阅读理解.     Douglas Corrigan had a dream. He wanted to fly a plane across the Atla

阅读理解.     Douglas Corrigan had a dream. He wanted to fly a plane across the Atla

阅读理解.     Douglas Corrigan had a dream. He wanted to fly a plane across the Atlantic Ocean by himself. He
bought a used airplane. Then he asked for permission (允许) to fly it across the ocean. People from the
government looked at his shabby, old plane. They said no because the plane didn"t look safe enough to
make the trip smooth.
      Sometime later Corrigan asked for permission to fly from New York to California without stopping.
This time the answer was yes. Comgan climbed into his plane early one morning in July of 1938. His gas
tank (油箱) was full. He had a box of cookies. He waved good-bye and took off.
     Comgan didn"t go west to California, though. Instead, he headed northeast. Twenty-six hours later, he
landed in Dublin, Ireland. He had flown the Atlantic Ocean after all.
    What happened? According to Corrigan, the needle (针) on his compass (罗盘) was pointed the wrong way.
     Comgan"s dream had come true. Was it an accident, or did he plan it? No one but "Wrong Way"
Corrigan knows for sure.1. At first people from the government said no to Corrigan because they _____.A. knew he was not a good pilot
B. thought the weather was too bad
C. didn"t like his plan
D. didn"t think his plane was safe2. In Paragraph 1, the word "shabby" means _____.A. very fast
B. brightly painted
C. in poor condition (条件)
D. well built3. Where did Corrigan land after his flight? A. England.
B. California.
C. New York.
D. Ireland.4. The reader can tell from this passage that Corrigan _____.A. fell asleep during his flight
B. was afraid of new challenges
C. believed in himself and his dream
D. made the same flight many times5. Read the first sentence of the summary (摘要) below.      
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Douglas Corrigan dreamed about flying across the Atlantic Ocean by himself.
1-5: DCDCB

          One day a very rich family in Guangzhou went on a trip to the
countryside. The father wanted to show his son how   1 people lived,so
they spent a day and a night 2 the farm of a very poor family. When they
got back froru   their      3,   the   father asked his son, “ My dear son, how
was the trip?”      
       “Very good , Dad !”      
       “Did you see how poor people lived?”the father asked.      
       “And   4   did you learn?”       
         The son answered, “We have a dog at home, and they have four. We
have a pool that reaches to the middle of the garden and they have a creek
that has   no     end. We have very expensive  5   in the garden and they have
the stars. Our patio reaches to the front yard,yet they have the whole
horizon. "     
           6   the little boy finished,his father was speechless.      
         His son added,"Thank you for   7  me how poor we are ! "  
         8  it true that it all depends on the way you look at things? Attitude
is   9   !It"s very   10   to make a decision to have a good and positive
attitude every day !

(     )1. A.many        
(     )2. A. in          
(     )3. A. trip        
(     )4. A. who        
(     )5. A. flowers    
(     ) 6. A. When        
(     ) 7. A. show        
(     ) 8. A. Isn"t      
(     ) 9. A.everything  
(     ) 10.A.important  

B. much         
B. on           
B. countryside  
B. how          
B. lamps        
B. While        
B. showed       
B. Don"t        
B. nothing      
B. impossible   

C. rich            
C. over              
C. Guangzhou         
C. what              
C. tables           
C. Before          
C. showing           
C. Won"t             
C. something        
C. interesting     

D. poor             
D. around           
D. poor family      
D. which          
D. plants            
D. As soon as       
D. to show        
D. Shan"t            
D. anything         
D. satisfied      

     There once lived in Greece a learned (博学的) man. He was  so well-known for his wide
knowledge of almost everything that lots of people from all over the country came to learn
things from him. The great man taught his students wholeheartedly and answered their questions with
great patience.
     One day a student asked him,"My dear teacher,didn"t you say you yourself have many,many more
questions about things than we do? On the contrary (恰恰相反) ,we students have far more than you. "
     With a smile,the teacher drew two circles-one as large as a big wheel. the other smaller.
    "Of course,l"ve learned much more. But a teacher does not necessarily (必然地) have fewer questions
than his students. Now, look at these two circles. Within the big one is my knowledge of things,
and within the smaller one yours. Out of the circles is what is still unknown to  us. Since mine is lager,
the line that marks out (划出......的界限)  the  circle  is longer. That means I have more chances to
face what is still unknown. And that"s why I myself have more questions than you do. The more you
learn,the more questions you have. You will never learn enough, you know. "
1. One of his students didn"t agree that          .
A. the teacher should have so many questions
B. the teacher had more questions than the students
C. the students had more questions than the teache
D. the teacher had as many questions as the students
2. Which of the following pictures tells properly.what the teacher drew?
3. The teacher drew two circles in order to show          .                            .
A. he knew a lot and was good at drawing
B. how one could get more knowledge
C. why he had more questions than the students
D. what the students learned had something to do with the circles
4. The passage mainly tells us that           .
A. it"s never too old to learn         
B. it"s never enough to learn
C. a teacher should be patient      
D.  we should learn from the learned man
5. The teacher was very famous for             .     
A.  his patience                      
B. his works of drawing
C. his help to the students            
D. his knowledge

