选词填空:阅读下面的短文,从所给的单词中选出适当的单词,并使用正确的形式填在标有题号的空白处。(每空限填一词)big; have; not; do; small

选词填空:阅读下面的短文,从所给的单词中选出适当的单词,并使用正确的形式填在标有题号的空白处。(每空限填一词)big; have; not; do; small

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big; have; not; do; small; play; glass; watch; health; in; banana; or
1. in   2. big  3. bananas  4. glasses   5. has   6. doesn"t   7. watching   8. do   9. plays   10. healthy
     The best way of learning a language is by     1      (use) it.  The best way of learning English is talking
in English as     2     (many) as possible. Sometimes you will get your words mixed up (混淆) and people will not understand you. Sometimes people will speak too quickly and you can"t understand them. But if
you keep your sense of humor (幽默感),  you can always have a good laugh at the mistakes. Don"t be
unhappy if people seem     3     (be) laughing at your mistakes.  It is much    4     (good) for people to be
laughing at your mistakes than to be angry because they don"t understand what you are saying. The most
important rule for learning English is: " Don" t be afraid of making    5      (mistake), everyone makes
     Many children use the Internet to get useful information, and to relax in their free time. But some of
them are not using it in a good way. Here are some rules to make sure you are safe and have fun on the
    Make rules for Internet use with your parents. For example, when you can go online, for how long and what activities you can do online.
     Don"t give your password (密码 )  to  anyone else and never give out the following information: your
real name, home address, age, school, phone number or other personal information.
     Check with your parents before giving out a credit(信用) card number.
     Never send a photo of yourself to someone in e-mails unless your parents say it"s OK.
     Check with your parents before going into a chat(聊天)  room.  Different chat rooms have different
rules and attract different kinds of people. You and your parents will want to make sure it"s a right place
for you. 
     Never agree to meet someone you met on the Intemet without  your  parents"  permission (允许) .
Never meet anyone you met online alone.
     Always remember that people online may not be who they say they are. Treat everyone online as if
they were strangers.
     If something you see or read online makes you uncomfortable, leave the site. Tel] a parent or a teacher right away.
     Treat other people as you"d like to be treated. Never use bad words.
     Remember-not everything you read on the Internet is true.
1. The writer tells children to______ .
A. send their own photos to him
B. make rules for Internet use with parents
C. believe everything they read on the Internet
D. give out their personal information
2. It"s good for children to______ on theInternet.
A. give passwords to others
B. get useful knowledge and information
C. give out a credit card number
D. go into a chat room as they"d like to
3. What shouldn"t be done when you are online?
A. Using bad words.
B. Sending messages and e-mails.
C. Leaving the site if you feel uncomfortable.
D. Treating everyone online as strangers.
4. If your parents don"t agree, never______ .
A. read anything on the Internet
B. relax in your free time
C. have a face-to-face meeting with anyone you met online
D. treat other people as you"d like to be treated______. 
5. The best title for this passage is .
A. How to Use Computers
B. Surfing on the Internet
C. Information on the Internet
D. Internet Safety Rules
     A telephone bell suddenly woke Mrs Whiteup.  She turned on the lighht and     1    (go) toanswer
it.  “Your mother _  2   _ (be) ill sincelast night,.” said her father.   I     3     (take)her to hospital. Can
you come back and help me?"Mrs White agreed.    
     She knew she couldn"t come back by suppertime. The weather was hot, and she was afraid themilk
would get bad. She brought out a piece ofpaper and wrote, "No person     4    .(be) intoday.  Please
don"t leave anything here. "  
     When she retumed home at night, she     5    (find) the rooms were empty. She sawa note on the floor. It said, "Thanks a lot. Wedidn"t leave anything here. "
1.              2.             3.             4.              5.               
     It"s 7:45 in the morning, and 26-year-old Steve Clarkson is going to work. He puts on his jacket,
and picks up his mobile phone and laptop. As he leaves the house, he turns on his MP3 player and puts
on his headphone. He is ready to go.
     Today, for millions of people, gadgets like Clarkson"s are a normal part of life.  "I"m a reporter for a
magazine, and I"m usually not in the office. My mobile phone and laptop help me to do my work both
on the road and at home," says Clarkson. Today many people can check e-mails, send messages, or
surf  the Web, using their mobile phones.
     Tina Fang is studying photography in New York City.  "Some of these gadgets are expensive, but
they can save your money in the long run. I have a digital camera. l can use it to take eighty pictures and
shoot video ( record an image onto video) at the same time. I listen to music on my MP3 player, and I
can download and read books on it, too. I use the camera and MP3 for both learning and fun. "
     It"s now 9: 45. Steve Clarkson gets e-mails from his 17-year-old sister. She has a gadget that lets
her send e-mails, play games, and take notes. She is in class right now. "I e-mailed her back. I told her
to stop playing, and pay attention, "laughs Clarkson.  "These gadgets are fun, but sometimes they can 
distract (分散注意力) people, too."
l. What is Steve Clarkson?
A. A student.
B. A reporter.
C. A businessman.
D. A computer programmer.
2. Which of the following things is not a gadget?
A. A picture.          
B. A laptop.
C. An MP3 player.    
D. A mobile phone.
3. When his sister had lessons, Steve told her _________.
A. to pay no attention
B. to e-mail him back right away
C. to stop playing games
D. to listen to music on the MP3 player
     For your next vacation, why not consider 1.            Paris? Paris is one of the liveliest 2.______in. Europe.   It has some fantastic3.______including the Eiffel Tower and Notre Dame Cathedral, one of the most famous4.______in the world. In 5.______ , though, France is quite an expensive place. Don"t forget to enjoy the wine there !