richness.
B. Five feelings.
C. Who was the most useful?
D. Love and Time.
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thousand   only   thin   happy   office   happen   money   angry   listen   second
     One day an Australian farmer, Joe, saw a bright light in the sky. 1 The light came nearer and nearer
and suddenly Joe saw that it was a spaceship .
The spaceship landed in a field quickly.
     The door of the spaceship opened and two strange beings climbed out. 2 They seemed to be half man
and half bird.
Joe was afraid of them. He tried to run away. But the spacemen walked towards him,
picked him up and carried him into the spaceship. They put wires( 电线) from a machine onto his head
and they could speak to him in English.
     They asked him some questions about the earth. "We are from Venus," they said, "but it"s getting very
hot there .A lot of our people are dying and we don"t have much time left. We are trying to find a new
     After some time they 3 freed Joe and  at last the spaceship took off  and could not be seen again. Joe
told his friends about the spaceship, but no one believed his story.
     "You"ll believe me one day," Joe told them. "The spaceman will come back…"
1. 翻译1 处画线部分的句子。
2. 不变句意,改写2 处句子。
3. According to the conversation between Joe and the aliens, what do we know about Venus?
4. 3处单词的意思是___________.  
A. let …go  
B. paid no money  
C. took away  
D. locked
5. 用文中的两个词填空。
(1) Some people ________ in everlasting life after death.
(2) The girls are ________ of going out at night.
     Once there was a boy. He loved sweets very much. He always asked his father for sweets.
     The boy"s father thought hard about how to stop the child from asking for so many sweets. A great man lived
nearby. The boy"s father decided to take the boy to him. He might be able to make the child give up sweets.
     So they went to the great man. The father asked the great man to help him. But the great man liked sweets himself.
He told the father to bring his son back after a month.
     During the month, the great man tried to give up eating sweets. At last he did it. When the boy and his father
returned after a month, the great man had a talk with the boy. From then on, the boy did not ask for sweets any more.
     The boy"s father felt surprised, "Why didn"t you ask my son to give up sweets when we came to you a month ago?"
The man answered, "How could I ask a boy to give up sweets when I loved sweets myself?" In the last month I gave
up eating sweets."
     A person"s example is always stronger than words. We should not ask others to do what we can"t do ourselves.
1. The boy"s father took his son to the great man because __________.
A. the man lived close to the house.
B. the man might give him some help.
C. the man was also fond of sweets.
D. the man had already given up sweets.
2. Which of the following is NOT TRUE?
A. The great man had a hobby of eating sweets.
B. The great man gave up eating sweets in a month.
C. The father and son came back to the man a month later.
D. The boy failed to stop eating sweets at last.
3. Which is the best title for the passage?
A. Eating sweets is bad for children.
B. A good way to give up eating sweets.
C. Giving up sweets is not difficult.
D. Examples speak louder than words.