阅读短文,选择正确答案。     Be as Good as Your Words Japanese Prime Minister (首相) Junichiro

阅读短文,选择正确答案。     Be as Good as Your Words Japanese Prime Minister (首相) Junichiro

阅读短文,选择正确答案。     Be as Good as Your Words Japanese Prime Minister (首相) Junichiro Koizumi on April 22 apologized (道歉)
for his country"s past in the wars. 
     "In the past, Japan did great damage (破坏) and brought suffering to the people of many countries, especially
those in Asia," he said.
     He was talking to 100 Asian and African leaders at a meeting in Jakarta, Indonesia.
     China and Japan are having a hard time these days. China is angry at Japan because Japan doesn"t face its
     For example, Japan started the war with Chian in the 1930s and 1940s. But one of its new history textbooks
says China started the war!
     Chinese Chairman Hu Jintao met Koizumi on April 23. Hu said China wanted to be friends with Japan. But he
 also told Koizumi that Japan needed to use history as a mirror (镜子) and face the past.
     China and Japan are both important countries in the world .The two leaders agree a good friendship will be
good for both countries.
     The two countries sell a lot of goods to each other .Last year ,China overtook the US to become the biggest
trading partner (贸易伙伴) with Japan.
     Koizumi"s apology is a good start. Now, it"s important for Japan to match its words with action.
                                                                                        From the 21st Century 4-28-2005 1. What does the underlined word "suffering" mean? [     ]
A. Anger
B. Pain
C. Money
D. Change 2. China is angry at Japan because Japan _______. [     ]
A. is a developed country
B. started many wars
C. is not a good trading partner
D. doesn"t face its past 3. From the news, we can know that _______. [     ]
A. Japan never keeps its word
B. China will get on well with Japan if Japan can keep its word
C. China doesn"t care about its relationship with Japan
D. China and Japan will not get along well in the future
1-3: BDB
题型:河北省模拟题难度:| 查看答案
                The Games comes to China
    China hosted its first Olympic Games from August
8 to 24.Move than 10,000 athletes were at the
Games. They broke 38 world records. China won
the most gold medals with 51.
                       New man for the USE
    The man in the picture is 47-year -old Barack
Obama. This year he was elected President of
America. He will also be the country"s first black
                      China"s Space Walk 
    Zhai Zhigang and his two partners got a warm
welcome after leaving the Shenzhou VII
spacecraft. (宇宙飞船) On September 27, Zhai
finished Chin a"s first space walk. China has
become the third country to walk in space, after the
US and the former Soviet Union. (前苏联)

                         Economic Crisis
    The world now has a big economic crisis (经济危
机). It started with some US housing
companies. Then it __ spread ___to other
businesses in the world.Banks and governments
are losing money. The cost of living is rising
and many are going through hard times. Some
people even lost their jobs.
题型:河北省模拟题难度:| 查看答案
          The highest bridge in the world
A bridge in France is the tallest in the world. It
is 270 meters high and 2.46 kilometers long. The
highest pillar (桥墩) is 343 meters high, 23 meters
higher than the Eiffel Tower (埃菲尔铁塔).

Beckham on the cover (封面) of Big Comics
     If you like football, you must know David
Beckham. He is a famous football player from
England. But do you know that he is on the
cover of Big Comics Superior? Big Comics
Superior is a magazine in Japan. Football can
go around the world.
          Year of Einstein (爱因斯坦年)
    The Year of Einstein started in Germany
to remember the 50th anniversary (周年) of
Albert Einstein"s passing away and 100th
anniversary of the General Theory of Relativity
(广义相对论). Einstein was born in Germany.
He lived and taught in Germany from 1914 to
    Building a bridge across the straits (海峡)
    The Chinese mainland (大陆) and Taiwan
have become closer now after Taiwanese leaders"
(***) visits and talks across the straits.
On May 3, Kuomintang Chairman (国民党主席)
Lien Chan finished his eight-day visit to the

