阅读理解。     Jack worked in an office in a small town. One day his boss (老板) said t

阅读理解。     Jack worked in an office in a small town. One day his boss (老板) said t

阅读理解。     Jack worked in an office in a small town. One day his boss (老板) said to him,"Jack, I want you to
go to Manchester, to an office there, to see Mr Brown. Here is the address. Jack went to Manchester.
When he walked out of the railway station. he thought. "The office isn"t far from the station. I"ll find it
     But after an hour he didn"t find it,so he stopped and asked an old woman. She said, "Go straight
along this street, turn to the left at the end, and it"s the second building on the right. " Jack went and
found it.    
     A few days later he went to the same city, but again he couldn"t find the office, so he asked someone
on the way. It was the same old woman!  She was surprised and said,"Are you still looking for that
place?"1. Manchester is the name of  ______. A. a city         
B. a building
C. a country      
D. a street 2.The boss wanted Jack to ______.  A. go to Manchester   
B. go to his office
C. look after Mr. Brown  
D. visit Mr. Brown 3. How did Jack go to Manchester? A. By bus.   
B. By train.   
C. By car.   
D. By plane. 4. Jack left the station and ______. A. found the office himself  
C. asked where the office was
B. someone told him the way 
D. didn"t know where he was 5. From the story we know ______. A. Jack had a bad memory (记忆力) 
B. it was really difficult to find that place    
C. Jack never went to Manchester 
D. Jack was still looking tor that place    
1-5    ADBCA
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 back  weather   boring   is  and
     Sally is a student o f Class Seven, Grade (年级) Two. On Friday afternoon she is not happy.
When she gets home, she says to her mother,"I don" t want to go to school next week. " Her mother
asks her what happens. She tells her mother everything is OK. Her teacher is very friendly to her and
she likes her teacher very much. Her classmates love her and they help each other. She is a good student
at school. She can learn a lot from school.    
     "Why don"t you want to go to school?"asks the mother in surprise.    
      "Because I can"t play like my brother Tom at home," answers Sally.    
      "Your brother is only three years old,"says her mother, "He is too young and can"t go to school. "    
      "Oh, how pity (可怜)I am!" says Sally. "When I come back home, my brother is playing with his toys.
My father is playing computer games in the bedroom. And you are watching TV in the sitting room.
Only I have to go to school and do homework at home. I wish I did not grow up. "
1.  How does Sally feel on Friday afternoon?
A. She felt unhappy.
B. She felt surprised.
C. She felt unfriendly.
D. She felt relaxed.
2. Where are Sally and her mother talking?
A. At the street. 
B. At the school. 
C. At home. 
D. At a shop.
3. Sally doesn"t want to go to school because _____.
A. her teacher doesn"t like her
B. the school is too far from her home
C. her classmates don"t help her
D. she can"t play like her brother at home
4. Sally"s father is _____ when Sally gets home.
A. playing computer games
B. watching TV
C. doing some reading
D. working with her mother
5. How many people are there in Sally"s family?
A. Three.   
B. Four.   
C. Five.  
D. Six.
     Selina is a fifteen (1) y_____ -old girl. She is very careless (粗心的). So her parents often 
(2) t_____ her to do or not to do something,     
     One day, when Selina came home, she (3) f_____ a 100-yuan bill (钞票) on the table in the 
(4) d_____ room. "How great!" she said to herself. "l am surprised that Mom gives me so (5) m_____ 
money today. "But when she took up the bill, she found there was a piece of paper (6) u_____ the ill. 
On the paper it reads:  
Dear daughter:    
     It is your grandmother"s (7) b_____  today, Please stay at home and (8) w_____ for us. We"ll go 
to your grandmother"s home. (9) B_____  remember: this bill is not for you. I put it here in order to 
attract you. Please (10) p_____  it where it was after you read the paper.

    Where is Love? How can we find Love?
    Once a little boy wanted to meet Love. He knew it 1.       (be) a long trip to where Love lived, so he got his things ready with some pizzas and drinks. He saw an old woman 2.     (sit) in the park and watching some birds when he passed three streets. She 3       (look) very hungry. The boy gave her a pizza. She took
it and smiled at him. The smile as so beautiful that he wanted 4.        (see)it again, so he
gave her a coke. She smiled once again.  The boy was very happy.
    They sat there all the afternoon , 5.         (eat) and smiling. When it grew dark, the boy, decided 6.          (leave). But after he walked a few steps, he turned around, ran back to the old woman and 7.        (give) her a hug.
    When the boy opened the door of his house,his mother was 8.        (surprise) by the look of
happiness on his face and asked what made him 9.            (look) so happy.“I had lunch with Love. She
has got the most beautiful smile in the world.
    "If the world 10.         (be) full of love, we can enjoy a better life.

    About three years ago, I felt very lonely. I didn"t like my classmates, my parents or anyone else. My
classmates didn"t want to talk     1     me and my parents were always saying that other kids were better
than me. I thought I was the     2     unlucky person in the world.
    One day I had a big fight with one of my classmates. I was so angry     3     I hit him in the face. Just at
that moment , a boy stood up and     4     the fight. He was the monitor of our class.
    After that, he often helped me and we became good     5    . Whenever I got angry or sad, he would
help     6     to cool down. My life began to change because of the boy,my best friend. We spent a lot of
interesting days together. As    7     goes by, I have become happier with people and things. And it     8     that people around me have changed, too. My parents don"t shout at me    9     more and my classmates
become friendly to me.
   But now I can"t see my best friend because he is seriously     10     and is staying in hospital. How I miss the days when we were together! I hope he will be all right and come back to school soon.
1. ______________2. ______________3. ______________
4. ______________5. ______________6. ______________
7. ______________8. ______________9. ______________