完形填空。     Mr King has some  1  trees in his garden. He  2  them carefully. Now  

完形填空。     Mr King has some  1  trees in his garden. He  2  them carefully. Now  

完形填空。     Mr King has some  1  trees in his garden. He  2  them carefully. Now  3  many apples on the trees and
Mr King is happy.
     One afternoon when he looks out of the window, he sees a boy on  4  his apple trees. He"s eating a big
apple. Mr. King  5  the window and shouts,"Hey,  6  are you doing there?  7  and get away,  8  I"ll go to see
your father!"The boy isn"t afraid of Mr King  9  all. "Dad", he looks up and shouts, "This man  10  to see you!"
题型:期中题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1. A. apples 
(     )2. A. take  
(     )3. A. have  
(     )4. A. a   
(     )5. A. opens 
(     )6. A. how  
(     )7. A. come up
(     )8. A. and  
(     )9. A. in   
(     )10. A. wants 
B. apple  
B. looks  
B. has   
B. one   
B. turns on 
B. which  
B. come over
B. but   
B. for   
B. thinks  
C. orange    
C. looks after  
C. there is   
C. one of    
C. closes    
C. what     
C. come     
C. or      
C. at      
C. asks for   
D. oranges   
D. watches  
D. there are 
D. any of    
D. turn off                      
D. where     
D. come down 
D. so        
D. with      
D. needs     
1-5      BCDCA      6-10    CDCCA
     Mrs. Black is a fifty years old woman. She lives in a beautiful house in a small town. She has two cats.
One is very big and the other is quite small. She likes them very much. One day, Mrs. White, a friend of hers,
comes to see her. When she sees two holes in the door, a large hole and a small hole, she is very surprised and
says:" My dear friend, why are there two holes in your door?"
    "Let the cats come in and go out, of course." Mrs. Black answers.
    "But why are there two holes? Isn"t one enough?" asks her friend.
    "How can the big cat go through the small hole?" Mrs. Black says.
(     )1. Mrs. Black lives in a tall building.                                                              
(     )2. Mrs. Black has two cats. One is old and the other is young.                                       
(     )3. Mrs. White thinks one big hole in the door is enough.                                             
(     )4. Mrs. White loves her cats very much.                                                              
(     )5. Mrs. Black thinks big cat goes through the big hole and the small cat goes through the small hole.
     Two friends  1  a bear (熊) when they went through a forest  2 . One of them ran to  3  tree and
climbed up very quickly. He forgot his friend. He thought only of   4 . His friend  5  bears  6  dead (死的)
men.  7  he  8  when the bear came to him. Then the bear went away. The man called his friend in the tree," you can  9  now." The man smiled and asked,"What did the bear say to you?" His friend answered," He
said I needed a new  10 ."
题型:湖北省期中题难度:| 查看答案
题型:福建省期中题难度:| 查看答案
题型:福建省期中题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1.A. looked for
(     )2.A. by bus    
(     )3.A. the nearest
(     )4.A. himself   
(     )5.A. knew      
(     )6.A. wasn"t like
(     )7.A. And       
(     )8.A. moved     
(     )9.A. climb up  
(     )10.A .teacher  
B. met        
B. by bike    
B. the good   
B. his mother 
B. thought    
B. needn"t fine
B. So         
B. ran        
B. get up     
B. dress      
C. looked at     
C. on foot       
C. a taller      
C. the bear      
C. saw           
C. didn"t eat    
C. But           
C. opened his eyes
C. stay there    
C. house         
D. watched       
D. by car        
D. a biggest     
D. his girl friend
D. watched       
D. couldn"t touch
D. Because       
D. didn"t move                       
D. come down     
D. friend        
     Bruce"s favorite food is chocolate. His parents and teachers often say that it"s bad for his teeth to eat too
much chocolate. But he doesn"t believe it. He often puts some in the milk for breakfast, the juice for lunch,
even the soup for supper. His mother has to put some chocolate in his bag before he goes to school. Sometimes when she goes shopping with him, he doesn"t leave the shop until his mother buys some chocolate for him.
     The little boy came back from school with a painful look yesterday afternoon. A tooth hurt and he had
nothing for supper. His mother made some soup for him. He wanted to put some chocolate in it, or he refused
to drink it. His mother had to agree. His father bought some medicine for him, but it was of no use. So this
morning his mother took him to the dentist. The dentist found that there was a cavity (洞) in his bad tooth.
So he had to fill it with something.
     "Now, young man," said the dentist, "What kind of filling (填充物) would you like for that tooth?"
     "Chocolate, please," answered Bruce.
1. What does Bruce like best?
2. His mother has to put some chocolate in his bag. (改为一般疑问句)
    ____ his mother ____ to put ____ chocolate in his bag?
3. He doesn"t leave the shop until his mother buys some chocolate for him. (改为同义句)
   He ____ ____ the shop ____ she buys some chocolate for him.
4. What does the word "refuse" mean in Chinese?
5. What kind of filling would Bruce like for his bad tooth?

     One day when Tony was crossing the road. A car hit him. He fell down and (1) b______ his arm.
     An ambulance (救护车) soon arrived and (2) t______ him to a hospital. A doctor put the arm in a plaster
cast (上石膏). Tony could not move it at all.
      "You must (3) k______ your arm in the cast for six weeks." the doctor said,"That would give the broken
arm a (4) c______ to heal (痊愈)." Six weeks later, Tony went back to the (5) h______. The doctor cut the
cast (6) w______ a large saw (锯) and took the arm out of the cast.
     "Can you move your arm, Tony?" He asked. Tony tried to (7) m______ his arm. At first it was difficult,
but soon he was able to move it a little.
      "Yes, it"s fine," He said,"Thanks, doctor.""It will (8) b______ as good as usual (像以往一样) soon."
The doctor said, "Just (9) e______ it a little."
     "Will I be able to play the piano?" Tony asked.
      "Of (10) c______ you will," He said.
      "That is a good news," Tony said, "I couldn"t play it at all before."

     Mr. Jones and Mr. Brown worked in the same office. One day Mr. Jones said to Mr.Brown,"We are
going to have a small party at our house next Wednesday evening. 1_____"
     Mr. Brown said,"Thank you very much. That is very kind of you. We are free that evening, I think, but
I will telephone my wife and ask her. Maybe she wants to go somewhere else that evening." So Mr. Brown
went to the other room and telephoned. 2_____
    "What is the matter?" said Mr. Jones."Did you speak to your wife?"
     "No," answered Mr. Brown,"She wasn"t there; my small son answered the telephone. I said to him,
3________ " and he answered, "No, she is not in the house," "Where is she then?" I asked. "She is somewhere
outside." "What is she doing?" "4_________""
题型:福建省期中题难度:| 查看答案


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A. Is your mother there, David?
B. Would you and your wife like to join us?
C. She is looking for me.
D. When he came back, he looked very sorry.