    And now if you often listen to this program, you"ll know that it"s time for our weekly competition. Last
week"s prize of two theatre   1   was won by Bill Martins. Congratulations, Bill. I hope you"ve received your
tickets by now. This week we are   2   a classical (经典的) CD to the first listener who can name the piece
of music and the person who   3   it. I"m going to play the piece of music in a few minutes, but before I do,
you need to get a pencil and a piece of paper, as I"m going to give you some   4   which should make your
job a little easier. Are you ready? Right. Now listen carefully, as you might be this week"s lucky winner.
    Although the person who wrote the music was born in Italy, he spent most of his   5   in Spain. Have you
got that? On to the second point: there is also a famous play which has the same title as this music and which
is usually performed (演出) in the open air in summer. Any   6   yet? I should warn you that it"s not that easy.
Now for the next point: when this piece of music was first performed, many people in the audience (观众) got
up and   7  . They thought the music was terrible and said it was a waste of their money. It"s amazing really,
when you think how   8   it is today. And now for the last point: part of his music has been used for an
advertisement which you can see on   9   and in a lot of magazines. I"m sure when you hear the music, you"ll
know what the advertisement is  10 . I"m not going to tell you what product it is, because that would almost
give you the answer!
    So, that"s four things to remember. If you can give us the answer, please ring 8937224. And the music is
coming up now…
题型:河北省模拟题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1. A. letters    
(     )2. A. selling    
(     )3. A. wrote       
(     ) 4. A. trouble    
(     )5. A. life       
(     )6. A. question    
(     )7. A. walked out  
(     )8. A. painful    
(     )9. A. environment 
(     )10. A. of         
B. tickets          
B. agreeing          
B. discovered        
B. friendship        
B. composition      
B. idea              
B. enjoyed themselves 
B. opposite          
B. watch            
B. for              
C. cards      
C. becoming    
C. agreed      
C. help        
C. favorite    
C. thing      
C. sang together  
C. necessary  
C. TV          
C. near        
D. addresses    
D. offering     
D. practiced                         
D. secret       
D. dream        
D. body         
D. fell off     
D. popular      
D. experience   
D. across       
                                                         Special Events This Weekend
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                                                                 Captain Goodfellow
     Do your children enjoy interesting stories, funny games and exciting dances?
     Captain Goodfellow will be ready to teach all these things to children of all ages at the City Theater on
Saturday morning at 10:00. Free.
                                                                Films at the Museum
     Two classical European films will be shown on Saturday afternoon at the Museum Theater. See Broken
Windows at 1:30. The Workers will be at 3:45. For further information, call 4987898.
                                                         Do You Want to Hear "The Zoo"?
     "The Zoo", a popular rock group from Australia, will give their first US concert tomorrow night at 8:00
at Rose Hall, City College.
     News 1
     Yuan Longping,the father of hybrid rice (杂交水稻), won the World Food Prize on Monday. Yuan
developed the world"s first popular and widely known hybrid rice. Hybrid rice plants can make more
rice than common ones.
     News 2
     Liu Xiang won China"s first gold medal in the world championships (锦标赛) in 12. 95 seconds.
     "Everybody wants to wm a world title. I was nervous before the race. But I dealt with it so I"m very
happy," Liu said with a smile after the race.
     Some reporters noticed that at the start, Liu Xiang was crying. He said that is his way of letting off
pressure. "My start wasn"t good, maybe because I was nervous or because I was a bit slow," he said.
     Liu will run next at the Shanghai Grand Prix (大奖赛) meeting at the end of September. He is
confident (自信的) after winning the gold medal. "I want people to know how fast I am," he said.
"This is number one speed. There"s nothing I can"t do."
     News 3
     Have you ever got angry at books that are full of mistakes? Don"t worry, things will get better soon.
Last week, China started checking textbooks, dictionaries and children" s books all over the country. The
government said the results of the check would come out at the end of J une.
     News 4
     Last Wednesday Medvedev (梅德韦杰夫) took over from Vladimir Putin (普京). At the age of 42,
he becomes the youngest president of modern Russia.
     Medvedev was born to a family of teachers. He read a lot from a young age. After university, the
soft-spoken young man went on to teach law at university and became very popular with his students.
     In 2005, Medvedev became the first deputy prime minister (第一副总理). But he was as friendly as
before. "He has not changed. He invited me to his home," said Vera Smirnova, Medvedev"s first teacher.
"In Russia, only two politicians (政治家) have invited their first teachers to their homes, Medvedev and
1. Yuan Longping won the World Food Prize because he  _____. 
[     ]
A. was the father of his children
B. liked to eat hybrid rice
C. developed hybrid rice
D. spent a long time to research hybrid rice
2. Why was Liu Xiang crying at the start?
[     ]
A It"s his way to reduce pressure.
B. He was nervous.
C. He was a bit slow.
D. He was excited.
3. What Medvedev"s first teacher said shows _____.
[     ]
A. Medvedev is as friendly as before
B. Medvedev and Putin were her students
C. Medvedev has changed
D. Medvedev and Putin invited her to their homes