完形填空       One of the amazing things about the World Wide Web is that anyone can

完形填空       One of the amazing things about the World Wide Web is that anyone can

完形填空       One of the amazing things about the World Wide Web is that anyone can create a   1   page. If
people find your page interesting, they will come to   2   it .If lots of  people like your page, then you
have created something of value. The whole idea of a TV station is to create a place that attracts lots
of people. Then the station"s owner can charge companies for   3   on TV.  A web page is like a smart
TV station. If yours becomes very popular, then you can   4   ads on it.  That is one form of "value".
There are other forms as well ,especially for teenagers. A popular page allows   5   to speak to and
educate others, gives you a chance to meet people, and opens doors of chances that you might not   6    
       If you want to create your own page. you have two   7  . You can create a page that says . "Hi. my
name is Suzy and here is a picture of Binky. my cat.  My favorite bands are ..." That is fine. but it is not
very interesting to others except your close. The other choice you have is to create a site that other
people find   8  . Pick something you enjoy or know a lot about and create the best page on the net
about it.
       The people from all over the world will come to visit your page because you are   9   something of
题型:内蒙古自治区中考真题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1. A. book          
(     )2. A. cost          
(     )2. A. watching      
(     )4. A. buy          
(     )5. A. me            
(     )6. A. wait          
(     )7. A. changes      
(     )8. A. useful        
(     )9. A. offering                              
B. magazine      
B. visit        
B. performing    
B. sell          
B. her          
B. stay          
B. choices      
B. boring        
B. taking        
C. newspaper    
C. spend        
C. advertising  
C. borrow        
C. him          
C. live          
C. points        
C. foolish      
C. helping                    
D. web            
D. pick          
D. playing        
D. lend          
D. you            
D. expect        
D. views          
D. big            
D. reading                       
1-5 D B C B D  6-9 D B A  A
       Can you remember the day when you spoke your first words? It you can, you are unusual. Try to
think what the first few months of your life were like. I"m sure you just spent most of your time eating,
sleeping and crying. As you grew older, you were awake more of the time. It look your parents more to
play with you and talk to you .You watched and listened. You began to know that people make some
sounds to go with some things.
       Then you began to cry to make sounds you heard. And step by slop you were able to make sounds
you heard .And step by step you were able to make the right sound for one thing.
       On that day you came to understand the secret of the language. The secret is that a certain sound
means a certain thing. One sound might be as good as another. But it is not as good as a word unless
everyone agrees on its meaning. Only when a group of people use the same set of sounds of things. they
can understand each other, so these people have a language.
       After you found the secret of language, you learned words.  Some of the words meant thing, such
as books, chair and shops.  Some of the words meant actions such as go and swim. And other words
describe things such as good or dirty. Soon you learn to put words together to express one"s idea, such
as "I want to go out and play with my friends." This is language. By the way of language people can
communicate. So we say languages mean communication.
1.             can remember the day when we spoke our first words.                  
A. Few of us
B. No one
C. Most people
D. Someone
2. When you were a little baby. You             
A. made sounds to let people know that you wanted to eat
B. spent most of your time eating, playing and sleeping
C. could not hear any sounds around you
D. spent most of your time playing with your parents
3. The secret of language is that             .
A. one sound might be as good as another
B. a certain sound is for a certain thing
C. people can understand each other
D. there is a special sound for each other
4. You could learn words              .
A. before you knew what language was
B. when you were a baby
C. if you knew what language was
D. after you knew what language was
5. The use of language is               .
A. to get everything one wants from another
B. to say what one wants to know
C. to make oneself understood by others
D. to share ideas, opinions, news, etc. with one another
       The City Bank was broken into yesterday at 8 p.m.. The police were questioning two men, John
Smith and his brother Joseph Smith.
题型:内蒙古自治区中考真题难度:| 查看答案
题型:内蒙古自治区中考真题难度:| 查看答案
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       A Policeman Interviewed With John Smith
       John Smith was asked, "What did you do last night?" He answered, "I was with my brother,
Joseph, all the time. I arrived at my brother"s house at about 6:45 and we watched TV until about
7:30.We watched the news and a baseball game. Then we walked into the town center and had a
meal at a restaurant. I can"t remember the name of the restaurant. It was a big one, but it was almost
empty. We both had fish and chips. We left there at 8:40and walked back to Joseph"s house."
       The statement is true.
       Signed: John Smith
       A Policeman Interviewed With Joseph Smith
       Joseph Smith was asked, "What did you do last night?" He answered, "I was with John all the time.
John came to my house at fifteen to seven, and then we watched TV for about 45 minutes. We watched
a movie about a basketball player, but I can"t remember the name of the movie. Then we took a taxi to a
restaurant. I forget what the restaurant is called. There were not many people was almost empty. on both
had fish and chips. We left there at twenty to nine and we went back to my house."
       The statement is true.
       Signed: Joseph Smith

       What do Leonardo da Vinci. Paul McCartney. Napoleon. and John McEnroe have in common?
They are all left-handed. Today, about 15 percent of the population arc if handed. But why are people
left handed? The answer is the way the brain works.
       The brain has two halves-the right half and the left hail. The right half controls the left side of the
body, and the left controls the right side of the body. So right-handed people have a strong left brain, and
left-handed people have a strong right brain.
       The two halves the brain are about the same size. But each side controls different things. The left side controls language, math and logic. When you memorize the spelling of words, or when you put things in order, you use your left side. The right side of the brain controls you love of art, color and music, It is also good at recognizing faces.  
       This does not mean, that all artists are left-landed and accountants (会计) arc right handed. There
arc many exceptions (例外).  Some right-handers have a strong right- brain, and some left brain have a
strong left brain.
(     )1. Eighty five percent of the population are right handed today.   
(     )2. The right side of the brain controls the left side of the body.      
(     )3. The left side of the brain controls color.                  
(     )4. All accountants arc right handed.            
(     )5. When you recognise a face, you are using your right brain.               
     Xinhua Middle School is a very big school.lt has 2,300 students and 150 teachers.Thereare many
activities(活动) in the school.
     The School Day is March 18th. The English Contest is September 24th. The Art Festival is May
8th .The school has two school trips every year. It has a basketball game every month. Doesit have
a Music Festival? Sorry, I don"t know.
(     )1. The school has 230 students.
(     )2. March 18th is the School Day.
(     )3. The English Contest is May 8th.
(     )4. The school has two school trips every month.
(     )5. The school has a basketball game every month.
     It"s Sunday. Hundreds of people are in the park. They are men and women, boys and girls. Some
old people walk(散步) along the lake. Some girls (1)__________(play) games under big trees. Some
boys play football over there. Some little babies play in the grass(草坪上). A group of(一群)women
sing and (2)__________(dance). They have a good time after a week of work"and study. Look! There
(3)__________(be) two Americans. They speak English.Two children listen to them. People in the park
(4)__________(be) friends. Can you see the girl? She (5)__________(draw) a picture. It"s about the
hill, the lake and the boats. How nice it is!