任务型阅读。     Mrs. Wilson is not tall with curly hair. She comes from Australia. Sh

任务型阅读。     Mrs. Wilson is not tall with curly hair. She comes from Australia. Sh

任务型阅读。     Mrs. Wilson is not tall with curly hair. She comes from Australia. She is our math teacher. But I don’t
like math. It’s too difficult and boring. Mrs. Wilson is 25 years old. She is very shy (害羞)and kind of
serious(严肃的). She never plays games with us. She often sees the films on weekends. And she enjoys
reading very much. She has lots of books in her bedroom.
Name: Mrs. Wilson          
Age:       1      
Nationality(国籍): ___2___
Likes: ___3___
Job: ___4___
1. 25 years old25
2. Australia
3. see the film on weekends and enjoy reading
4. a(math) teacher
5. not tall with curly hair
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watch, instead, grow, because, many, they,  for,  study,  easy,  do
     My mother was telling me about how she and her family got their first television when she was a
teenager. Of course it was black and white. She said she only watch it at night. She doesn"t remember
over watching it in the morning or afternoon. When I was young we had only about 3 or 4 different
channels. My bothers, my sisters and I would sometimes fight about which channel to watch. But we
usually enjoyed the same shows.
     Nowadays we can get hundreds of channels on TV. I can"t believe it! There are channels with old
movies, cooking, fishing and so on. It"s amazing! There is a channel for everything. I wonder how much
my bothers, my sisters and I would fight if we had hundreds of channels when I was a child. Of course
we had only one television set. These days I notice families with 2 or 3 or more television sets in their
homes. I guess it stops people from arguing over which channel to choose from.
1. In those days, what kind of television sets did people only have?
A. Black and white. 
B. Colors Ones.
C. All kinds of televison set.
2. My mother watched TV _____ when she was young.
A. in the morning
B. in the afternoon
C. at night
3. Nowadays, how many channels can we get on TV?
A. 3 or 4 different channels.
B. Only once channel.
C. Hundreds of channels.
Dear Mr. Zhu,
     I am writing to your magazine"s "Teenagers Now" column (专栏) to ask for some help with my
16-year-old son. At the moment, he refuses to do almost everything his mother and I ask him to do. He
is our only child and we treat him very well. His grandparents buy him many things, and yet he is still rude
to us. He refuses to spend time with us or do as we tell him. Sometimes he acts as if he doesn"t even love
us at all.
     Now he refuses to do his homework, and instead insists on wasting his time watching DVDs and
listening to foreign music. I cannot understand this music, but I don"t like it. He also spends too much time
in Internet cafes, where he either plays games or chats online. He is wasting valuable time during this
important period in his life!
     What am I to do? At present, to prevent making his mother unhappy with an argument, I am allowing
him his freedom. However, I am worried that if I keep allowing him to do what he wants, he may fail at
school, or worse.
     How can I help my son without harming our relation ship?
                                                                                                              Liu Zhenhua
1. What"s Mr. Zhu"s job?
A. A teacher.
B. A magazine columnist.
C. A youth worker.
D. A doctor.
2. From the passage, we can know that Mr. Liu"s son is _____ to his parents.
A. friendly
B. thankful
C. polite
D. rude
3. What does Liu Zhenhua write to Mr. Zhu for?
A. To blame his son.
B. To ask for help with his son.
C. To say something about his son.
D. To complain to him about his son.
4. Mr. Liu"s son always spends his time _____.
A. doing his homework
B. playing games online
C. chatting with his parents
D. doing everything his parents asking him to do
     Richard found work in a big office after he had finished college. He liked to use his (1)____and was
good (2)_____ his work. So he was often paid more than his workmates and he worked (3)______.
But something was wrong with the young man one month. He couldn"t fall (4)____ at night. So he was
always (5)_____ in the daytime and often made mistakes. He had to go to a hospital.The (6)______
looked him over and (7)_____ him to buy some highly effective sleeping pills(高效安眠药). He took
them (8)_____ the went to bed. Soon after that he went to (9)_____.   Richard (10)_____ in the morning, he had a look at the (11)_____ on the wall. It was a quarter to seven. He got up and went to work after (12)____ . As soon as he went in the office, he said to the head of the office, "Good morning, Mr. Clarke! I"ve(13)_____  had a good sleep like last night"s. And I"m feeling (14)_____better now!"  "Skunk(混蛋)!"
the head (15)_____ loudly.”We"ve looked for you for two days! I wanted you to do something important, but it"s too late now!"
(     )1.  A. hand      
(     )2   A. for      
(     )3.  A. hard      
(     )4.  A. asleep    
(     )5.  A. well      
(     )6.  A. doctor    
(     )7.  A. tell      
(     )8.  A. after    
(     )9.  A. asleep    
(     )0.  A. stood up  
(     )11.  A. o’clock
(     )12.  A. meal    
(     )13.  A. always  
(     )14.  A. much    
(     )15.  A. laughed  
B. head    
B. in      
B. fast    
B. alone    
B. hungry  
B. policeman
B. say      
B. since    
B. sleeping
B. woke up  
B. map    
B. dinner  
B. usually  
B. more    
B. shouted  
C. ear    
C. with    
C. harder  
C. afraid  
C. thirsty
C. driver  
C. ask    
C. before  
C. sleep  
C. at down
C. picture
C. party  
C. never  
C. most    
C. smiled  
D. nose    
D. at      
D. faster  
D. behind  
D. tired    
D. nurse     
D. told                        
D. because  
D. slept    
D. lay down
D. clock  
D. breakfast
D. often    
D. than    
D. asked    
     The world is an interesting place. Different people like different things. Some people like loud music.
Other people don"t __1__.
     Many people like sports, but they do not all like the same sports. In some countries, cricket (板球
运动) is a very popular sport, In others it is not populat at all. No one plays it or watches it on TV.
However, most people like soccer. The World Cup is very popular __2__.
     Different people like different foods. Some people do not like meat __3__. Some people do not like
potatoes or bread. They prefer rice.
     __4__ Most people have their favorite colors. Some people like bright colors. Others prefer pale
     Many people like travelling. Different people like different places. Some people like to go to the
country. They like the fresh air. Some people like to go to the cities. Because they like shopping __5__.
     What do you like? Have you got an idea?
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A. They like soft music.
B. Not everyone likes the same color.
C. Millions of people watch the games on TV.
D. Different people like different kinds of pets.
E. They eat fruit and vegetables most of the time.
F. So they don’t raise pigs in their countries .
G. Some other people enjoy beautiful places like the mountains or beaches.