完形填空。     Football is, I do think, the most favorite game in England. It is one

完形填空。     Football is, I do think, the most favorite game in England. It is one

完形填空。     Football is, I do think, the most favorite game in England. It is one of the important   1   to see. Rich and
poor, young and old, one can see them. To a stranger, one of the most surprising things about football in
England is the great   2   of the game which even the smallest boy seems to have. He can   3   you the names
of the players in most of the important teams; he has pictures of them and knows the   4   of Large numbers
of matches. He will tell you who he hopes will   5   such a match, and his ideas about football are usually as
good as those of men three or four times his age.
题型:湖北省中考真题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1. A. tides  
(     )2. A. medal  
(     )3. A. say    
(     )4. A. results
(     )5. A. heat   
B. matches  
B. success      
B. tell     
B. roles    
B. cover    
C. teams        
C. knowledge    
C. talk        
C. reasons        
C. enjoy      
D. places       
D. secret     
D. speak         
D. reporters                   
D. win      
1-5 B C B A D
     Kitesurfing as a water sport began in the 1980s, but didn"t get popular until the end of last century. It is
also known as kiteboarding, and in some European countries as flysurfing. Kitesurfing works through wind
power (动力) by using a large kite to pull a rider on the water at high speed.
     At first, kitesurfing was a difficult and dangerous sport. Now it is becoming easier and safer because of
the safer kite design. For an able and strong person, kitesurfing can be a very fun, extremely exciting sport,
just like skating on the water with a feeling of flying. It has become more and more popular.
     Compared with other water sports, kitesurfing is easier to learn. A beginner can understand how to operate
the kite with 5-10 hours of training. And anybody aged from 13 to 65 can learn. It is not expensive to get the
equipment for kitesurfing, which costs $1,000 to 82,500. Training lessons range from $200 to $500 for two
or three hours.
     With the development of its equipment progress, kitesurfing is becoming even safer. After some training,
you can enjoy its excitement and challenging feeling. With the rising popularity of kitesurfing, most major
seaside cities have kitesurfing clubs. In China, Xiamen is the only place that has the kitesurfing club, which
provides professional kitesurfing training and equipments.
1. Kitesurfing has a history of about _____ years.
A. 30
B. 50
C. 100
D. 130
2. _____ is mentioned in the passage as the power of kitesurfing.
A. Water
B. Wind
C.The sun
D. The kite
3. The underlined word "range" in the passage means "_____" in Chinese.
A. 在……范围内变动
B. 按……顺序排列
C. 向 ……方向延伸
D. 根据……归类
4. The most important reason for the popularity of kitesurfing is that _____.
A. its price is getting lower and lower
B. more and more people are enjoying its excitement
C. its equipment progress makes it easier and safer
D. all people can learn and take part in it
5. The main idea of this passage is about _____.
A. the way of operating kitesurfing
B. the progress of kitesurfing equipment
C. the history of kitesurfing in China
D. the development of kitesurfing
     What can people do when natural disasters (灾难) happen? Can we stop them? No, we can"t. The only
thing we can do is to  1  after the disasters.
     Last year I met Mr. Flood. It started raining and  2  raining almost a month: the water on the streets got
higher and higher every day. We used  3  instead of cars. We lost lots of things, including our businesses,
our jobs and our homes.
     Schools  4  and farms were destroyed. We ran out of food and clean water. In some places the water
was higher than the buildings. I felt like we lived in a(n)  5  world. Because of the flood, lots of  6  broke out.
     Because of the dead animals, some people  7 . The soil and other things made the water become very,
very  8 . That was in summer time, so though it was raining, the  9  was still high. The hot weather and really
dirty water  10  the air very bad. Hospitals didn"t have enough rooms for  11 .
     When the flood was over, I looked around my city. The word " 12 " can describe the situation. Everything
was destroyed and lots of people were sick, but we were very  13 . I think.
     We had to  14  our city, take care of the sick people, and start our schools again. I just  15  that one day,
people can stop the natural disasters whenever they happen. After all, people are very clever.
题型:广东省中考真题难度:| 查看答案
题型:广东省中考真题难度:| 查看答案
题型:甘肃省中考真题难度:| 查看答案
题型:甘肃省中考真题难度:| 查看答案


