完形填空。     A man was walking along the street    1     he saw a woman carrying a

完形填空。     A man was walking along the street    1     he saw a woman carrying a

完形填空。     A man was walking along the street    1     he saw a woman carrying a large box. It was half in and half out of her car. The man was always    2     ,so he went up and said, "The box looks very heavy. Let me give you a hand. "
    "That"s very kind    3     you,"the woman said. "I"m having a lot of    4     with it. Maybe it sticks(卡住)in the car door. " " Together we"ll soon move it," the man said. "I"ll get in and take    5     end. "And he got into the car.
     "Right,"the man said,"I"m ready. " And he began to   6   the box hard.
For several minutes, the man and the woman tried to move the box. Soon they felt very    7   .
" Let"s have a rest, " the man said. " You are right. It really sticks. "
They rested for a moment. Then the woman said, "Let"s try again, one, two, three!"They  8  moving the box.
     At last,when they   9   tired,the man said,"I"m sorry. I don"t think there"s any way to get it out of your car. "
     "Get it out?" the woman cried. "I"m trying to get it   10     ! You know?"(     )1. A. when      
(     )2. A. careful  
(     )3. A. for      
(     )4. A. money    
(     )5. A. other    
(     )6. A. push      
(     )7. A. sad      
(     )8. A. were busy
(     )9. A. all were  
(     )10. A. in       B. after  
B. useful  
B. of      
B. problem
B. another
B. pull    
B. angry  
B. went on
B. were all
B. on      C. because  
C. helpful  
C. to        
C. question  
C. others    
C. open      
C. tired    
C. enjoyed  
C. both were
C. out       D. if        
D. forgetful
D. about    
D. trouble  
D. the other
D. hold      
D. worried  
D. finished  
D. were both
D. off      
1-5 ACBDD  6-10 ACBDA
阅读理解。       Three explorers, an Englishman, an American and an Australian were lost in the jungle.
       They had left home for six months before to explore the jungle and got lost.
       They had no food left, and they were weak and ill.
       They knew that if they did not find a village soon, they would die.
       Then, during the night, they were visited by a jungle spirit.
       "I"m the spirit of the jungle," it said. "I feel sorry for you. You may have three wishes. "
       "Does that mean three wishes each, or three wishes among us?" the American explorer asked.
       "I will give each of you one wish," the spirit of the jungle said.
       The English explorer, who was very polite, said to the American and Australian explorers," Please,
  you wish first. "
       The Australian explorer, who was almost as polite as the English explorer said, "Please, you wish the
       "Very well," the Englishman said," I don"t have to think for a minute. I know exactly what to wish for.
  I wish to be back home with my wife and family. "
       Immediately he disappeared.
       "That"s wonderful," the Australian explorer said, "My wish is similar. I"d like to be back in Australia."
       And immediately he disappeared.
       The American was left alone.
       "And what is your wish?" the spirit of the jungle asked him.
       "Those two explorers were nice men," the American explorer said, "We became close friends. To tell
  you the truth, I am feeling rather lonely here without them. I wish they were back here again."根据短文内容,回答下列问题。1. Where were the three men exploring?
2. Why did the jungle spirit offer them three wishes?
3. How many wishes did the three men have among them?
4. What did the Australian man wish?
5. What did the American man wish? Why?
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
     A boy    l   Jack lived in a small village. One morning, his mother sent him to his uncle"s house in town. He    2   there.
     Before Jack   3   in the evening, his uncle gave him a jar(坛子)and said,"   4   some candy in it, you may put your hand into it and take some out when you want to    5      the candy.
     "Jack looked at the jar when he was on the train. It had a long and small neck. He    6     his hand into the jar and    7   
five pieces. But he could not get his hand out. He    8      his hand this way and that way. It didn"t    9   . Finally he let four pieces go. Then he could    10    his hand out of the jar.
1. _____ 2. _____ 3. _____ 4. _____ 5. _____
6. _____ 7. _____ 8. _____ 9. _____ 10. _____
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阅读理解 。                                One day a man went home and said to his wife, " I bought something for you." "Thank you!" said his
wife. "What have you bought for me?" "I"ve bought a gold ring (金戒指). Here it is. " He took it out for
his wife to see. Then he dropped it to the ground. He began to look for it on the ground, but it was dark
in the house and he could not see anything. Then he went out and began to look for it in the street. Just
then a friend came along. "What"s the matter with you?" asked his friend. "I am looking for my ring. I lost
it just now." said the man. "Where did you lose it?" "I lost it in my house." "You lost your ring in your
house, but you are looking for it in the street. How foolish it is!" "Ah," said the man," it is dark in my
house. I shall never find it there. But here in the street, it is much brighter. I can see everything. "1. The man bought a ring for his _________.
A. son
B. wife
C. mother
D. daughter
2. He lost his ring _________.
A. in the street
B. in the house
C. at house          
D. on the house
3. _________ the man was looking for the ring, his friend came up.
A. Before
B. After
C. When
D. Because
4. Why did the man begin to look for the ring in the street? Because _________.
A. he lost it in the street
B. it was much brighter in the street
C. his friend came up
D. he wanted someone to help him
5. The friend thought the man was _________.
A. clever
B. bright
C. interesting
D. foolish
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阅读理解。     George liked flying a plane. Once he bought a small plane and learned how to fly it. He soon became
so good that he could make his plane do all kinds of tricks (技巧).
     George had a friend. His name was Peter. One day George said to his friend, "Peter, would you like
to have a trip in my plane?" Peter thought," I"ve traveled in a big plane several times, but I"ve never been
in a small one, so I"ll go. "
     They went up, and George flew around for half an hour and did all kinds of tricks in the air. When
they came down again, Peter was very glad to be back safely, and he said to his friend in a shaking
voice (颤抖的声音) ,"Well, George, thank you very much for these two trips in your plane. "
     George was very surprised and asked, "Two trips?"
     "Yes, my first and my last," answered Peter.1. Peter _________ his friend"s plane.
    A. had to fly in
    B. was asked to have a trip in
    C. was asked to fly
    D. asked George to fly
2. Peter went up with George in the plane because _________.
    A. he liked traveling very much
    B. George was good at flying his plane
    C. he had never traveled in a small plane
    D. Peter could do all kinds of flying tricks
3. They were in the plane for _________ minutes.
    A. forty-fiveB. sixtyC. thirtyD. some
4. How many times did Peter travel in his friend"s small plane?
    A. Once.            B. Twice.C. Three times.D. Several times.
5. From the passage we know that _________.
    A. Peter thanked George for the nice trip
    B. Peter thought it was wonderful to have such a trip
    C. Peter felt surprised that his friend could fly so well
    D. Peter was worried about his safety while George was doing tricks in the sky

