阅读理解。     Mary is an English girl. She’s six years old. Her mother takes her to

阅读理解。     Mary is an English girl. She’s six years old. Her mother takes her to

阅读理解。     Mary is an English girl. She’s six years old. Her mother takes her to
school in the morning and brings her home in the afternoon. She likes her
nice school. She likes her teachers, too.
     One day, she says (说) to her mother, “ Mom, we have a new girl in our
class today, Her name is Kim. She’s six years old , too. She’s very nice,
but she isn’t English. She is German(德国人)”.
 “Does she speak (说) English ”?
 “No, but she laughs(笑) in English ”, Mary says happily(高兴地) .1. Mary is ___________ years old.A. seven      
B. six      
C. eight    
D. nine2.__________ takes Mary to school every day.A. Her father      
B Her sister    
C. Her mother  
D.Her brother3.Mary _______ her nice school.A. likes          
B doesn’t like    
C. can’t go to    
D. hates(讨厌)4. Kim __________ speak English .A. can            
B. can’t        
C. doesn’t like to  
D doesn’t hate to5. Kim is _____________.A. English        
B. German      
C. five          
D. four
1---5  BCABB
完形填空     Joe Richards    1   in school for ten years. When he finished school, he was eighteen years old. And
then his father said to him, "You finished school, and you   2    good marks(分数). Now you may go to
town and get some good work. They need some clever people to work in the office in the town. The
people   3   can get quite a lot of money now.    4   you stay in the    5   , you can"t get much money
   6   0ur family. "
      A few weeks    7   , Joe went to the office and    8    a job there. A man took him into a small room
and gave him some questions on a piece of paper. Joe     9    his answers on the paper quickly, and he
gave the paper to the man. The man looked at the answers for a few minutes, and then he asked, “Your
birthday was    10    the 12th of June, Mr Richards?"
      "Yes, sir," Joe answered.
      "What year?" the man asked again.
      "Oh, every year, sir," said Joe.
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
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(     )1.A. worked
(     )2.A. have
(     )3.A. here
(     )4.A. If
(     )5.A. city
(     )6.A. for
(     )7.A. ago
(     )8.A. looked for
(     )9.A. answered
(     )10.A. in

B. studied
B. had
B. in this place
B. Because
B. town
B. with
B. later                
B. found
B. said
B. on
C. lived
C. got
C. there
C. When
C. house
C. to
C. late
C. asked for       
C. spoke
C. at
D. taught
D. get
D. in town
D. And
D. village
D. in
D. past
D. asked
D. wrote
D. for
  Mr Smith lives in Toronto. He"s a doctor. His wife teaches English in a
middle school. They have two children.  One is a son called Mike and the other
is a daughter. She"s only three months old. Mike loves the baby very much. He
often shows her to their guests(客人). Mike is young and doesn"t go to school.  
He stays at home to help his mother look af ter the baby.
  One day Mike"s aunt comes to see the baby. She works in another city and
sees the baby for the first time. Mike shows the baby to his aunt.
  "Look at the baby, aunt," says Mike. "She is beautiful.  I think she looks like
me ! "
  "Does she like playing with you?" asks his aunt.
  "I don"t know:" answers the boy, "She can"t speak yet. "
1. Mike is _____.
A. an American        
B. an Australian
C. an Englishman      
D. a Canadian
2. There"re _____ people in Mr Smith"s family.
A. two  
B. four    
C: five    
D. six
3. Mrs Smith is a _____.
A. doctor          
B. worker
C. teacher          
D. bookseller
4. The baby is Mike"s _____.
A. elder sister          
B. younger sister
C. elder brother          
D. younger brother
5. Little Mike thinks _____.
A. he"s beautiful, too
B. the baby is nice
C. his aunt is friendly to him
D. he loves the baby best
     A shop owner(店主) closed his shop and went home.  He. was very__l__, but just as he went to bed, the telephone__2__. A man asked, "What time do you open your shop?"  
     The shop owner was __3__about this phone call. He put down the receiver(听筒) without answering and went .__4__to bed. A few minutes__5__ the telephone rang__6__ and the man asked the __7__ question. The shop owner became very __8__  and he shouted, "You needn"t ask me when Iopen the shop, for I won"t let you __9__ ."   
     "Oh, no, I don"t want to get in," the mansaid, "I want to go __10__ ."
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1. A. happy
(     )2. A. called  
(     )3. A. unhappy    
(     )4. A. upstairs
(     )5. A. ago   
(     )6. A. much  
(     )7. A. another
(     )8. A. angry  
(     )9. A. out   
(     )10. A. back   
B. glad 
B. rang 
B. interested    
B. out   
B. later  
B. once  
B. one  
B. happy
B. in    
B. in 
C. tired
C. cried 
C. surprised        
C. back  
C. before
C. more  
C. same  
C. sad   
C. into   
C. into  
D. sorry
D. shouted
D. worried
D. home
D. after
D. again
D. different
D. pleased
D. back
D. out
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题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案


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with  have   birthday   busy   time   like   twin  wear  beautiful   want

     Yesterday afternoon, Amy stopped me at the school gate and asked me to her party. I was happy
because she often helps me with my English.I hope to talk with more Englishmen. Her family come from
Canada. They all talk in English. My mother knew Amy liked jiaozi and made some for her. Amy"s
friends were in the room when I got there. The girl thanked me for my present, the jiaozi. The party
started at five and we all said. "Happy birthday!" to her. She told us to talk in English. We had a good
time and learned a lot, too.
1. When did Amy ask me to her party?  
    She asked me to her party________ ________.
2. Where"s Amy from?
    She is from ________.
3. What did the author give Amy for her birthday?  
    The author gave her ________ ________for her birthday.
4. Did the children talk in Chinese or in English?  
    They talked ________ ________.
5. What did Amy"s friends learn that evening?  
    They learned to ________ ________ English.