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(     )1. A. wake up    
(     )2. A. kept       
(     )3. A. bikes      
(     )4. A. started    
(     )5. A. water.     
(     )6. A. happiness  
(     )7. A. ran        
(     )8. A. dirty      
(     )9. A. temperature
(     )10. A. had.     
(     )11. A. nurses   
(     )12. A. sad      
(     )13. A. weak     
(     )14. A. rebuild  
(     )15. A. want     
B. make up   
B. finished  
B. trains    
B. closed    
B. fire      
B. illnesses 
B. slept     
B. clean     
B. weather   
B. made      
B. doctors   
B. beautiful 
B. strong    
B. return    
B. hope      
C. clean up
C. stopped
C. boats  
C. opened 
C. ice    
C. hardness
C. died   
C. clear  
C. water  
C. changed
C. patients
C. good   
C. happy   
C. remain                                    
C. see    
     Like most English children, I learned foreign languages at school. When I made my first visit to the
United States, I was sure I could have a nice and easy holiday without any language problem. But how
wrong I was!
     At the American airport, I was looking for a public telephone to tell my friend Danny that I had arrived.
An American asked if he could help me. "Yes," I said, "I want to give my friend a ring."
     "Well, that"s nice. Are you getting married?" he asked. "No," I replied, "I just want to tell him I have
arrived." "Oh," he said, "there is a phone downstairs on the first floor." "But we"re on the first floor now,"
I said.
     "Well, I don"t know what you are talking about Maybe you aren"t feeling too well after your journey,"
he said."Just go and wash up, and you will feel a lot better." And he went off, leaving me wondering where
on earth I was: At home we wash up after a meal to get the cups and plates clean. How can I wash up at an
     At last we did meet. Danny explained the misunderstanding: Americans say "to give someone a call", but
we English say "to give somebody a ring". When we say "to wash your hands", they say "to wash up". And
Englishmen start numbering from the ground floor so the first floor is the second for Americans.
1. The writer went to America by ______.
A. plane
B. ship
C. bus
D. train
2. The writer went to America for ______.
A. education
B. business
C. holiday
D. friendship
3. The American thought "a ring" should be a ______.
A. phone call
B. present
C. person
D. letter
4. Englishmen usually wash up ______.
A. after dinner
B. after a journey
C. when they are tired
D. before they telephone someone
5. The third floor in England is the ______ floor in America.
A. first
B. second
C. third
D. Fourth
     If a snake bites you, take a photo with your mobile phone! It save your life. This is the surprising advice
of a British cook. One day Henry Jackson was working in a restaurant kitchen. He picked up a dish from a
table, and suddenly a snake appeared and bit him on the hand. A few days earlier, the snake came to the
restaurant from Asia in a box of bananas. It climbed out of the box and hid under the dish. "I tried to pick it
up and it bit me. I threw it away, but it landed in the fridge. So I closed the door." Jackson said. Anyway,
Jackson was cool and he took a photo of the snake with his mobile phone. Soon his hand began to ache and
he went to hospital. Then his chest began to hurt. Doctors couldn"t say what was wrong because they didn"t
know what kind of snake it was.
     Then Jackson remembered his mobile phone photo. The doctors sent it to London Zoo. When they knew
the kind of snake, they could give Jackson the right medicine, and he left hospital the next day. "So my advice
is this: If a snake bits you, pick up your phone. Take its photo first and then call the hospital. Show the photo
to the doctors," suggests Mr. Jackson. "Oh, and if the snake doesn"t smile for its photo, don"t worry!"
1. When the snake bit Mr. Jackson, it was _____.
A. hiding in a box of bananas
B. climbing out of a box of bananas
C. lying under a dish
D. climbing into the fridge  
2. Mr. Jackson threw the snake away probably because _____.
A. he was surprised
B. he wanted to get a better photo
C. his chest began to hurt
D. the fridge door was open
3. Mr. Jackson closed the fridge door so that _____.
A. he could take a photo
B. the snake couldn"t go back to the zoo
C. the snake became cool
D. he was safe from the snake
4. The doctors gave Mr. Jackson the right medicine when _____.
A. London Zoo told them what kind of snake it was
B. Mr. Jackson sent the photo to the hospital
C. he left hospital the next day
D. the snake bit him
5. The text tells us if we are in danger and have a phone with us, it will help us to do _____ things.
A. one
B. two
C. three
D. four
     A sign is another kind of language. Here are some of them that you see on the roads.
     Number one is a sign with the number thirty on it. When drivers see this sign, they must not go at more
than thirty kilometres can hour. We see this sign when we are getting near a town. Number two is a sign
that we"re near a crossing. We must drive carefully. Number three is a sign that there is a bend in the road.
Again, we must drive slowly and carefully. It is not safe to go round a bend very fast. Number four is a sign
that there is another road coming in from the right. There is a junction at this place. Number five is a sign that
there is a hill and number six is a sign that the road gets narrow. Drivers must go slowly and carefully. Number
seven has the word "SCHOOL" on it. This is a sign that there is a school at the side of the street or the road.
Perhaps there are children going to or leaving school. So drivers must look carefully and go slowly. Number
eight is a sign with the letter" P" on it. The letter "P" means "Parking". At some places, there"re the signs "No
parking" or "No waiting". If a driver leaves his car near one of these signs, a policeman may come and write
down the number of his car.
1. At the places where you see Sign 1, _____.
A. you are already out of a town
B. you still have thirty kilometres to go
C. there must be many houses and buildings not far away
D. there must be a town thirty k8ilometers away
2. The underlined word "bend" probably means "_____" here.
A. traffic
B. subway
C. turning
D. danger
3. You have to drive not only slowly but also carefully when you find _____.
A. each of the eight signs
B. either of Signs 2 and 3
C. all of Signs 2, 4, 6 and 7
D. any of Signs 3, 5, 6 and 7
4. People put these signs on the road in order to _____.
A. teach drivers lesson
B. make drivers even safer
C. stop cars going there
D. learn another kind of language
5. Which can be the best title for this message?
A. Another language.
B. On the road.
C. What to do.
D. Traffic signs.