完形填空。A: Hello,Helen !B:   1  , Mike!A: How   2   you?B: Fine,   3   . And you?A:

完形填空。A: Hello,Helen !B:   1  , Mike!A: How   2   you?B: Fine,   3   . And you?A:

完形填空。A: Hello,Helen !
B:   1  , Mike!
A: How   2   you?
B: Fine,   3   . And you?
A: I"m   4   , too.What   5   thisinEnglish? 
B: It"s   6    orange.
A:   7   it, please.
B : O-R-A-N-G-E. 
A: What   8    is it?
B: It"s    9   . 
A:    10   you very much.
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1. A. OK                            
(     )2. A. am      
(     )3. A.Thank                          
(     )4. A. fine                          
(     )5. A. am                            
(     )6. A. the                           
(     )7. A. Spells                                                                    
(     )8. A.red                            
(     )9. A. an orange                                                                 
(     )10. A.Thank   
B. Well                     
B. are        
B. thanks you                
B. good                     
B. is                                                         
B. an                       
B. Can spell                                            
B. green                    
B. orange                                               
B. Thanks                 
C. Hello      
C. is         
C. Thanks   
C. bad        
C. are     
C. a          
C . How spell 
C. color      
C. oranges  
C. Thanking 
D. Good         
D. do          
D. thanks      
D. hello      
D. two         
D. Spell        
D. yellow       
D. a orange   
D. To thank  
1-5: CBDAB 6-10: BDCBA
     Alice is an English girl. She is a nice girl,and she   is my good friend (朋友). My name"s Helen. My father
 is   Alan. My mother is Kate. I love them. I like green very   much. My pen is green. My ruler is green, too.  
1. Alice is _____ .            
A. a English boy                 
B. a English girl      
C. an English boy                
D. an English girl  
2. Helen"s mother is  _____.    
A. Alice         
B. Kate         
C. Alan          
D. Rose   
3. Helen likes                 
A. green                             
B. red       
C. blue                              
D. orange   
4. Alan is Helen"s  _____ .      
A. friend        
B. mother        
C. father         
D. sister 
 5.   _____    is Helen"s good friend.       
A. Alan          
B. Kate          
C. Helen       
D. Alice                        
      Look at our things (东西). Jim"s ruler is yellow.  Eric"s pen is black. Frank"s pencil is red. What"s that?   
Oh,it"s a key.lt"s my key.It"s white. Look at the map on   the wall (墙). It"s green. It"s not English. It"s a 
Chinese     (中国的) map.  
 根据短文内容 ,判断正( T)误 ( F)   
(     )1. Jim"s ruler is blue.   
(     )2. My key is red.   
(     )3. Frank"s pen is red.  
(     )4. The map isn"t English.   
(     )5. The map is green.
A:   1         2   name,please?
B: My name    3   Alice.     4    you? 
A:    5    nameis Marco.    6      7    you? 
B: I     8    fine.    9    you.And you? 
A: I"m fine,   10    .Thank you. 
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案


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(     )1. A. What 
(     )2. A. you  
(     )3. A. is   
(     )4. A. Are  
(     )5. A.I     
(     )6. A. What 
(     )7. A. be   
(     )8. A. am   
(     )9. A. and  
(     )10. A. two 
B. How    
B. am  
B. and    
B. Me     
B. How       
B. is   
B. are    
B. thank  
B. too  
C. What"s     
C. her             
C. are  
C. are       
C. My       
C. What"s            
C. are  
C. is      
C. Thanks       
C. to                  
D. How"s            
D. his             
D. be             
D. And             
D. He             
D. How"s                
D. am       
D. be             
D. Thank            
D. first      
                                                              The Soap Opera
     Many people like to watch TV. There are all kinds of programs on TV. The soap opera is one of them.
     The soap opera was first on the radio in the 1920s. Then it started on TV in the 1940s. 
     Why do so many people like to watch soap operas on TV, especially young people? What makes soap
operas popular? Let"s find out.
      First, what"s happening in the soap opera is very different from our lives. Everything is perfect (完美的)
in the play. People don"t need to worry about almost anything. People don"t have money problems.
      Second, there are many beautiful girls and handsome (英俊的) boys in the soap opera. They are so cool.
They drive young people crazy (疯狂的). They make young people happy. 
     Third, the story in the soap opera is usually interesting. It makes people relax after a day"s hard work. Even
some old people like to watch it, too. But some people don"t like it. They think the show is too slow and too
long. Do you like watching soap operas? What do you think of them?
(     )1. The soap opera started on TV  in the 1920s.                                    
(     )2. What"s happening in the soap opera is very different from our lives.           
(     )3. The beautiful girls and handsome boys in the soap opera make young people crazy.
(     )4. People like soap operas because they can make people relax.                    
(     )5. All people like soap operas.                                                   
Dear Mr & Mrs Miller,
      This semester, Ricky can do better in self-control (自我控制) but he is not always in the way we want
him to. I think more care will help him out of his difficulties. Ricky has an excellent mind (头脑), but it is
hard for him to do his work for a long time. However, he seems to be better now.
     Ricky is able to do his homework very well. He reads very well, sometimes too fast. He spells very
carefully and uses the words correctly (正确地) in his homework. He can also work out the math problems
quite easily.
     Ricky is very interested in science. He enjoys reading library books and writing reports about many of
them in an interesting way.
     I enjoy having Ricky in my class. He is going to study in Grade Three next semester. Miss King will be
his teacher.
                                                                                                                  Sincerely yours,
                                                                                                                   Cindy Brown
                                                                                                                 Second-grade teacher
1. This letter is for ______.
A. Ricky Miller
B. Ricky"s parents
C. Cindy Brown
D. Miss King
2. What did Ricky"s teacher say about his self-control?
A. He did very well in self-control.
B. He had lots of problems in self-control.
C. He did better in self-control than before.
D. He did worst in self-control.
3. What is Ricky good at? 
A. Reading and math.
B. Science and history.
C. Spelling and music.
D. Math and PE.
4. What does Ricky enjoy at school?
A. Working out the math problems.
B. Reading books and writing reports.
C. Doing his homework for a long time.
D. Helping others out of their difficulties.
5. We can learn from the last paragraph that ______.
A. Cindy Brown liked to teach Ricky
B. it was difficult for Cindy Brown to teach Ricky
C. Mrs Miller will teach Ricky next year
D. Ricky is a student of Grade Three now