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任务型阅读。     One year there was a terrible flood in the countryside. For a week it rained every day. The river rose
and burst its banks (冲垮河岸). (A) The water flooded the whole countryside.
     Most of the people escaped (B)_________ the flood in boats. One old man, however, didn"t want to
go with them. He sat on the roof of his house and waited for the water to go down.
     He was very religious (笃信宗教的). "I shall stay here," he said. "God will save me."
     The rain continued. The flood water rose higher and higher. Soon the water reached the roof of the
man"s house.
     Two men rowed a boat to the man"s house, trying to save him. "Come with us, "they said." The water
is still rising. You"ll be drowned (淹死)." The old man shook his head. "No," he said. "God will save me."
Sadly, the men rowed away. (C) They thought the old man was crazy, but there was nothing they could
Soon the water covered the roof of the old man"s house.
     A helicopter(直升机)arrived and the pilot put down a rope. "Climb up," he shouted to the old man.
"The water is still rising. You"ll be drowned. "But the old man still didn"t want to leave his house. "God
will save me, "he cried. And the helicopter flew away.
     The old man drowned in the water the next day. He went to heaven (天堂).根据短文内容,回答下列问题。1. 请将(A)处画线句子改为被动语态:
2. 请在(B)处填入适当的介词:
3. 请将(C)处画线句子翻译成汉语:
4. Why didn"t the old man leave his house?
5. How did the two men try to save the old man?
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