         I  still remember father spent plenty of time teaching me how to
pronounce a word, how to understand some thing that I saw for the first
 time and how to be polite to others. And I will never   1  one sentence
my father used to say to me, "I love you, son. Say you love me, son. "  
Naturally ,I would scream, "I love you, Dad. " When I was growing up,
I found that I had little in  2 with my father gradually.Sometimes we often
argued about something sharply and then the argument changed into a
quarrel(争吵). I knew there was a gap between us. I didn"t  3  hearing
the words "I love you" from my father the last time. To tell you the truth,
I couldn"t honestly remember when I had last said those words to him ,
       Now father was in hospital. The doctor said it was  4 and he needed
an operation at once,  5 he wasn"t sure whether my father was able to
survive(幸免,经受得住)it. Everything in my childhood   6  in my mind.
Then I called and said, " Dad ,I love you ! "
       There was a  7  at the other end and he replied coldly , " Well ,
I  love  you , too ! "
       I cried and said, " Dad, I know you love me, and when you are   8   ,
1 know you will say what you want to say. "
       Fifteen minuets later my mother called and nervously  asked , " Paul,
is  everything  OK? "
       A few weeks later, I was working when I received my father"s call,"
Paul, I love you. "  I was so    9    that my tears rolled down my cheeks.
Perhaps both of us   10  that this special moment had taken our relationship
to a   new level.
        A short while after this special moment, my father finally narrowly
escaped death following the heart opera tion. I can"t   11   that if I did not
take the first   12  and Dad did not survive the surgery, what kind of life I 
 would lead now.

(     )1.  A.forget       
(     )2.  A.heart         
(     )3.  A.expect       
(     )4.  A.difficult    
(     )5.  A.but           
(     )6.  A.appeared     
(     )7.  A.happiness    
(     )8.  A.free         
(     )9.  A.touched      
(     )10. A.required     
(     )11. A.conclude    
(     )12. A.advice       

B. practice   
B. manner     
B. remember   
B. serious    
B. because    
B. opened     
B. surprise   
B. ready      
B. bored      
B. realized   
B. infer      
B. step       

C. understand   
C. common       
C. enjoy        
C. important    
C. so           
C. kept         
C. silence    
C. happy        
C. encouraged   
C. reported     
C. imagine      
C. word                          
D. say     
D. danger  
D. think   
D. sad     
D. and     
D. reache  
D. luck    
D. excite  
D . educa  
D. got     
D. decide  
D. world            

       A few years ago, an Englishman called Roy Jones went on holiday to
a small town near the sea in the west of England. He was swimming in the
sea one day. As he opened his mouth, his false ( not real) teeth fell out and
floated(漂) away. The following year, Mr. Jones returned  to the same
town. When he was having dinner in a local cafe one evening, he mentioned
the story of his lost teeth  to the manager. The manager looked surprised.
He explained that he had found a set of false teeth on the beach last month.
Then he asked Roy Jones if he wanted to try them on. "OK. " said Mr.
Jones. "I suppose it won"t do any harm. " When the manager brought him
the teeth, Mr. Jones put them into the mouth, and laughed and laughed.
They were his !
      In 1987 , an American couple called Jane and Robert Bentley went
for a picnic on a beach in California. When they returned home, Mrs.
Bentley realized that she had lost her wedding ring (绪婚戒指 ) . It
wasn"t  expensive but it was valuable to Jane. The Bentleys drove back
to the beach and searched for the ring for three hours, but couldn"t find it.
A few months later, Mr. Bentley went fishin8 0ff the same beach. As he
pulled a large crab(螃蟹) out of the sea, he noticed that there was
something on one of its claws(爪) . It was his wife"s wedding ring !  

1. Mr. Jones was         when he lost his false teeth.
A. having dinner
B. laughing on the beach
C. talking to someone
D. swimming in the sea  
 2.         found Mr. Jones" s false teeth.
A. People in the sea
B. A manager in a shop
C. A manager of a cafe
D. Mr. Jones himself   
3. Jane Bentley found something missing when         .

A. she came back home
B. her husband was fishing
C. she was having a picnic
D. she drove back to the beach   

4. What did Mrs. Bentleys lose on the beach ?
5. What"s the best title for the passage?
A. The lost wedding ring.
B. The false teeth came back.
C. Something happened to do.
D. How interesting it happened near the seal            

       You should be careful in the giving of gifts. Never give a gift in a job
interview or go to a business meeting. Gifts are usually given during special
holidays or as "thank you" for special invitations.
       At the time of arriving, you may give your gift to the host (主人) once
the introductions are made. With gift giving a few rules are in order: Be
modest  (适度的 ) with  your  gift, do  not  buy  expensive gifts.
      Special food from your country or a bottle of wine are best if you do
not know the host very well,but be certain that your gift will not require
attention. You can usually say something like "I thought you would like
this a little later" when you offer your gift.
     Be careful of giving wine , a bottle of wine is usually all right if you
know your host drinks wine. Flowers are good but remember: roses are
for personal relationships. Do not give roses. Cut flowers are nice if they
are in a vase(花瓶) . A small cultural gift from your"country is usually
very suitable. 
     Make sure your gift is packaged nicely with a nice card.

1.You should be ________ of giving of gifts..
2.You"d ________not give a gift when you go to a job interview.

3. We can ________ some gifts each other during the special holidays ,
such as Christmas Day.

4. ________ _______ ________ _______can be all right if you
know your host drinks wine.
5 .You should remember not to give              to others because they are for
personal relationships