阅读匹配。 阅读第1-5段材料,根据每段内容从A 至E中选出恰当的标题。1._______      Song Zuying is the most famou

阅读匹配。 阅读第1-5段材料,根据每段内容从A 至E中选出恰当的标题。1._______      Song Zuying is the most famou

阅读匹配。 阅读第1-5段材料,根据每段内容从A 至E中选出恰当的标题。1._______
     Song Zuying is the most famous soprano (女高音歌唱家) in China. In the eyes
of the Chinese people, Song Zuying is the star of oriental art (东方艺术). She was
born in a beautiful place-Guzhang County in West Hunan. In recent years, she has
been awarded many highest prizes in various music contests. She loves her
hometown and does a lot for the people there.
     Wen Jiabao is the premier (总理) of the world"s most populous (人口众多的)
country. But, millions of people would rather call him "grandpa". Always in plain (朴
素的) jackets, he seems an ordinary old man with a kind smile. But in the face of
disasters he has the power to pull together the whole country.
     Ding Cong, a famous cartoonist (漫画家) in China, died on May 26,2009. He started to draw cartoons more than seventy years ago, but he always called himself Xiao Ding
of Little Ding. He seemed to have a lot to learn in this world. His cartoons are humorous(幽默的) and interesting and loved by the old and the young in China.
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Friday January 28. 2011
     China"s world number seven Li Na became the first Chinese tennis player
to reach a Grand Slam final at this year"s Australian Open."It was the first
match easy or tough? Nothing between." said Li, who has defeated Zahlavpva
Strycova on her way to the Australian Open final.
Tuesday March 52011
     Besides China, more than 70 countries have offered Japan help after the
earthquake. Two US search and rescue teams, with 144 stuff and 12 dogs,
have begun work; The southern Afghan city of Kandahar announced it would
donate (捐赠) $50.000 to die"brothers and sisters" of Japan
Thursday May 19, 2011
     Canada pop star Justin. Bieber got a hugely disappointing greeting when he
arrived in Hong Kon8 on Wednesday. Just seven fans showed up at the city"s
airport to greet Bieber. Bieber"s concert-one of the last shows in his "My World"
tour-is on Friday in Hong Kong,
Monday May 30. 2011
    A serious drought aloft the Yang River has affected over 34 million people,
leaving farmers and livestocks (牲畜) without water. Over 4.23 million people
are having difficulty finding enough drinking water, |while more than 5 million
need help to tight against the drought.

Reporter: How long have you been a firefighter?
Wilson: For eight years.
JP Reporter: How did you get started?
Wilson: First, I had to take a lot of tests in two weeks. Then, I went to the firefighter school for four months.
           I learned how to put out fires and how to use equipment I also had a full-time training every day!
Reporter: How do you stay safe on the job?
Wilson: I wear special clothing. It helps keep me protected from fire. I also carry an oxygen tank (氧气瓶)
            and a mask (面具). They help me to breathe in a smoke-filled building.
Reporter: Are there any new tools that firefighters use?
Wilson: We have a special camera that can see in the dark. It can find heat. That way, we can exactly tell
            the place of a fire.
Reporter: Do you save pets?
Wilson: Just three days ago, I helped save some cats. They were hiding under the beds. Pets usually hide
           during a fire because they are afraid of danger.
Reporter: Do you ever get afraid?
Wilson: No. There is no time to he afraid. I just think about what to do to put out the fire safely.
Reporter: What do you like best about being a firefighter?
Wilson: Helping people!
1. Kate Wilson has done her job for ________.
A. 2 weeks
B. 3 days
C. 4 months
D. 8 years
2. To become a firefighter, Kate Wilson ________ at first.
A. took a lot of tests
B. learned to stay safe
C. saved some animals
D. used fire equipment
3. Kate Wilson says she does not get afraid because ________.
A. she has an oxygen tank
B. she knows how to fight fires
C. she enjoys finding heat
D. she is too busy putting out fires
4. As a firefighter, Kate Wilson likes ________ most.
A. wearing a mask
B. asking questions
C. helping people
D. hiding in smoke
5. What did the reporter make this interview for?
A. To tell people what a firefighter does.
B. To teach people how to prevent fires.
C. To make people want to be firefighters.
D. To show people how a firefighter is trained.
     Kelly is an African elephant. Now she is 19 years old. She lives in the zoo. Kelly has produced more than
100 paintings since last year. She has made over $ 3,500 for the zoo. Zoo leaders say Kelly first showed the
art ability about 5 years ago. Zoo workers watched her make the marks in the sand with her trunk (象鼻) .
She rubbed out (抹去) the marks, then made the new ones. The zoo workers gave her brushes and paints.
Soon Kelly was painting pictures. Newspaper reporters wrote about Kelly, and then people went to buy her
pictures. And in this way she made a lot of money for the zoo by painting.
     This is how Kelly does the painting. A zoo worker holds different color paints and Kelly touches the colors
she wants. Then the worker gives her the chosen colors to the brushes in her trunk and Kelly begins to paint.
1. We most probably read this story in____.
A. a magazine
B. a newspaper
C. a history textboo
2. Kelly first learned to draw pictures _____.
A. in the sand with her trunk
B. to make money
C. when she was 5 years old
3. People asked for Kelly"s pictures because_____ .
A. they just wanted to have fun
B. the zoo leaders asked them to do so
C. the zoo workers asked them to do so
4. Kelly rubbed out the marks she had made in order to _____.
A. make other ones
B. clean her trunk
C. ask for more brushes and paints
5. From the story we can know that _____.
A. Kelly can draw nice pictures all by herself
B. Kelly doesn"t like to draw pictures at all
C. Kelly can draw pictures with the help of the zoo workers
    China"s Zhou Yang won the Olympic Games women"s l 500-metre short-track gold on Saturday. 
    "I told myself a few days ago" Zhou Yang, you can do this","the 18-year-old olympic newcomer said.
"I believed in myself."
    "This gold medal will change things. It will give me more confidence. It will give my mum a better
     China"s Shen Xue, aged 31, and Zhao Hongbo, aged 36, celebrated St. Valentine"s Day and the Chinese
New Year by winning a gold medal in the pairs figure skating at the Vancouver Olympics on Sunday. "We
have not competed(比赛)much in the last two years and we came back to compete at the Olympic Games
as it is our dream to win an Olympic gold medal."
    China"s Wang Meng won again her Olympic women"s 500-meter short-track skating title on Wednesday. 
   "I have a lot of confidence.I feel that it"s my duty to win that. It"s still the Chi- nese New Year holiday," she
 said,"Kowtow(磕头)was the only way to express my thanks to the coaches, team leaders and teammates."
1. How old is the Olympic newcomer, Zhou Yang?
2. What is Shen Xue and Zhao Hongbo"s dream?
A. To celebrate Chinese New Year.
B. To give their parents a better life.
C. To win an Olympic gold medal.
D. To spend a special Valentine"s Day.
3. In what sport did Wang Meng win the gold medal?
A. Figure skating.
B. Women"s 1500-metre short-track skating.
C. Skiing.
D. Women"s 500-metre short-track skating.
4. Where may you probably read this passage?
A. In a story book.
B. In a news report.
C. In a TV play.
D. In an advertisement.